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Everything posted by klenke

  1. I saw the "last 25" and "last 40" posts search function is gone. I assume that is one of the things you'll be putting back in. Hint hint.
  2. klenke

    What a country!

    Try also this video. Watch the guys discussing the incident on the left side of the page. They show excerpts from the brawl during the discussion.
  3. klenke

    What a country!

    Can't find a link to it through ESPN. You got a link to an ESPN page where the video link resides?
  4. Ah, but did you go to the true summit of Bandera or just the punter trail endpoint to the west?
  5. klenke

    What a country!

    Thanks. Can't seem to get it to play.
  6. klenke

    What a country!

    Give me a link to this video you watched (assuming you watched it online).
  7. "....beating some busy right now?" translation: I'm too drunk to type correctly. Going out tomorrow, then Monday possibly unless my partner bags on me. Tonight I have a BBQ/party to go to, so that's why I'm not out right now. What about you, bub? Why are you here?
  8. klenke

    What a country!

    Four players suspended indefinitely. Artest under arrest. Oooo, what a play on words.
  9. Even if the liberals are sore, pope's collage is still damn funny. The same type of collage was around four years ago.
  10. That looks like that blob of deer entrails I saw laying on a logging road the other day.
  11. Remember in one of those Planet of the Apes movies where the apes all played possum and then got up en masse and killed a lot of humans? Those insurgents must have got the idea from Planet of the Apes. All this keyboard pontificating about the Iraq shooting event just makes me laugh. Suddenly everyone's got an angle. Trite saying, I know, but "war is hell." And don't think for a minute that this shooting was an isolated incident. It probably happened many times over the course of the last couple of weeks. Only this one was caught on tape. Wouldn't you be edgy if you had people playing possum? I know I would. Dammit! Now I'm pontificating.
  12. From Trey's site: "2004 News NEWS FLASH Tu Tour is Cancelled Sadly, Pat and I have made the decision to cancel this November TU tour of the USA and Canada. What began as the very promising scenario of taking this wonderful duo out on the road, slowly mutated into something more and more difficult and more and more unpromising. The short story is that the finances no longer added up. The longer story is, in the worst touring time of the last decade, we lost one of our key gigs right when the prospects of the tour were hanging on the edge. Even more sadly, Pat had already unleashed our crew into the American void in a van with his gear on their way up to Seattle for our first show. And so our cash flow had begun. About the time they were around Denver, Colorado I ran the numbers again with the latest info and called Pat to suggest that we seriously ask ourselves the question: should we pull the whole tour now before it’s too late? We spent the next day going through all the numbers trying to figure out a way to at least do some of the shows: Should we end in Chicago? Should we end in Denver? What if we only played Seattle, Portland and Chico, California? What if we started in Chicago and played through New York? All of this in hopes that we could get some playing time and get some of the shows recorded and filmed. We tried every scenario and each time it came down to this one thing: the longer we were out on the road the greater loss. So we did the final thing and ran the numbers for a tour where we didn’t even play one single show. We looked at that number in horror and knew it was still the best call. And here we are. We are so disappointed. In part because Pat and I are such a wonderful duo and we rarely get the chance to play together. And in part, because we know so many people were looking forward to hearing us. They will have to continue to wait. We send out our thanks to everyone who helped us try to make this work: Charlie Hewitt, Mary Jo Kazca and Seth Rappaport and Steve Martin at The Agency. We also thank all the promoters who reached out to help us and to the fans who wrote us such encouraging letters. thanks again, TU Trey Gunn and Pat Mastelotto" So there you have it. They're not willing to lose money on our behalf. No respect for you and me at all.
  13. Hey Squid, which of your eight tentacles do you like to use best to rub one out?
  14. "The old man was planning on joining in on the cancelled TU show at the Croc." Figures. This from my DGM newsletter yesterday (still vague): "We do not have details, but we have been informed by Pat that the TU tour is on hold. We will post more details when we receive them."
  15. Who's the dweeb on the right, I mean the left?
  16. Technically it's known as the NE Ridge (map). Has Wayne strapped that snowshoe to his leg?
  17. I'll be at Tuesday's PC to see you off (kick you in the ass). Good on ya!
  18. Skeezix: assistant = vice principal. You have a lot to learn, young principalhopper. At least that's the way it seemed to be with me in school. It was always the vice principal I got sent to. It's kind of like a marine ship. The CO doesn't really do any disciplining. That's the XO's job. XO would be equivalent to VPrincipal. A good supervisor delegates authority. Delegate, my man, delegate.
  19. klenke


    Swaterfall: he didn't ask about the Alps. He asked about Scotland--specifically Ben Nevis. Miller: I forgot to add a note about transportation. The train network in the UK is really quite good. My mother--who is English--uses them all the time when she is frequently over there. There is a train line through Fort William, so if your only goal was Ben Nevis, you should be able to take the train. The sightseeing alone on it through Glen Coe (east end) and the Highlands would be great. I'm not sure on fares but it would be quite a bit less expensive than renting a car. If you are then in Fort William with no car (only your two feet for transportation), it is not really that far from town to the base of the peak. Maybe a mile or two, though there is a short approach road for the punter (west side) route. You could walk it or try and arrange a ride. Taxi? Farmer John's tractor? However, if you want to see more varied country and don't want to be encumbered by train routes and schedules and hassles, then renting a car might be more to your liking. In 1997 I rented a small car. For three weeks of time I think I spent about $500 but was able to travel anywhere I liked because of it. Gas is expensive, though. It was maybe 4 times as expensive as in America (1997 prices; the conversion rate has changed since then). But the country is smaller, so it won't be as big a hit in the wallet. Also, you'll have to get used to driving on the wrong side of the road. For lodging, hostels will work but you will also find that B&Bs are cheap in February. They inflate their prices for the summer months when most Europeans are on 'oliday. I was pleasantly surprised at how inexpensive reasonably clean and respectable B&Bs were in May. All that said, more of them will be closed for winter, so you may have to look around more. B&Bs out in the country will more likely be closed than ones in cities. I'm sure plenty of B&Bs will be available in Fort William.
  20. The title of this thread ought to be 'dumbass news article.' Total crap, as Principal Skeezix intimated.
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