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Everything posted by Peter_Puget

  1. And it continues..... same linky... Kimmo - A bit of parenting advice....if you have your kid look a word up in the dictionary (rather than give them the definition verbally) he/she really will remember it better.
  2. Happy Felix Day!
  3. Bow down the the biggest pirates in the world..... ..but screw over the little guy who wants to stream the movies he has already purchased....
  4. So Ivan how have I "villifed" Carter? 1976 map 1980 Map 1984 Map
  5. Anyone else enjoying seeing this one term presidency crashing hard? I can't help but think of Ole Mr Carter back in the 70s! Consider: Perceived American Decline Low Popularity No faith in Gov No leadship in WA Bring back the revolution!
  6. Donna!
  7. I don't think anyone ever really called it by that name either.
  8. Here are you definitions: Climbing: Crag Climbing eg Iron Horse Bouldering eg Some pebble in the Icicle Scrambling: Alpine Rock - eg Death Party Route Hiking: Glacier/Snow Routes - eg North Ridge Baker It appears the OP is a hiker.
  9. Jeesh what a Debbie Downer!
  10. I think Tyson is talking hockey. By the way I just bought tickets for the windshirt give-a-way day! It will be great seeing those shirts all over the crags this summer.
  11. All you Commies can think about is the minors. I tell you we are on the cust of something new!
  12. Prepare for sucess....the team has been on crossfit all winter and ready to breakout!
  13. I remember the first time I went to go climb Reeds Pinnacle Direct. We got to the base and there was a line. So we settled in and after seeing the leader on the party ahead of us take several ~40' falls we decided the route was a bit much for us that day.
  14. So the Wisc unions appear to be encouraging their members to "call in sick." One here in Wa outright tells untruths in tv ads. Anything for a buck. what greedy fucks! seattle times
  15. So the law takes away their right to bargain collectively or does it just remove certain items from the table? Now there you go again.....
  16. The Situation in Wisconsin Makes You: Depressed Because the Union Opposition Is so Fierce; Optimistic Because Governor Walker Will Prevail:
  17. Well if they are smart it will support the belief that the teachers union is not afraid to tell lies and cheat to get a some small gain. Whats amazingis that these same teachers will most likely penalize some kid who is caught forging a "sick note" to excuse a truant day. Irony eh?
  18. Prole - Thats beyond the pale. Playoffs this year! Wish I was in AZ right now!
  19. The protesters are claiming to be protesting certain policies yet their argumentation seems to be more of an ad hominem nature and is at best clichéd sloganeering. I was struck by how closely they resembled J_B’s attacks argumentation on this site. The links we a couple examples that popped up on a google search.
  20. Compare & Contrast: Who's your daddy, jackboot? I don't do hyperbole or are you telling me that the spawn of McCarthysm and the JBirch society, the constant race and red-baiting, voter suppression shenanigans, judicial coups, social darwinism, etc.. isn't jackbooted?
  21. and the pols run away and hide while their goons do their dirty work.....
  22. Aren't you forgetting this man: link oh and Pablo Picasso!
  23. HAPPY B-Day Ronnie!
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