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Everything posted by klenke

  1. Saw a news story today where Gregoire said it's either recount the whole state (paid for by dems) or nothing at all. She apparently would rather concede than do a partial recount in counties where she would stand the most to gain. I don't know if the dems will be able to gather the necessary $$$ before the deadline.
  2. nalo, I won't give you a ride (take a bus) but I can tell you that you won't have any problem figuring out which of us are the climbers at Schultzy's. The place is small. If you get there sufficiently late, you'll see a screen up with purty mountain scenery projected onto it. There will be lots of persons staring intently at the screen. Those are your climbers. Probably about 90% of the people there will be us climbers since we will have "reserved" the place.
  3. So I read through chucK's link. The info I was looking for--after all the statisitical mumbo-jumbo--was in the Conclusion section: "Have we made progress? Do machine counts improve on hand re-counts? At least in the comparison of optical scanning and paper, the answer is yes. Historically, there is about a 1 percent difference between initial counts and recounts when ballots are tabulated by hand." The comparison for optical ballots shows hand recounts are 0.5 percent less accurate. I don't know how these numbers can be used to look at (modify) Washington's almost 900,000 votes cast for the governor's race. All I know is that the study appears to show hand recounts are inherently less accurate--in so much as New Hampshire's historical data shows. I don't know who won this election but Carlson does make a good point that, if a recount is done and Gregoire's tally is greater than Rossi's, she will be no more legitimate a winner than Rossi and maybe less so in light of the above study's argument that hand recounts are less accurate. Are hand recounts really less accurate in WA--using Washington's system? I'm not in a position to say. And really, who of us cc.commies is?
  4. THE AMISH ELEVATOR An Amish boy and his father were in a mall. They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but especially by two shiny, silver walls that could move apart and then slide back together again. The boy asked, "What is this Father?" The father (never having seen an elevator) responded, "Son, I have never seen anything like this in my life, I don't know what it is." While the boy and his father were watching with amazement, a fat old lady in a wheel chair moved up to the moving walls and pressed a button. The walls opened and the lady rolled between them into a small room. The walls closed and the boy and his father watched the small circular numbers above the walls light up sequentially. They continued to watch until it reached the last number and then the numbers began to light in the reverse order. Finally the walls opened up again and a gorgeous 24-year-old blonde stepped out. The father said quietly to his son... "Go get your mother."
  5. Okay, I'll dangle some trivia. This is a multi-part question. Each subsequent question is more specific than the previous, and therefore more difficult to answer. A> What peak in the Cascades has a name connoting the swan? B> What was the correct spelling for it, since corrupted to the current spelling? C> What was the language of the word (using the correct spelling)? D> Who applied the name? (name the person) The answers are availabe online but you have to know where to look.
  6. Where are the pictures? I want pictures! I want pictures!
  7. Catbirdstaid gets the "Dennis Miller Obscure Reference Post of the Week" Award.
  8. Eric Hoffman has done the traverse. Click here. The traverse is mentioned in the Olympics Mountain guidebook. The guidebook shows a trail in the Jefferson Lake valley. There is apparently a road (FR-2401?) that goes up Jefferson Creek form Hwy-101 NE of Mt. Washington. How far were you able to drive? I may do Mt. Washington next weekend if I can get suitably close to its base on that logging road that cuts across the south side.
  9. Klenke route? Why so? Oh yes, that's right. I own it. Pay your fare to use my route. Pay up. Here's a shot of Philadelphia in front of Mt. Index (taken from the slopes of Gunn Peak): And the same from Mt. Baring: Thanks for the info. I've always been curious about summit views or lack thereof. I've heard they're there if you search for them.
  10. Good one, IG. Poor DE doesn't have a sense of humor.
  11. FW: You should shut up before you stick your foot in your mouth. Kurt has a degree in mathematics. Both hand counts and machine counts are inherently inaccurate, albeit for entirely differnt reasons. You could count and recount and recount the ballots for a month of Sundays and get different outputs every time, even if you thought you were recounting the same way each time. To me, neither Dino nor Christine has "won" the election via statistics. However, Dino has "currently" won the election by law. Operative word is "currently." We'll twiddle our thumbs and see.
  12. I found the link this time. http://www.funlol.com/pictures/0182.html I think Kurt is talking about the "stealing" (hotlinking) of the seal picture from funlol's website.
  13. With background music like that, what's not to hate? Good golly!
  14. FW: I can't see the image. What's the specific name of the link on funlol's home/main page? I don't want to search all day on my dad's slow Internet connex.
  15. How long to get to the top? What did the rest of the traverse over to Mt. Howard look like?
  16. I thought it was funny, barker, old play on a joke or not. Airplane! is an old comedy but it's still funny to watch it for the umpteenth time.
  17. From my Beckey Guide (1st Edition, 1981): "NORTH FACE: First Ascent by Fred Beckey and Roe (Duke) Watson on July 27, 1958....References: A.A.J., 1959, pp. 304-305.; Mountaineer, 1959, p. 108." Skoog and Co. were not first ascensionists of North Face. Theirs was the Northeast Arete, which is also in Beckey. "Crux is first pitch. Grade III, 5.8. Reference: A.A.J. 1980." Incidentally, Fred Beckey, Keith Rankin, & Chuck Welsh (see third picture on this page) made the FA of Golden Horn over all in 1946. No doubt this was by the easy westside route.
  18. ralph: I never noticed those map labeling blunders. The interactive map says its source was the "Federation of American Scientists" whoever they are (3rd graders from Poedunk Elementary?). barker:
  19. Yeah, funny. But remember you could fire one off from near a border and reach deep (200 miles) into a neighboring country.
  20. I wouldn't call it good news from Iran, just news from Iran. This interactive graphic is pretty damn interesting. Click on each missile.
  21. Alex's suggestion is a good one. You can walk around the lake on the side close to the cliffs to get a different perspective of the same view. If you want to see what we're talking about, see the pictures here (in particular some of the pics on page 3 of the photo page).
  22. I have been using the "view recent messages" link at the bottom of the Main Index page. Not as good as the "Last 40" list but still usable. A second ago I clicked on the Active Topics link and was told I cannot make another search at this time. Clicking it again, it worked.
  23. klenke

    eight equals

    What's sad, E, is that I can understand that or at least read it. I loser. Hen scratching to most.
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