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Everything posted by Peter_Puget

  1. I am sure Midnight will be climbable before 4/1. The routes on the left side (incl. EO) are often a bit slow warming up in the morning. ROTC if anything is fairly easy for the grade. The crux section is right off the deck and you use to have to fiddle with pro ow it's plug and go with cams - not real small ones (.74 to 1.5 friends?). You can get a good rest in the pod/chimney section before the final hand crack which if I remember correctly takes #2.5 to #3 friends. The are two little done routes on the left (Curtains and Sometimes a Great Notion that are pretty good. The last pitch of Wild travers (Apron Jam) is super fun!
  2. RR is the man! This book changed my life......
  3. Here's the part of the story J_B didn't paste. (It's from 2008)
  4. J_B - Seems like the benefits she earned during private employment are social security. She then worked for the state stopped paying Social Security and earned a pension from the state. Now she's screwed. And you consider this reason to support increased government control of the economy.....
  5. both the real and the casino economies crashed thanks to the policies conservatives pushed, revenues have consequently declined below projections and now conservatives claim public employees compensation schemes are the cause of the problem. You guys just don't stop with the non-sense. See post above......
  6. The existence of a total budget crisis doesn't mean the pension scheme is bad. In 2006 near the end of an unprecedented increase in stock market and real estate values state pension plans generally by drawing down on capital and utilizing new conrtributions may have had sufficient resources to pay benefits for several years. This to J_B is evidence of a good plan.
  7. Peter_Puget


    Girls after Bill Clinton's heart for sure.....
  8. Even worse J_B I looked at the GOA report and found that it is pretty outdated. For example their report is thru 2006. I hate to tell you but a lot has changed since then. I would be so bold as to suggest that revenue steams have declined far below any plan projections and I would also guess that the analysis did not take into account the fact that the DOW would fall to ~ 30% unders its 2007 high.
  9. I've been too busy to read much cc.com but somehow not surprised to see this description of a Ponzi scheme used to assert that there is no pension crisis on the horizon.
  10. Damn you guys are always cranky down in Ore.
  11. Back when I was 14 a friend and I made a bunch of pins. His dad had a pretty good little shop so we would cut and grind things we found and then made a bunch of pins out of angle iron. We used them on some routes but since they were all soft iron they had to be made just right for the crack. Even then with lots of time and no money it seemed like a goofy thing to do. That said a homemade pin did catch a small aid fall of mine. Homemade stoppers are far easier to make so we went that route.
  12. DID you know that in the 1800's Congress voted on making the Dominican Republic a state......
  13. 1st Day of Spring Training!
  14. This is from Twight's old Grivel NA site. I am not sure if he wrote it but.... I can recall nobody saying that Sloe Children was runout. I remember back then sewing it up with regular stoppers. Now as far as starting at the left and getting a pump moving right....Walkin' The Dog, Strength Through Bowling (Until last year), Virgin On The Ridiculous, Tantric Baooka all start from the ground and were sigificantly more pg/r rated than Sloe Children despite new gear technology. Moving on to today's routes Amandla extension has some good fall potential, Stern Farmer p2 has a pretty good runout off a .4 TCU, The 10% p1 extension also has much longer falls than any place on Sloe Children. This quote is a perfect example of spoon feeding the public shit in order to sell a product. Way back machine link: http://web.archive.org/web/20071019005636/http://www.grivelnorthamerica.com/headlines.php?id=7
  15. So true.
  16. It seems that entire areas are ignored for no good reason...Cup and Saucer and Gogum are both really good climbs only an arm's span away from Julie's Roof. South Fork has a bunch of good routes - including cracks.
  17. Peter_Puget


    Now I'm pissed. I thought this was going to be a Baseball thread too!
  18. All five of those slabby routes are pretty cool.
  19. You'll have some new favorites after your trip up here! I need to get in shape for it.....
  20. What are yours? Mine: Local Route: Wipe at Index (coming in at a close second is Apron Jam at Midnight) Out of state route: Meat Grinder in the Valley.
  21. and for folks without so much wealth, and/or younger folks who haven't built a fortune and are unlucky enough to get a serious illness or injury? Tough luck? Btw, sorry about your dad- that stuff is stressful for all. I have never said I was against aid to people who need it. By the way here is something to consider. Cancer survival rates in the US are better than Europe this is mostly due to better screening and upfront care.. Now given that (per J_B) 40% of Americans have either non existent or inadequate coverage it does seem that that should not be the case. (I don’t have time to pull files/references but if you're interested there was a study published in the Lancet not too long ago that covered this as well as several fairly recent British studies. ) Now how many times have you heard the claim that government provided healthcare will provide smarter preventative care and thus produce better results at a lower cost than our current system. Just why haven’t our friends in Europe despite a long history of government provided healthcare been able to do this? The answer is it is harder than it seems and those who promote this easy answer are either naïve or being disingenuous.
  22. It's not so bad, Off. The WHO themselves state quite clearly that the rankings have much more to do with fairness than clinical efficacy. Which is a powerful argument toward showing the for-profit system cannot be salvaged. Total BS J_B
  23. Maybe this explain US health rankings! Low intelligence among top heart health risks
  24. No spin just replying to Tvash's bullshit "nazi" comments directed toward Jayb...... ok so you are saying that 40% of americans have no to inadequate healthcare? Please w/o looking stuff up on the web explain what you mean by that.....
  25. Anyone else find it odd that Tvash is going on and on about the elderly when as a group they are primarily covered by goverment provided care? Clearly since that is so fucked up the only solution is to broaden government support of healthcare! My parents have saved quite a bit over their lives. part of it was luck and part of it being smart. My father is now suffering from some sort of creeping dementia and can no longer be independent. Years ago my parents bought long term care insurance for my mother but the neglected to do so for my father. oo late now. How long will my father live? Who knows. I do know that care costs thousands per year and in a very short time my parents won't have much left. But guess what? Their wealth should be the primary source of their support.
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