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Everything posted by lizard_brain

  1. I recently read an article on FARK about a handicapped guy that was PO'd about the fact that nearly every time he went to the grocery store, he couldn't get an electric cart because all the fatties were riding around the store on them. He was saying that they're supposed to be for disabled people, not FAT people! He was upset, to say the least.
  2. Perhaps it's who I know, but I know more athletes who've required extensive, expensive, knee surgery than morbidly obese. i don't know any athletes who've had that type of surgery, but lots of obese people who have Me too. There have been two just in my office that have had it done. I thought if one of them lost 100 pounds (she was at least that much overweight), I'll bet she wouldn't need the knee surgeries. The other is only about 50 or 60 pounds overweight. (Only.) Imagine carrying around an extra 100 pounds wherever you go! I thought 20 was a lot! She has to do a powerlift every time she gets up from her desk!
  3. This is my selling point to get people to take me with them. I make re-entry into the regular world of fat people much easier. Hey, I'm here to help. what the fuck are you laughing at, scrawny? My goodness, look at the time - I have to go throw up!
  4. This is my selling point to get people to take me with them. I make re-entry into the regular world of fat people much easier. Hey, I'm here to help.
  5. One thing I find is that after a multi-day trip in the mountains, after we get back and go to the nearest town to find something to eat, we go walking down the street, and I find I am asking myself 'What are all of these FAT people doing here?' EVERYONE looks fat in these towns after a few days climbing with some reasonably healthy friends.
  6. Switched from the deep-fried Twinkies? Used low-fat oil?
  7. Yeah, I agree it's thier business, but I don't want to pay for it. I want points or a price break on my health insurance for having a normal BMI and exercising and not smoking, etc., just like I get a discount on my car insurance for safe driving. I don't want to pay for someone else's adult onset diabetes and high blood pressure and quadruple bypass. Ditto. A matter of virtue? No. A matter of responsibility? Yes. Many life threatening conditions have an overwhelmingly genetic component. It's not all "personal responsibility" (not even half or a quarter, an a lot of cases). Are you saying that you want a price break (or you want others to pay more, same thing) for your/their genetics? Yes. Anything that'll save me money. After all, I am completely self-involved. Not genetic - statisics.
  8. I ate my television. Probably got more out of it that way...
  9. There we go - resting heart rate around 52. Run 30+ miles a week. Ran 17 miles yesterday. (Marathon approaching.) Yeah, I look at these people like my doc and my cousin, and wonder what they think when they have to deal with people that are practically killing themselves, and just making excuses while they do it. It's their choice, I guess.
  10. When I was first diagnosed with high blood pressure, my doc just whipped out the RX pad and started writing up a prescription. I asked him to hang on, and if there wasn't some other alternative. He gave me the details, and I did what he said. He later told me that he automatically gets out the pad because he finally learned that nobody listens to him when he tells them what to do to lower their blood pressure - they just nod and say 'Okay', and go home and do nothing different, and even lie to him out of embarassment when they come back. 120/70 - I'll prolly never see that, though I do reach 125/75 now and then. (I check it a few times a month.)
  11. And I am living proof that an overweight person (BMI-wise) can drop 20-30 pounds relatively easily and keep it off (so far), and change from high blood pressure to normal by changing diet alone and refusing the drugs. (My highest recorded BP was 160/105. Currently it's around 135/78.)
  12. NO WAY!
  13. Or my vasectomy.
  14. Yeah, I agree it's thier business, but I don't want to pay for it. I want points or a price break on my health insurance for having a normal BMI and exercising and not smoking, etc., just like I get a discount on my car insurance for safe driving. I don't want to pay for someone else's adult onset diabetes and high blood pressure and quadruple bypass.
  15. I hear so much stuff from people that say they can't lose weight. But when I look at what they're eating, and how much of it... I sat down in the break room to eat my lunch with two gigantic women at a place where I was working some years ago. One of them said 'Is that all you're gonna eat?' I wanted to say 'If I ate as much as you, I'd be as fat as you', but working for the state at the time, I could have been fired in a second for not being completely PC. I just shrugged. 'Yeah.'
  16. I have a cousin that's a surgeon - he says more and more often they're needing to put two operating tables together to make them big enough to hold the fatties, and it takes so much more time to do simple operations to cut through all that fat and sew it back up again.
  17. FATTIE THREAD! :tup:
  18. es.
  19. Y
  20. Here's the article....
  21. I know about them from the UW - they are using them to clean up parts of campus as an alternative to spraying toxins that will eventually wind up in Lake Washington, among other places. They rented something like 60, and they are talking about buying some and using them year round.
  22. Tammy Dunakin, Rent-A-Ruminant, POB 1345 Vashon, WA 98070, 206-251-1051, email - tdunakin@hotmail.com Ren-a ruminant Web page is not complete yet.
  23. lizard_brain


    Trader Joe's Organic Mac & Cheese w/ copious amounts of Tabasco Sauce. Penne Pasta & Clam Sauce.
  24. My boss is on vacation so I just up and left early today.
  25. Wut?
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