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Everything posted by fern

  1. fern

    Belay Loop Issues

    I think it was in High or similar british mag
  2. fern

    No climbing? WTF?

    I dunno. it's reachy hard at the bottom and slippery hard in the middle and easy at the top where it's hardly ever been climbed because flailers fail halfway up
  3. fern

    No climbing? WTF?

    which one?
  4. no. OMB tucks the pickets into the compression straps of his pack. I put them through the gear loops on my harness, the pickets aren't attached to the pack at all.
  5. I have slid them up into my gear loops from below and then clipped the sling to the loop, they then point up and back along the side of the pack. You can nest them together to get several pickets per loop, though 3-4 per side is probably about the maximum.
  6. when you get to squamish you should go to a gear store (eg Valhalla Pure Outfitters) thumb through the guidebooks available there, and buy whichever one you like better.
  7. fern


    in cc.com world however the converse is not always true
  8. there's different kinds of chains/rings. Some are easily replaced or renovated and some will require a complete anchor rebuild once worn out. It should be obvious which is the naughtiest type to TR or lower through. If you do regularily lower through the chains at the very least though you should be carrying a few quicklinks and a wrench to replace worn ones you see.
  9. wicked! This is such a beautiful looking line.
  10. The Lillarete on Mt. Athelstan seems to have overmatched a number of parties.
  11. fern

    Dear Car Talk...

    I was not wrong. Catalytic converter is part of the exhaust system. I suggested it was loose. First reply.
  12. from my memory the long end needs to be long enough to wrap several times around, and you thread it through the front of leg loops (one threading per wrap). I would probably tie it off w/ a multiple fishermans, but I think any knot that you can snug up, and won't come undone would work.
  13. aren't there diagrams of this in Freedom of the Hills? used to be. RTFM
  14. sounds like SCS
  15. Endless Summer 2 the soundtrack to the (original) Endless Summer was by The Sandals :geek:
  16. fern

    Only the press...

    what tipped you off? Was it where she was quoted in the paper as saying she hoped to make some money off of the 'revelation' to pay off her kids' college debts?
  17. I suppose it should be obvious, but you can always drill multiple abackeroff threads and equalize them if you don't trust just the one. The limiting factor on building retreat anchors often comes down to having enough string to tie stuff together.
  18. if you can injure yourself hitting the tree on the way down then the tree is in on the way up. It's only aid if you placed the tree.
  19. fern

    Dear Car Talk...

    is your exhaust system loose? whenever I hear a rattle I have a sophisticated method of localizing the problem. This involves walking around and kicking or whacking various parts of the vehicle until I replicate the rattle.
  20. 6000m would put them 100m above the summit of Logan. But I guess the point is that they are up there quite high.
  21. lemme be the first. Too many acronyms. You paying by the keystroke or something? we aren't all locals. Welcome to cc.com ...
  22. dude you ask too many questions. you should just chill out and have an adventure learning your way around squamish yourself. the approach to klahanie crack is about 10 minutes.
  23. As I understand it, Star Chek and all the routes in that area are highly NOT recommended right now due to damage to rock and hardware from highway construction: loose rock and general sketchiness.
  24. reminder: falcon closures I heard a rumour that the closure area may be expanded to include parts of the Grand Wall, as it was a few years back when the birds nested in the Flats.
  25. someone convinced me it would be fun to do with only nuts and hexes too ... so the gear was only so-so
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