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Everything posted by chelle

  1. chelle


    Well now it makes more sense. With the kids, I would still check out the Thaiwand wall cave during the day, but I'd recommend not taking them down into the lagoon unless they are not afraid of exposure and are good easy 5th class scramblers. In and around Bangkok, you can book tours with an english speaking interpreter at your hotel. It can make it more interesting to learn the history. You may enjoy seeing the grand palace and Wat Po. The kids will get to see school children being taught by monks at Wat Po. Outside Bangkok, the floating market and the JEATH museum/bridge over River Kwai (sp?) are really cool. Saw a tout out walking his elephant to the river for a bath. One of the coolest things I encountered during my second trip to Bangkok. Finally had the feeling that I couldn't see that at home, and got into the groove of traveling.
  2. When I started rock climbing I was hooked. I climbed at the gym as often as I could and got out on rock in the Bay area with my partner one or two weekends a month. That winter I sprained my neck pretty badly in a snowboarding accident and was forced to take nearly 2 years off from most activities. I focused on my career and relationship, which I was neglecting during the intense year that I climbed. When I could start doing activities again I picked up mountain biking, cause that was something my ex-was into and climbing certainly was not. My partner had moved away and I was too shy at the time to just go to the gym and bum belays off people I didn't know. After a year I needed to climb, but got into mountaineering because I didn't need as much technical expertise to do that and I thought if I just bagged a few volcanes a year and bigger trip every 3 years or so I would be satisfied. That didn't work out because the rock kept calling and I found another partner who liked to go mountaineering and also climbed rocks. Eventually I chose climbing and living in a community of climbers over a lot of other things in my life and moved up to Seattle. Started technical rock climbing again and took most of last year off just doing that. Had to take almost 5 months off this summer cause of a strained shoulder joint, and realized then that cragging and easy straightforward alpine routes have much more appeal right now than bagging peaks and carrying heavy packs. I think interest in different types of climbing for me goes in waves and I'll probably cycle through them as I meet partners with specific interests and I want to do climbs with them.
  3. maybe you should check out this site ...
  4. That falls under the "more than a mouthful is a waste" category.
  5. not true. i bought booze yesterday and bitch said i needed a second form of I.D. i told her to fuck herself with the vodka bottle and tell her boss why they were out the $$$. cunt. And I am sure they are way bummed that they lost YOU as a customer. BTW, that last word is so offensive I am suprised she didn't break the bottle over your head then shove it up your
  6. Just makes me realize that those long dark cold winter nights are on their way...
  7. chelle


    Wow, I thought 3.5 weeks wasn't enough time to explore everything I wanted to. Since your time is limited, definately go check out climbs at The Keep, Hidden Wall, and the Melting Wall. All a little different and way cool rock formations.
  8. how bout sex on the beach? or sex any where for that matter That falls under the warmth and excited category. Sex on the beach can be sandy, but if proper techniquie is used it's great. With the right partner anytime, anywhere is a given!
  9. Just spreading the word. On a serious note...You should all be doing monthly testicular self exams too. One of the deadliest cancers and detectible early if you're familiar with how yours feel.
  10. Lummox said: I'm glad your family was safely evac'd and hope they don't lose their homes. Back in the mid 90's there was another huge set of fires in San Diego. I had family evacuated and they called their house periodically to check whether the answering machine picked up. If it didn't they figured their house was gone. Fortunately they were spared.
  11. You know men get breast cancer too. Maybe you guys should get comfortable with yer buddies and start giving some
  12. Pavement has a great song on the Crooked Rain album. - - - - - Unfair Down to santa rosa half moon bay Across the grapevine to l.a. We’ve got deserts, we’ve got trees We’ve got the hills of beverly Let’s burn the hills of beverly!! Walk with your credit card in the air!! Swing your nachos like you just don’t care!! (your guess is as good as mine) This is the slow sick sucking part of me This is the slow sick sucking part of me And when I’m sucking kisses diee..worrkk [? ? ] Up to the top of shasta gulch And to the bottom of the tahoe lakes Manmade deltas and concrete rivers The south takes what the north delivers You fill hack? ? ? Lost in the foothills of my mind Drinking sterno, say good night To the last psychedelic band From sac’to, northern cal. From sac’to northern cal. Take it; neighbor; cuz you’re my neighbor; And I mean famous; you’re my neighbor; You do me favors; cuz I’m your neighbor; I’m not your neighbor, you bakersfield trash. Traaaaaash! traaaaaash!!!
  13. MisterE - you forgot to add white sand beach and 80 degree ocean waves with palm trees and fruity cocktails. And suntanned cute cabana boys! That's my favorite!
  14. thats the salton sea ya moron. got a better idea of the scope of the fires now? Oh, thanks for setting me straight, chicken little. I thought it was just Plam Springs and the surrounding desert cities area. The fires are unfortunate, because so many homes are burning and people have been killed. In scope they're really not much different than fires in BC this summer and you weren't all up in arms about them. This sort of thing happens every few years in CA when there is the right mix of santa ana winds and dry temps. Later this winter there will likely be a lot of rain and massive mudslides with homes falling off into the ocean after being reclaimed by the sea. Stay tuned to your news station for CA devastation 2003/2004.
  15. Or near that huge golf course pictured in the lower right of the sat photo.
  16. Hey Dru. PLEASE make your photos a little smaller. Some of us don't have a 20" monitor and having to scroll up/down and sideways gets tiring...
  17. Went belaying...had fun.
  18. chelle


    This thread is a riot. I can't believe how many of you guys are sooo in the closet about your phobias. Get over it.
  19. chelle


    I forgot to include the tip.
  20. chelle


    You can rent ropes, but I wouldn't recommend using them if you have an old one you can bring/leave behind. The climbing shops actually ask westerners to leave there ropes if they are old because they use them to replace the old threads on the routes. You will have no trouble getting rid of it. A question about your reservations...how much did you get quoted and which place are you planning to stay at? Tonsai is cheapest, then east railay, then west. Most of the rooms are pretty similar but the prices vary A LOT. In Tonsai I paid about 500 bhat ($13) for a room with 2 beds/ bath/& fan. I paid 800 bhat ($20) and 1200 bhat ($31 - got suckered when we arrived) for the same thing at another place over in E. Railay. And the Tonsai place was way nicer. Don't pay for all your days up front and renegotiate every time you go to the front desk to pay. They will drop the prices. But if your budget is unlimited, you might as well stay at the Dusit Resort. It's a 5 star place that goes for about $300 a night, and armed guards to keep out the dirtbags... Looks way pimp though. You can get a little bamboo/grass mat shack with mosquito netting and a fan for about 300 bhat over on Tonsai, but you will get a lot of bug bites and some people we knew had rats in their places. Enjoy your trip. You will love the really cheap great food. Fried bananas or a banana pancake (crepe) and a game of chess at the Andaman in Tonsai is a great way to wind down the evening, before the $7/hour Thai massage before bed. p.s. the hike down into the lagoon is totally worth it. It's waaaay cool 5.fun tree root scrambling. If you like to explore there are tons of cool caves and going through the ThaiWan cave at night would be cool. Bring a headlamp if you do the night ascent/rappel. I am soooo jealous.
  21. Probably more like a binobo chimp. They're known for their tendencies to masterbate and to trade sexual favors... I actually think their social structure is based on sex.
  22. Yeah. I know he took photos for it. I know a couple guys who posed.
  23. We already knew that about you dear Trask. ...and no thanks.
  24. Just buy the thing and then you'll have all the months to do whatever you want with. Dean's work is really good in my opinion. Shows the beauty of the female form, climbing, and the clifs without being tasteless.
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