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Everything posted by slaphappy

  1. No offense meant, but splitters aside, anyone who "skis and rides a board", doesn't really snowboard... -
  2. Can someone give me the rundown on milages from where they gate Hwy 20 to the pass, pretty please. -Don't remember exactly, at least 5-6 miles. It's gated about 12 miles west of the Mazama turnoff. Who's gone up there in the winter? -I have. Any tips or tidbits of info to share? -See specialeds "tip". How long did it take you and what did you accomplish on your trip. -Minutes, at 60-70mph. Splitboarded by Cutthroat and Bluelake. It rocked. Thanks for the info. -
  3. Exactly!!! I find "ski" areas annoying... -
  4. Most likely it's because you don't point your tips downhill... friggin skiers disease.
  5. Sweet, now it's even easier to "homestead" my little dream slice...
  6. That is true. so is a hepped up snowmobile and a splitboard...
  7. is bobbyperu in trouble with the law...again...
  8. No, I saw a pic of G-man standing in front of it when he climbed it 10 or so years ago... -
  9. Um, Peter, I don't think drinkin beer and staring blankly at some random stone in the rain is actually considered "climbing"... -
  10. Jeebus Headspacer what brought you out? but, yes, Big Ben Tower is definately a worthwhile objective in L-Town, great cracks.
  11. Have you done Scarecrow? (opposite side of Peak-a-boo) It doesn't suck either... Lawn Darts is an awesome slab route that would see a lot more traffic if it was in a more accessible location. -
  12. I did forget to mention the spectacular view of The Great Polish ones from Jizz Ridge... thanks for pointing it out there bobby and yeh, hush hush... -
  13. Oh, Dandome, I've seen that... cool cracks. Isn't Jizz Ridge just east of there? bwrts- sounds like you are renaming The Strayhorn? -
  14. Pinky and the Starfish - 85' of 18" squeeze chimney with a perfect handcrack inside that continues up a steep bubbly face after exiting the squeeze. 150ish feet of perfection.
  15. Where are the sledders riding??!!?? -
  16. The Pika blows. The Rockpecker is WAY better. -
  17. dry humor? Ha Ha...back pedaler...
  18. Whipsaw was "chopped" by more than one party...
  19. No erik, you are correct, you don't have to justify shit to anyone but you chose to be in the "limelight" by blah blah blah'n everywhere so these sort of questions shouldn't surprise you and honestly it was a legit question...
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