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Everything posted by slaphappy

  1. yeh, Hook really blows... unless you follow the trail... Now Rat OTOH...
  2. Hmmm, that doesn't seem possible unless you were walking a "highway" used by sledders all winter. They simply don't use that much oil. I used less than two gallons in my 900 this season and put about 1000 miles on it. Unless I left it idling in one spot for quite awhile it wouldn't generate enough on the snow to gunk up a board. Whatever, hope you had a good time and didn't fixate on the tracks too long...
  3. Looks like awesome terrain for some snowmoboarding. Is it legal or part of the wilderness? If legal, get over it. If not that's lame, it'll ruin it for the rest of us who respect the boundaries. Headed to Baker tomorrow!
  4. true enough...
  5. ...not really ...only at you. Not that it had any relevance to the topic but... You know damn well I'm not the driving force behind that "movement".
  6. DirtyHarry/Pete What the fuck is wrong with you? It was my 4-runner (and me driving) that hit the elk. (didn't see it long enough to know whether it was male or female) How dare you call me an asshole and assume I don't know how to drive just cause I had the misfortune of hitting the beast. Trust me I feel bad enough that he was crossing in the right place at the wrong time, he has more right to be there than I did, but... it sucked all around. And yes my truck is good and fucked up at a really inopportune time, I am a contractor and really need my "gay-ass SUV" to tow a trailer back and forth to a major job, it's my livelihood. How affective of an attorney would you be if I ripped out your throat and chopped off your fingers? Fuckin big mouth know-it-all. Suburbanite? No, Ballardite. Pete, I have met you on a number of different occasions and we have climbed with a number of the same partners and you always seemed pretty laid back but it amazes me how much of a prick you are around this website. You and your cronnies think you're real badasses don't you? You're all fuckin clowns, one big joke. Dan, Rolf, Erik, Ben, all of you. Good climbers sure don't guarantee good people. Maybe next time (and there will be a next time) I'll show you how much of an "asshole" I can be in person instead of sharing a beverage or a toke, you fuckin prick. I am so fuckin livid right now... celebrating my misfortunes...
  7. Does anyone else with a mountain sled have interest in hookin up and headin to Hart's Pass that weekend for some high markin, cheap beer swillin, and turns (of course) with either a splitboard (preferable) or bc skis? We'll get more and better vert than anyone else... I'll trailer both sleds from Seattle if that helps. Up towards Kangaroo is an option as well... Don't make me invite my sledneck bretheren over to crash your long hair hippy gathering... -
  8. thanks. There is a bit of snow on the approach trail and the "gully" is still choked but the route will be dry. There is sooo much better shit to go climb... -
  9. On the contrary, we can make a closet big enough to contain even your fat gut.
  10. Pathetic atempt, no? and let me tell you about all the hardcore people out there doin it...
  11. I'm certain you have more...
  12. #1 is Duke of Ballet, FFA I believe...
  13. you'd read about my poop if I wrote about it slappy...wait i already did. Poop, are you seven? On the contrary, I skip anything over 2-3 lines and even that is tiresome .
  14. a new low for you Mike, bragging about having nothing to brag about...
  15. Short notice but... Looking for a cohort in crime for the weekend. Have: 2 sleds, killer place to ride, place to stay, and all the necessary party favors. You need: splitboard (and know how to use it), bad attitude, lots of beer, (to) love 2-stroke, and capable of riding a sled up a road. I guess a ski fag (tele or AT) would be OK as well... I'll check PM's until midnight and maybe once EARLY in the AM. Want to leave Ballard at 6:00AM. Going w/ or w/out partner... -
  16. Matt I have done it and recommend you do not. A bit problematic to find, TONS of downed shit since the 94' fire, no resemblance of a trail, not short, just downright suck, and back up... Stick with the trail. -
  17. unlike last years frequent encounters, this spring has remained "tick" free... -
  18. Get a gas powered leaf blower, seriously. They make one that weighs like 7 pounds and runs about $60. Takes only a few minutes and does a better job than mother nature. A bit annoying to other climbers for a minute or two but you are doing all of us a great service so they should deal. I also have one here in Ballard that you could borrow, sling is already attached... Thanks for the hard work.
  19. Road is closed at 8-mile and will be for awhile yet. There isn't any good rock past there anyway...
  20. that just means you don't have to buy another one until April. Just like my hunting license is only valid through May of this year. Not quite. The snow park permit comes w/ my sled registration which is due in Nov. The way I understand it is that they have the option to continue the enforcement of the permit beyond April on a freak snow year. But hey, I'm no attorney...
  21. FWIW on my current Snowmobile Sno-Park Permit it says VALID: Nov.2005 to Apr.2006 or as posted ...and yes, in purple .
  22. A more accurate rating IMO. -
  23. Did you go up there? If there is snow above, the melt off usually runs right down the cracks...it may appear dry from the lot but I have my doubts. Who were the guys headed toward Bird's Nest Overhang on lower Castle at 8:30 AM on Saturday? When I drove by it was 36 degrees and in the shade. I did snicker when heading through the Icicle and it was 44 and sunny... The snow up high was fantastic!
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