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Everything posted by lizard_brain

  1. lizard_brain


    Polycarbonate coffee/espresso maker, anyone? ...And guess who sells them!!! ;)
  2. lizard_brain


    McCoffee? Better than Starbucks?
  3. milk > gasoline too Where in the hell are you buying it?
  4. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ bottled water > gasoline now THAT'S funny...
  5. What - for 2009?
  6. I keep wanting to ride them, but haven't since I got hit head on by a car while riding one years ago. Like drugs... tempting but not worth it.
  7. If you don't like it, there's always the Patagonia-bashing thread...
  8. i hear they run there, you'd like it. But are they color-coordinated?
  9. Buy one jacket, get a free membership to the Baby Seal Club.
  10. Now that's entertainment.
  11. Yeah, I am SO tempted to go out after work and go do speed runs... But I know if I do it will cost me more than I gain. One more day, two at the most, and I will be much better off. Chances are, if I push it, I'll be exhausted in a couple of days, and in a couple of weeks will wind up flat on my back sick for 5-6 days. If I push it too long on the endurance training, my immune system takes a nose-dive.
  12. I haven't paid much attention to this thread, but I'm now 25 pounds down from where I was almost a year ago. First time I have had a 'normal' bmi in a few years.
  13. P.S. That's a pretty good example of the way I play it...
  14. Hmmm... Stopped climbing just over 2 weeks ago, ramped up the running because of it, and resting heart rate has gone up by 10 beats per minute the last couple of days, 24 hours, waking rate included. Had a mini-crash Sunday and didn't finish my long run. Was doing great time, too. Yesterday was a scheduled day off. Today my nose is running and heart rate is lower but still increased. I say it's time for an extra day or two off...
  15. I do purchasing for various hospital labs around Seattle (that shall be nameless), and they use more Nalgene than glass because it's cheaper and doesn't break. They make all sorts of stuff - Nalgene test tubes, beakers, etc. The 1-Liter bottles were originally lab equipment before they became popular as urban drinking bottles.
  16. I see. I'm used to thinking of 'resting heart rate' as my heart rate when I first wake up in the morning. That's why I asked. I see what you mean now...
  17. In other news... REI sells climbing hardware?
  18. What do you mean? Do you mean you experience elevated resting heart rate during the times that you are pushing it?
  19. I don't know if you were refering to my ankle breaking fall?? but for the record my partner did not burn his hands because he knows how to belay. the fall was my fault. DON'T MAKE UP BS INFO!!!!!! No, it wasn't you, so cool off. Don't give yourself so much credit - I've never even heard of you.
  20. I numbered all of my pieces, 1 thru 13, cams and nuts, but I don't remember which numbers I had with me at the time. It's mine.
  21. I just like REI because I can return my gear when I'm done using it.
  22. I bought all of my hardware, my last 3 packs, my last 2 pairs of boots, two sleeping bags, assorted clothes, and my last rope at PMS. -Mostly more serious gear. At REI I bought my trekking poles, a lanyard for my work ID card, insect repellent, 5 boxes of Gu (25% off), a bandana, gloves (on sale), a 5-oz. capacity water bottle, a couple of slings, a pair of plastic spoons... -Mostly nickle-and-dime stuff.
  23. Doesn't ANYONE wear belay gloves? Why did she burn her hands? Same story on the other guy that broke his ankle a few weeks ago... His belayer burned up his hands too. Just wear one - on the brake hand - no more friction burns. Why not? Just curious...
  24. Yes, but look at the bright side - they do have Life is Good ceramic pet bowls.
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