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Everything posted by klenke

  1. klenke

    Bush States

    I guess I missed the point (the emotional point) of your original post.
  2. klenke

    Let's join Canada

    Jay: are the liberals in the denial stage right now or the anger stage? If you don't like what's happened in the U.S. in the last day, you can always move to Canada yourselves and leave Washington right where it is.
  3. Remember when (was it on Almost Live?) E. Washington wanted to secede from W. Washington and call itself the state of "Lincoln?" What would have been the capital of Lincoln? Certainly not George.
  4. klenke

    Exit Polls

    I knew, I just knew Bush & Kerry should have thumb-wrestled for the job. Kerry's got long, lanky thumbs with better reach but Bush's thumbs would be stronger, due to all that exercise he gets for them from thumbing his schnozzle at the world.
  5. klenke

    Bush States

    Blake, it should be noted that Kerry won WA (one of your "Kerry States") by about a 56 to 44% margin. Hardly a decisive margin in the vein of 70-30. Contrary to your comments, there are quite a lot of republicans living in this state. Think outside of the Puget Sound metro area heavily populated by democrats. Including this election, the state has voted for the democratic candidate for the last five or six elections. This doesn't mean the state (even the Seattle metro area) wouldn't again vote for a republican candidate sometime. Albeit, he/she'd have to be a pretty strong candidate to overcome the partisan nature of things around here. I read in the paper today that Locke (I think it was Locke) won the governor's race and only won 3 out of 39 WA counties. He won the heavily populated metro counties. There is a definite dichotomy between the way the smug city folks think and the way the rest of the state thinks. Go live in E. Washington for a while and you will see opposite points of view are the norm.
  6. Climbed Mt. Elbert and up The Rockies with my dad. Wondered if someone I know would win a halloween costume contest after she told me what she was going to go as.
  7. There was an interesting article about global terrorism in this month's National Geographic magazine.
  8. No, but I did think of Team America World Police, which I saw the other night. Pretty damn funny redneck yeehaw let's kill terrorists and have puppet sex movie.
  9. I agree with Eric about getting calls where one's info is obtained from a resume on file at Monster. I didn't realize it costs $1,000 for 2 weeks to advertise on Monster. Hell, I've seen companies advertising for the same job on there for months and months. And some of these are for jobs I interviewed for but didn't get, jobs I could have done easily for them. So it's their stupidity or loss they didn't hire me if they're wiling to spend good money to continue advertising for it (I'm not that lame). This is not even mentioning the ones I was qualified for, sent my resume, etc. in, and didn't even get a response. Rob, have you looked in to Flipdog? It's a lot like Monster.
  10. Jerry, do not listen to Serge. The guy buys a new car just about every six months! Anybody with that much cashola should do ALL the driving. Oh, and DO NOT buy a Mazda. At the row of car mechanics businesses in Redmond where I take one of my cars for repair there is a Mazda mechanic place next door. The friggin' parking lot is always filled with broken down Mazdas. It's like a Mazda junkyard that lot. Albeit, they are rotory engine Mazdas, but still. My mechanic just does this and this when we talk about the Mazda repair place next door.
  11. It's a vast conspiracy! Avast! Aye! Arrrrgh!
  12. Dru has no room in his bathtub. The cheeba plants are growing in it.
  13. It was nice here in Seattle too, which itself was probably a greater meteorological rarity than the eclipse. The eclipse was good viewing for the metro area. Not much pollution.
  14. So what you're saying is all us cc.com poseurs are dog's without anuses? Interesting.
  15. it could. or it could mark no change at all. it's not like his dying will occur while he was in the middle of, you know, doing something (unless you subscribe to those pundits' views that he's in cahoots with terrorists).
  16. That Klenke's an impostor. That's not me. He uses a capital K. Obviously that's not me.
  17. My window faces due south. Maybe I'll be able to see it without sticking my head out the window. Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to do that during World Series commercial breaks...or when I'm bored because the Red Sox are up big. I once hiked to the summit of Sauk Mountain to view a lunar eclipse. It was much nicer w/o the city light pollution. Still didn't get any worthy photos, though. The moon got all pink in the middle like a raw juicy steak.
  18. Some other favorites: A toy lookout? (Desolation Peak 12/17/03) Goodeness Gracious Me! Hozo looks real mean! Some more mean hozo! Dome dum-dum dum!
  19. Why do you need my help, Blake? There are captions below the pictures. This one showing Goode's NEB blows me away. Wanna do a winter ascent?
  20. You suck, Alpinfox. Fork you! A-hole! Bas-tard! Scum le bag! Punk! Ah...nevermind.
  21. But that's the way Squiddicals likes it.
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