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Everything posted by Peter_Puget

  1. I've been working way too much and CC.com has been low on good rock talk. Hopefully this will be my last weekend working for a while so I've been getting psyched about climbing and the thread on local sport climbing made me remember how many climbs at Index are really defined by a move or two. For example the final reach on Godzilla always makes me smile as does the second crux on p1 Jap. Gardens although I prefer the final reach on p2 - kind of a harder Godzillla. Other faves are: High step last crux on Big Science Layback over the roof on Domestic Violence The traverse step crux on the last pitch of Tempitchuous The move around the roof on the Lizard route. Chimney/stem move or two on Narrow Arrow Overhang first pitch. I know it's not at Index but standing on the arĂȘte of that popular route at Spring Mountain is as good as a move gets too.
  2. Peter_Puget


    Now! Noon! 3pm! 6:30pm! Playoffs!!!!
  3. Just guessing that the epoxy was placed in order to discourage vandals. I believe that anchors have been removed a few times at that location.
  4. Looks fantastic!
  5. Another thing that's worse is Safeco filled with Cubbies wearing blue! Grrrrrr!!!!!
  6. The one and only..... [video:youtube]vQCTTvUqhOQ
  7. Ha. I just looked at my weekend schedule and E might be up against Jaha this Sunday.
  8. I almost spit out my coffee when I saw your name. The person who forwarded it to me didn't know I knew you. Glad the season is going well!
  9. People who don't use BCC when sending emails!!!!
  10. A couple of short (with short approaches too) 5.11 cracks are: Apesville on Lower Castle. Nice finger crack thru a roof. Good pro. I'd skip the second roof. Small World in the Icicle. This is really short too but the business is a couple of perfect ring jams. Great pro. (1.5") I haven't climbed Full Boar but ever since it was done I have repeatedly heard this was a great route. If you're a hiker I think it would be worth checking out.
  11. Next it rains go to Wildcat. You can climb in the rain there; as long as you stay close to the cliff you'll be dry in a downpour. ( well at least in certain sections)
  12. Ah I was listening to Fish Rising and thought it sounded mch better than I thought it would. Aftaglid! Just head another old musician has broken on thru to the other side. RIP Ray
  13. Right or left? [video:youtube]
  14. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2325414/Men-physically-strong-likely-right-wing-political-views.html
  15. The graph is China not us.
  16. Another one....
  17. No worries. I am thinking Rainiers! I hear we have lots of talent down there. Plus there is always the summer road trip. Who knows maybe there's a white sox cubs weekend this summer
  18. It was an elaborate plot (probably funded by the angels) to convince Z how much the old guys (ie veterans) bring to the team.
  19. Only 10k attending last night. The toughest job in Washington right now is leading the Ms marketing department.
  20. Mariners are performing just like Obama!
  21. I think Delridge - not sure.
  22. Prediction: smoak will be gone after the all star break at the latest. I'll be in West Seattle tonight watching g baseball - and checking out Bedard on the phone. He should be in our bullpen
  23. Mariners rule! I don't think I am going to opening day at the Safe. Just needed to cut back a bit!!
  24. Let me just say that the Safe was awesome last night! 15,000 fans enjoying the new big screen!
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