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Everything posted by slaphappy

  1. Nice work gents! You aren't gonna taint the "glory" by sellin shirts this time, are you?
  2. I believe that very thing is occuring, I'm sure deets will be available soon enough...
  3. tick free? never.
  4. Just saw the little bastard crawling up the inside windshield of my truck. Pulled two off my body yesterday and half a dozen more off my shit over the last four days. It's spring time in the Icicle, yeeeehawwww!
  5. ummmm, yes.
  6. No it was not "passable" by car two weeks ago. There isn't a ton of snow but there was a few feet on the road at Rainy Pass and at least a foot all the way down to Silver Star Creek, not to mention the slides at the spires. I didn't venture too much further west than Rainy Pass...
  7. Someone needs one tattooed on his forehead...
  8. I'll show you old and weak... you, you ,you...feline hater!
  9. shit needs some bolts...
  10. blah blah blah. I wasn't speculating, I have also done it both ways, although it's never taken me 6.5 hours to get to the lake, better conditions I assume. I'll take the sled over walking the boring ass road everytime, I guess I'm just fat, old, and weak.
  11. How is saving at least 25% of the approach time to the lake not worth it?
  12. Wa Pass was great. Snowin hard, 12" of fresh on the ground, opted to ride (board) instead of climb. Way better than I expected. Love that frickin sled... sooo tempting to try from the hairpin to the col... Secret crag? Not secret? I know. No you don't. It's good. No it's not. Clowns!
  13. Face shots at Blue Lake.
  14. tighten up clown boy, WA Pass this weekend...
  15. It's winter dumbass, get a job.
  16. 1-No 2-Yes 3-If you can afford it. Epic works super well.
  17. Below 7000? It's above 4000 that there is absolutely no snow...damn inversion shit friggin depressing...
  18. You ladies kinda rocked! Not so sure about that rascally rabbit though...
  19. I'm not so much talkin about pushin yourself to the falling point, as much as I'm refering to concentrating on "climbing" not "how far can I climb between pro" (falling). Whatever works safely for you . Good to hear you're gettin on it .
  20. Think success, not failure...
  21. bobby, For some reason, when I see the word "special" you always come to mind. Is there any worthwhile snow up there yet? I'm gonna check conditions in my "special" little world Fri-Sat.
  22. That's a good question, has he done IB in it's current state? I don't doubt the guy climbed the face, what I do doubt is he did "95%" of the same route. Using the lines on the pic in R&I is pretty pointless since the line showing the IB route is wrong.
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