Ok here is what J_B was replying to:
1st Claim:
Reagan was elected about 5 years after Angolan independence.
Portugal finally granted independence to Angola in 1975.
1975 plus 5 equals 1980
Now consider...
[Reagan won] both the nomination and election in 1980. linky
Conclusion => my first claim is true!
Second claim: Let's ignore the "I think" part and just for argument's sake consider that I was making an unqulified claim
I think the Cubans starting sending troops to Angola during Ford's presidency.
Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr. (born Leslie Lynch King, Jr.; July 14, 1913 – December 26, 2006) was the 38th President of the United States, serving from 1974 to 1977 linky
In November 1975, on the eve of Angola's independence, Cuba launched a large-scale military intervention... linky
Conclusion=> Second conclusion (not qualified) is true!
I would also point out that J_B's references to things happening under Reagan time are not really addressing any of the issues I have raised. My take has been that Obama is fucking things up quickly and seeding the seed of another Reagan Revolution.