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Everything posted by lizard_brain

  1. lizard_brain


    Man, I was gonna go off on dinomite's post, but I got to thinkin' about some of my married freinds - my married climbing buddies, and it isn't so bad with all of them. I have one couple that I go on trips with, and they are great. Crude humor (both of them and me), and I don't have to watch what I say around them... Another that climbs but his wife doesn't, but she likes having him out of the house now and then. But there are others that I could swear they have to say "Yes ma'am" and "No ma'am" when they ask permission to climb, and when I'm around her, he keeps looking at me out of the corner of his eye like I'm going to say something wrong, so I don't say a word, so this heavey silence naturally makes the atmosphere more suspicious. From the viewpoint of a guy that's been single for life so far, it seems that some marriages work great, some don't, and there ain't no magic formula. I decided long ago that I don't like living with other people (not that I don't like other people, but I like living alone), and that I'm way too irrisponsible to be married and/or have kids. Ironic, because that was quite a responsible decision. But I gotta say, I really like being able to just walk out the door, and come back when I want. And my previous post was an example of what my relationship with many of my married friends is like: "Let's go ride bikes!" "I gotta go ask my wife first."
  2. lizard_brain


    "Let's go ride bikes!" "I have to go ask my wife."
  3. lizard_brain


    Enjoy the fun, but you do realize that single men die sooner than married men. I rather die young and happy then old and miserable Beat me to it... I'll give a couple of years for a life of freedom...
  4. lizard_brain


    I am a hetero atheist bachelor, and this thread is cracking me up.
  5. Drugs and synergetics.
  6. After that Wiki link, I need drugs.
  7. I like the edit. I deleted his website from my first post also - don't want to give him too much credit...
  8. I've been up there 31 times, and the only month I haven't been up there is December. I used to bring crampons and snowshoes all the time during fall/winter trips, but stopped bringing the crampons because I never have used them, and if I did need them, the snowshoes would work.
  9. "Send me your resume to:" Sure. I'll send my resume to someone that can't even speak English. Two grammatical errors in a five-word sentence. I'd let you be responsible for my career future.
  10. It's a troll - an advertisement, actually. ***link deleted***
  11. ...Which it can fast this time of year. One time in November I spent hours in near-zero visibility going back to Paradise from Muir with just a compass bearing. Made it okay, but it was just unnerving not being able to see at all, and spending hours getting down what on a good day would be about an 80-minute run.
  12. Any time of year is good for Muir, as long as the weather is good. But I'd recommend it just as a day trip rather than an overnight. (The earlier you start, the better.)
  13. That's what I'm thinking... I had a bit of bad luck with the pair of trail runners I bought and did the Wonderland Trail with a couple of years ago. Did the first 50 miles in 2 days, and finished the trip in 2.5 days. My pack was 13 pounds before food & water. But I wear Brooks running shoes for training and marathoning and I think they're great, and I'm thinking about giving Brooks trail running shoes a try, just because they might fit the same. I don't even remember what I used on the Wonderland Trail - they blistered my toes, and threw them away when I got home.
  14. I tried trail running shoes on an ultralight backpack trip a couple of years ago - blistered my toes. Decided it was the brand and not the type of shoe. I've been running for a couple of years, and am considering switching from light-weight boots to trail running shoes for approaches and hikes.
  15. Anyone have experience or opinions regarding the difference between trail running shoes and regular running shoes? Any significant difference? Just hype?
  16. Shouldn’t you be asking that question to our current president? He is the one with over one millions dead people on his conscious. Reminds me of the funniest bumper sticker I ever saw: The only bush I trust is my own.
  17. Why do you hate America so much?
  18. That's the first post I read from the bone that I actually thought was funny.
  19. Are they all fat and bald?
  20. lizard_brain


    ...C'mon, guess!!!
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