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Everything posted by Peter_Puget

  1. This season has been fantastic! Who would have thought the Astros in first place And the MRiners in second!!!!!!
  2. Right on! Looking like a little Jr. there. Is he still pitching?
  3. Nice pic! Mike Morse gave my son his bat last week after he was thru with batting practice - damn that thing is big. These days all i see are kids bats.
  4. Ah Oly you must know baseball. By the way I am already for cc. Com's URL change to cc. Baseball!
  5. Spring training was awesome this year. After seeing our boys in action I feel confident in saying that they will not finish in last place this year.
  6. Funny thing is last August I watched Noesi pitch 7 2/3 innings with no hits down in Tacoma. Thought I might witness my first no hitter. Damn he sucked today.
  7. Isn't driving from w seattle to Bellevue a PITA?
  8. One's on SS the other on En Fuego. EF plays in a real league. SS doesnt. Both were doing Fuego but when the team seemed to be running low on players he skipped to SS. Can't beat the drive to Shoreline. I had to say know to driving to woodinville.
  9. Oly before you type one word remember: IT'S STILL EARLY!
  10. What a negative Nancy. Just think in 49 days its the Rainiers opening day! $10 will get you a reserved seat, hot dog, chips and drink. Buy your tickets today and you'll get a Dustin Ackley bobble head. Don't forget the En Fuego season is starting soon too.
  11. First game at noon! Go M's!!!!??
  12. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2201172 Interesting...
  13. I have always thought Twight a bit banal and most certainly not a leader by any means - although he was a propagandist. I can remember reading over and over a Alex MacItyre interview in High. Reading the exploits of kurtyka. True these guys aren't NA but they did change climbing. Had that group never existed climbing would be different. Had Twight never existed climbing would be essentially the same. I think that by limiting to NA the true sources of influence are removed.
  14. Peter_Puget

    Gun Control

    Amen! Free minds, free markets and free borders!
  15. Yes the feature was the hole. I dont remember the bolts below the layback section. In any event it was years ago and I've lost track of details. I do remember enjoying the route and after seeing an endless series of TRs about Total Soul I am surprised it is still obscure.
  16. It's very hard to remember but I think the anchor and p2 hard big bolts. Do you clip a bolt at a stance after the groovy and unique feature? If so that was small. Fun route. Easy access from Total Soul and Revolver.
  17. Maybe not favs but certainly forgotten pitches that do not have the typical Darrington ambience: Big Tree 1 - the traverse pitch is fun quality climbing at a moderate level of difficulty. And it's crack climbing! Jinx - a layback to a move past a crazy feature. From there to the anchor it's typical D Town slab. Both are right off the ground.
  18. Dont forget the Waterfall route on the Upper Wall.
  19. My office is only a block from the Baltic Room; I am there every Tuesday!
  20. I was testing out the new sub woofer with Musik tonight. Neighbors must be wondering if we had a home invasion. [video:youtube]
  21. Just like Alvin Lee he's off the map.
  22. I wasn't referring to "run outs" or " pussy bolting". I was thinking of the take into consideration the traditional use of an area comment related to placing bolts. Change is often good.
  23. Is this spill over from ST? A light weight drill motor would be nice. I just wonder about durability - how many times the battery can be recharged. I hope your son develops a healthy distain for "tradition."
  24. whatever the circumstances of Jordan's custody of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, it has no bearing whatsoever on the legality of Israel annexing territory occupied during the 6 day war. Annexation of East Jerusalem by Israel is null and void said the UN, repeatedly. J_B your timing is as impeccable as your understanding of “international law” is flawed. In any event here is a film you might enjoy: Come watch me!
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