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Everything posted by Peter_Puget

  1. June 7, 1967, the day on which Israeli forces liberated the Old City of Jerusalem from the illegal 19-year-old Jordanian occupation. link
  2. I've loved Scott since the '60's. It's almost like he is singing to J_B in this wonderful song: [video:youtube]T71KKbQS_D8
  3. Spray is dead because you can't have two killers living in the same pad.....
  4. Ron & Brad have put up some of the best L-worth routes of the last decade. They also weren't afraid of a bit of hiking. I am sure you'll find the routes great as long as the approach doesn't kill you.
  5. Still not sure I understand .... Forest Service Site
  6. So it's just the guiding of larger groups that's not allowed. Just how big is your group? Give 'em snips and have trim along the trails!
  7. I'd say Toxic Shock area. How is guiding not legal in a NF?
  8. [video:youtube]
  9. Get back to work
  10. Rumr - Get him out on that certain project at Index!
  11. Wal-Mart Rules! "Surprisingly, the primary source of the productivity gains of 1995 to 1999 was not increased demand resulting from the stock market bubble, as some economists have claimed. Nor was information technology the source, though companies accelerated the pace of their I.T. investments during those years," reports a summary of the findings published in The McKinsey Quarterly. "Rather, managerial and technological innovations in only six highly competitive industries -- wholesale trade, retail trade, securities, semiconductors, computer manufacturing and telecommunications -- were the most important causes." https://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/Whats_right_with_the_US_economy_1151 https://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/Retail_The_Wal-Mart_effect_1152 Another groovy link. Read the executive summary at least. http://www.ihsglobalinsight.com/publicDownload/genericContent/11-03-05_walmart.pdf Somewhat related: http://mercatus.org/publication/millionaires-unlikely-stay-millionaires-long My guess is that over the last 30 years those at the mid-higher income levels have increased their worked hours by a greater amount than those in the lower income levels. (Most are salaried too!)
  12. Ohio Players....
  13. Peter_Puget

    RIP Lord Nelson

    Peter Puget: Lieutenant on the Vancouver Expedition, fighting British naval officer, the man for whom Puget Sound was named. Buy me an ale and I'll romance you with tales of the sea.......
  14. Peter_Puget

    Hey Peter...

    Sorry been way too busy to spray (35 days of work and counting) Playoffs and the WS are great this year. I am a National League guy at heart and am definately cheering for the Cards! The only dissapointment this year is that I bet $1.00 Albert would hit a HR on his first pitch in the first game. Other than that - well I have just hated seeing all these ex-Mariners on TV - it's been a great fall! When Torrealba was on the Rockies I brought one of my kids to the Safe and as warm up was ending Torrealba walked over and sat down next to my son for a couple of minutes chatting - I was sitting a few rows back and honestly dont know if he even speaks much English but you dont need to say much to a 6 yo kid. No one else was around exept for one other kid. So I have a soft spot for Texas too.
  15. I will walk in line!!!
  16. Very true for at last a couple of reasons 1) legal requirements and 2) operational considerations. GK links to an article that doesn't fully support his contentions. Here is a link for you GK: new term for GK! By the way drug shortages have been increasing over time and are international in scope.
  17. So "It is possible" that your example might actually illustrate a point that you're are trying to make but you're just not sure.
  18. I am confused! Are you claiming that medical care was withheld from Kent Snyder because he did not have insurance? Are you claiming that the hospital expected Kent's mother to pay his bill simply because she was his mother? Or are you claiming this a case of a hospital treating a patient without any real expectation of being reimbursed and then giving the bill to his mother since she was the one handling his estate?
  19. Thanks for the community service Flash! You might have saved a life.
  20. What you're really saying is you don't have time for America.
  21. Profits! Why they are just plain wrong!
  22. I must be the onbly person left who, if he forgets his belay device, will just throw the rope around his waist and belay.
  23. Isn't there a name on the posted topo?
  24. Which reason will Obama use to avoid any responsibility?
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