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Everything posted by slaphappy

  1. -If your rear binding isn't all the way back, move it there. Most likely you will want your front binding either back as far as it will go or one hole forward, it depends on how wide you like your stance. -Be sure your board is waxed. Make sure you scrape ALL the frozen ice particles on the base of your board every time you remove your skins, they act like cleats and will make your run miserable. (Voile should have included a little plastic scrapper, bring it with you always you will need it!) -Before you start to initiate turns, pick up enough speed to where your board "planes out", leaning back more than on hardpack should get you there. Remember, speed is your friend. After you plane out shift your weight back forward slightly to initiate your turns but not so much your nose dives. Keep your speed up! -
  2. It is a cool spot but... As of last Nov. the road sucks, doable in a truck, SUV, or probably a Sub but it still sucks. Local kids do party up there frequently. Not big enough for the masses. No place to crap. -There is a handful of 50'-85' routes on the "Pearly Gates like rock" a few hundred feet from the lot. A few good cracks, a couple face routes, and a top-rope or two. -
  3. A hammer drill and a roto-hammer are two completely different drills. When the hammer drill doesn't work as expected go rent a roto-hammer from HD and it will cut your work time to nothing. -
  4. Actually, sometimes it does. -
  5. slaphappy

    Mt Home Rd.

    It's private. Owner wants to put in a golf course and some sorta amusement park thing accessed by a gondola from near the sleeping bitch... Harriet won't hear of it as long as she is still around. There is public land up there as well but I don't know where the boundaries lie. Good skiing on the east side of Wedge. Were you actually able to drive all the way up there this early in the year? It was snomo access a month ago.
  6. It's not super obvious, but an easy arms reach to the left there is a big flake that takes a bomber 3/4" SLCD, a sling keeps the rope in a straight line. It's a fun route. The steep sport route to the right was done by the guys from LMS... -
  7. Dork
  8. - Time to go climbing in the 75+ degree sun!
  9. you might consider a bit of your own advice cause my old ass can crush you with joint in one hand and PBR headbuster in the other... -
  10. everyone needs a little lovin once in awhile... -
  11. Hard boot setups are suck. Light, yes, versatile, no. You might try adjusting your stance (back?) and it might help w/ a few of the issues you had at snowcruddy. I like metal base plates because I bend the sliders or break the plastic ones but they are heavy and bending stuff shouldn't be a problem for you, at least for awhile... Flows are good, Drake Podiums IMO are even better, Eerie's Burtons seem alright as well. Now about that sled... HIGH MARK!!!!!! -
  12. Exactly. -
  13. My, my, aren't we defensive... I stick with my original blanket statement, completely dork... *nice lookin line! -
  14. Poles in hand while riding is completely dork, I guess if you're merely side-slipping. To each their own...
  15. It did in fact snow a bit last Mon. The wind was kickin as well, creating some deposits, but there wasn't any "wading" as of last Tues... course I was a mile or two away from the Cannon Couloir. -
  16. You mighta jumped the gun a bit, a 166 is a tad long, not undoable just long compared to your 54, assuming your not a "bigger" lady. (I don't mean fat just tall and strong... ) Two of my buds have 66's and they're both in the 6' 170ish range, I have a 73 and like it fine. If your're an aggresive rider you won't be disappointed. Set your stance back from your normal setup, it will help. Home jobs suck and still cost a fortune. The $150 split kit does not include the $100+ skins. Priors are hot but cost $930. Have fun out there, splitting rocks! Now buy a snowmachine and we might let you into our "club" ... -
  17. Thought I recognized your face from here, wasn't sure though. I was one of the PBR swilling snomo-boarders listening to lousy new age punk rock at the snopark in the AM. We had an awesome day on the short albeit steep N facing flanks of Table.
  18. Chest huh, good thing you brought a couple of them built in flotation bags... -
  19. John Save yourself some grief and pick up a "working" sled... I picked up a "friend sled" off Craig's List earlier in the fall for $300 that runs great and starts easier than my 2005 RMK . I put another $300 into it (much of it wouldn't have been 100% necessary) but it's pretty reliable now and for $600 was well worth it, at least that's what my low rent friends say... -If you need adivice let me know or PM Eerie, he knows some shit... -
  20. How's the skiing/riding? coverage? terror/avy levels? Hart's? Thinkin about headin over w/sleds middle of next week when it cools down a bit. -
  21. Nice! Prolly not enough snow yet but the NE aspect has super fun turns... -
  22. snowshoes are so 20th century, use a mountain sled, much faster... -
  23. slaphappy


    Pope- Why do you give a shit if he was banned or not? You're still around to post the same repetitious drivel...
  24. telemarker- Good additions! P3 of Bale Kramar is the money, P4 is good too. P1/2, well... Is Ramblin Man worth the hike for a workshop? I climbed a few of the other routes there but not it. I left Pearly Gates off the list cause of the cheater bolt but edited it in. Same with P1 of the Reg. Route. Damnation was already on the list, a must do. Have you done Crack du Jour? it might be a good addition... how about Sunrise Crack? -
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