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Everything posted by fern

  1. Skinny ankles may be a problem. Cut some padding from some closed cell foam and pad down the sides of your ankles over those bumpy bones, between the shell and the liner. I've heard that wrapping the strap over your ankle INSIDE the boot tongue works sometimes.
  2. fern


    then why are you posting rather than climbing loser?
  3. 50' of hooking
  4. the online/mail-order gear forum is a good place to post your feedback on buying stuff online. Also a good place to get forewarning of outfits not worth dealing with. There may already be a thread on Sportextreme in the archives, it may be relevant to add your comments there. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/postlist.php/Cat/0/Board/UBB16
  5. it may be possible with a partner. it may be a longshot without one. I am just looking to accumulate beta here so I can make some decisions. Feel free to spew it without any assumptions of what I may or may not be capable of
  6. thank you all for the xtra beta. If I tackle this or any other trade route in Zion I am unlikely to do it in a push or quickly. Any other beta about bivy ledges/hauling would also be appreciated.
  7. should arrive march 21-22 probably - driving from LA. dru I have some empties around here ... you can have them for the return deposit
  8. ah ... found my own R&I ish. thanks for the ref.
  9. I will go to Zion if I get this topo in time to have it silkscreened on my windshirt. I plan to make an all cam-hook ascent
  10. I have searched online for a topo of this route and not found one. Does anyone have one?
  11. I like to wear a long sleeve button up shirt, roll sleeves up or down, undo or do up buttons, turn collar up against the wind etc, very versatile on warm-in-the-sun-freeze-in-the-shade days. Psychological adjustment helps with cold climbing too - just because you can't feel your fingers doesn't mean they won't work just the same as if they were warm, so don't worry about it and just keep climbing instead of trying to warm them mid-pitch and tiring out. Also don't wear sunglasses even when it's bright - squinting fools you into thinking it is summer
  13. lets not have this thread degenerate to attacking dude's qualification to comment because he hasn't finished 2 NOLS courses. I for one am excited to hear there will soon be new options for windshirts on the market! Thanks for the heads up FOA
  14. fern

    Leisure Town

    The Gallery of Regrettable Foods is at the Institute of Official Cheer http://www.lileks.com/institute/index.html
  15. It looks to me like there's no way the inside cams can move independently - so it's essentially a TCU. But I am just a girl and bad at 3D spatializations ... so maybe I am wrong?
  16. They've been bringing these in every few months all winter. The women's version is only $35 ... and comes in pretty colours like Lavender and Taupe. I summited Mt. Adams in mine. I did not die ... phew! After 3 or 4 washings some of the top stiching is coming out though. NBD, I know how to sew. I think the reason it looks like it was made for climbers is that it is practically a stitch by stitch ripoff of an MEC model ... maybe fishstick can comment on that. I think the same company got in trouble last year for trademark infringement on Lululemon yogawear knock-offs. The women's version brand is AVIA, the men's has a different label name.
  17. fern

    Old Nuts

    is there anything more fancy about them than just being a chunk of Al tube with the ends cut at an angle? You could make your own with a vice, a hacksaw, and a hand-drill no?
  19. you can wear polypro. just don't layer with shorts.
  20. forecast is looking drier. I will pack my prana ()
  21. if the forecast is good, and I can carpool with some gapers I want to go.
  22. here is an essay on what feminism means. I hope Jennifer Jordan makes a truck load of money off her book, even more so if it is a heap of garbage.
  23. you are all so lame for not showing up to my party
  24. I'd go down to Bham once in a while to hang, but I need more than 1 or 2 days notice which is all you've been giving the last several "events". I'm having a party in 1 minutes you are all invited
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