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Everything posted by Peter_Puget

  1. Rudy - The thing about Seattle that is so nice is you can climb in the am at Si head west on I90 and be at the Safe in 45 minutes!
  2. Peter_Puget

    FIVE Weeks!

  3. Huckabee/Palin!
  4. Shit dont worry about BIG Pharma worry about the guys at Google.... What pussies I just tried it out.
  5. Another domino falls...............
  6. No Bait and Switch just good old fashioned honest mockery.
  7. Yea jackkasses spewing BS drive me crazy too J_B! By the way I love his last sentence in the column linked above: "Personally, I’m not a fan of this movement. But I can certainly see its potential to shape the coming decade." It's even more unbelievable considering he once wrote this: linky Also I really hated this column: linky
  8. Peter_Puget


    I thought this was going to be another music thread.....Shapes of Things Before My Eyes ...Just Teach Me To Despise.......Beck rules!
  9. Ivan it's the margin that matters.......
  10. linky Watch out J_B or the truth may catch up and spoil your plot.......
  11. Oh yea and as I am sure J_B is well aware the only 2010 impact of the Senate Healthcare Bill is....... drum roll......... Physician Medicare payments decrease 21% effective March 1, 2010
  12. Billcoe - Cost containment can be achieved w/o rationing. Just underpay for services. Here we have medicare covering - services no one is denied - but the damn doctors won't provide care! What nirvana: a plan covering everything with no cost!
  13. Earth to J_B....put your foil hat back on!
  14. I'm preserving this evidence of illegal activity. I am not ashamed to be a revolutionary. The Reagan Revolution that is!
  15. I was out of the country for a bit and accidentally yet successfully “smuggled” forbidden items on board aircraft several times. This despite having to pass thru several layers of security. The only thorough search I was subject to was at a military checkpoint in the middle of nowhere in Chiapas - many miles from an airport.
  16. Ah the savior of the left center turns out to be a lame non-truth teller..where is the outrage....The Tubes! The Tubes! linky [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKOANjv6htw
  17. I can't remember not remembering that image. Tastless or not I bet that image did impact public opinion. When I first heard Clinton discussing "smart power" I instantly thought of the "Best & The Brightest" and the Vietnam War.
  18. J_B relied: Ok let’s examine the evidence. I made two posts referencing Angola. I am for ease of reference I am pasting them below. Post #1 Post #2 Now here is the quote J_B is trying to clarify: Now even a cursory scan of J-B’s post will show that he must be referencing my second post. After all he wrote “you just told another lie relative to warfare in Angola.” Clearly I had not just told another lie. And yes J-B is correct the Angolan Civil war went on over a few presidents tenure. But back to my point ….Reagan had to clean up a bigger mess because of a weak president named Carter. Only a couple years after Angola came….Afghanistan……seems the circle has again been completed and we are back to the future…..
  19. Ok here is what J_B was replying to: 1st Claim: Reagan was elected about 5 years after Angolan independence. Facts: Portugal finally granted independence to Angola in 1975. linky so.... 1975 plus 5 equals 1980 Now consider... [Reagan won] both the nomination and election in 1980. linky Conclusion => my first claim is true! Second claim: Let's ignore the "I think" part and just for argument's sake consider that I was making an unqulified claim I think the Cubans starting sending troops to Angola during Ford's presidency. Facts: Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr. (born Leslie Lynch King, Jr.; July 14, 1913 – December 26, 2006) was the 38th President of the United States, serving from 1974 to 1977 linky In November 1975, on the eve of Angola's independence, Cuba launched a large-scale military intervention... linky Conclusion=> Second conclusion (not qualified) is true! I would also point out that J_B's references to things happening under Reagan time are not really addressing any of the issues I have raised. My take has been that Obama is fucking things up quickly and seeding the seed of another Reagan Revolution.
  20. Again with the insults? Why?
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