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Everything posted by chelle

  1. Watch out though...after a couple days Sudafed causes insomnia. Best thing to do for a simple cold/flu is to drink lots of fluids, and some chicken soup, take some zinc (or Zicam), and get rest. Let the nose run, let your eyes puff up so you look like crap. Maybe the boss will take pity on you and send you home.
  2. So what are you going to do after that first 10 minutes.
  3. I was just thinking about that too. I came in for a late lunch, checked my computer for important email and cc.com spray, and saw three pages of new spray. Doesn't anybody have anything to do at work anymore???????????????????????????????? Don't you guys know that all the work gets done at meetings, so when people are at their desks they neew to wast a bit of time before the next meeting?
  4. Also, the cost would be put on the rescued person even if they did not feel a helicopter rescue was necessary. Once a call is placed to the dept the wheels could be set in motion for a $1000 rescue bill and the person may have only had a sprained ankle. I recall a rescue situation last year on Glacier Peak, where a call was placed so that a rescue would NOT be initiated by the party's families when they didn't show up. Didn't matter. The call started the rescue. I think that 50 or more people were involved and a helicopter used.
  5. True, true. But I can mentally justify the cost with more days of climbing. Preferably a few more days than one.
  6. I hope you get good gas mileage.
  7. you better move to somewhere that is warmer if you want to be neked everyday. I'd want to drive real fast on mountain roads and I agree with SEd I'd want to blow stuff up. Better learn how before everybody else takes off though. Would there still be the internet to learn from? Hey Necro, have you seen the trailer for the new natural disater movie? Something like the worst storm in 10,000 years buries the earth in flood and snow. I think there are only a few people left after it's over. Coming to a theatre near you next memorial day.
  8. Ones with good friends and some climbing thrown in. Thankfully the majority of my climbing outings qualify.
  9. They're a real group boyz. I met a few women in the Bay Area chicksrock group, but then decided to move up here. Thanks for the notice JuneBug. Hopefully a few of the women on this site can show. I have other commitments this week, so let me know when the next gig is please.
  10. chelle

    Life sucks!

    Yes, Sisu. I recognize that some people have it worse than me. There will always be someone whose situation is far worse than whatever I am dealing with. And I suppose that given your first hand knowledge of how bad it can be makes me seem like a petty, selfish person. Yep that's me. Just a terrible person for expressing disappointment for something I had planned for, worked for, and really needed, not turning out the way I wanted. Whatever. I genuinely hope life turns out for that kid. Sorry for troubling you with my sucky life.
  11. Hi Jim. Check your pms.
  12. chelle

    Life sucks!

    So I've been waiting for some good news on school and just found out that I am an alternate. Onto plan B I guess...
  13. Hope you didn't have to wake the homeless in B'ham to get that shot... It's too early in the morning. Or did you just take your stash outside. I expected a lineup of fine single malts.
  14. chelle

    Holy Shit

    Congrats. Kurt. That's exciting. And Catbird...I hope your wife doesn't read this site.
  15. True...true..or have plastic corks (at least the NZ and Aussie ones do). For a great screwtop wine check out something from Bonnie Doon winery down in Santa Cruz. Their Cardinal Zin is awesome!
  16. You live way too close to the Boone's Farm and Thunderbird manufacturer to weigh in on this issue. Just push said cork into said bottle and enjoy!
  17. Lummox -Was that four or just for? What about the escape of Heinrich Harrier and his buddy (can't recall the name) from India to Tibet? I think it was 15 months of wandering before they reached Lhasa.
  18. Holy cow that's a big machine. I don't see any rivers or barges around it. How the heck do they transport it around?
  19. chelle

    Damaged goods

  20. I believe Built to Spill/Delusions is a 21+ show. There's an all ages thing happening at the Showbox. Death Cab for Cutie is playing.
  21. Ahh. Haven't seen it. Have fun.
  22. You outfitting a new house there Xternal? Saturday night Built to Spill is playing at the Pyramid Alehouse. Check it out and look for a few of us hanging out.
  23. chelle

    Get tough Newbies!

    Good one Bug. Have you been to a pub club? Don't think we've met yet.
  24. I'm heading south to my CA roots. Spend time with family and friends, and maybe check in on one of my favorite places...Yosemite Valley!
  25. WoooHoo!
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