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Everything posted by Peter_Puget

  1. Reagan was elected about 5 years after Angolan independence. I think the Cubans starting sending troops to Angola during Ford's presidency. By the way anyone remember the "Church Committee?"
  2. That's rich coming from someone's whose central argument is that progressives are Pol Pots in waiting. In turn, pointing out your record of warmongering and chilling for corporatocracy in these pages aren't personal attacks but setting the record straight as you position yourself to appear against Obama's war. Just to clarify...I am pretty chill but I aint no shill.......
  3. Hmmm ...I remember the Angola civil war as occurring after independence. It was also under Jimmy Carter's wonderful Presidency....check out my tag line! Yes a crappy failure of a Democrat leading to an extended period of "Pax Republicana" Goldwater => Nixon/Ford Carter=> Ronnie/Bush Obama=>?
  4. And on a sad note look at how J_B and his ilk have resorted several times to personal attacks of various degrees......And TVash you must be tired..certainly Castro wanting Soviet missles in Cuba is not that same as the Soviets thinking that they could get away with placing them there....come on you have standards to maintain......
  5. half assed invasion.........no shock and awe that's for sure.
  6. Getting back to JFK...think of the Cuban Missle Crisis...to a large extent the result of many blunders by JFK which left the Russian (commies) thinking him a wimp. Now read: this and then this yep every thread is a variation on back to the future....same plot different crisis to follow....
  7. Ah Kimmo check out Best & Brightest Unfortunately I have thought of it many times in relation to Obama. Looks liek others have too..... Juan Cole linky
  8. Check it out. Obama and Olbermann's rating share a similar profile!
  9. Looks like you'll never learn the secrets of the Cowiche.
  10. If you stay in Yakima long enough to be considered a "local" at some point the secrets of the Cowiche will be revealed and you'll never climb in Tieton again...
  11. Just like JFK's legacy is more than just Teddy....
  12. Not all bad we can save on construction paper expense....
  13. Looks like interest rates (ie inflation) might be heading up! Carter term 2 indeed..... linky
  14. Merry Christmas to you too. Wow he keeps dropping! linky
  15. Fear-mongering about change is strategic to right-wing politics. This is what PP has been saying about me for years, in the meantime he merely supported numerous wars of aggression that probably killed millions. Another personal attack by the always sweet and charming J_B.....but the train keeps on rolling......
  16. I wasn't saying all of our problems should be solved. In 11 months he has reached the same level of srongly disapprove that Bush had when he left office. His Pres Index has reached new lows. (linky) He will soon have very little power to get things done - well he might be a large factor in the Dems losing power. I guess that is bipartisanship of sorts.
  17. Guys - There is still time left in the year and it looks like the weather is clearing!
  18. Milton Bradley hopes to put controversial past behind him in Seattle Posted by Geoff Baker Just got done with the Milton Bradley conference call and he sounded very much like a guy tired of answering questions about the multiple incidents in his wake. Can't say I blame him, but those incidents are, after all, the reason the Chicago Cubs just traded him here for Carlos Silva and cash. "I just look forward to playing baseball again in a positive environment with a good group of guys,'' Bradely said. One interesting thing he discussed was how he's looking forward to teaming up with Ken Griffey Jr. "Some of the things that happen in your life as a baseball player are kind of surreal to you and getting to play with Ken Griffey Jr. is one of them,'' Bradely told me when I asked him how much interraction they'd had over the years. He added that Griffey was one of only two players -- Barry Bonds being the other -- he's ever really wanted an autograph from. That's a big deal, I'd say, when it comes to how Bradley is going to fit in here. Griffey rules the clubhouse and having Bradley as a fan could be a positive step in getting him to leave the off-field stuff behind and do his talking on the field.
  19. J_B - Here are your last three posts. Post #1 Post #2 Arguing with you people is like getting kicked in the balls...in the brain. PP only wants you to "educate" him and "elevate the discourse" when you answer his regurgitation of conservatives talking points. Post #3 No internal consistency is needed in wingnutia. ANything will do to obstruct change, seed confusion, and protect corporatocracy. Come on J_B they are not very nice. Mr Seagal disagreed with me and I relied in a friendly manner. See below: He isn't failing because he has tried to please everyone. He has failed because he broke promises (eg being bipartisan), is a left wingnut and hasn't exhibited the skills needed for being a successful President. By the way I was voted down the other day trying to watch your show. Grrr. Go get a candy cane and get with the holiday spirit.
  20. Here is a great example of his lack of gravitas or new and exciting ideas. From the Guardian (that right wing bastion of evil!) linky
  21. This bald headed master is far more exciting than Palin any day, any year! The Genius of "Z"
  22. stop thinking with your dick.....
  23. He isn't failing because he has tried to please everyone. He has failed because he broke promises (eg being bipartisan), is a left wingnut and hasn't exhibited the skills needed for being a successful President. By the way I was voted down the other day trying to watch your show. Grrr.
  24. Obama by being something for everyone was really nothing and was bound to to dissapoint. Obama became everone's great desire....
  25. "For their three-year, $30 million investment, the Cubs got a clubhouse pariah who was suspended in mid-September for insubordination, temper tantrums, criticism of the fans — serial bad behavior that formed a disruptive backdrop to a disappointing season. What a surprise. Chicago was the seventh stop in Bradley’s nine-year career, and he had problems everywhere else." New York Times......
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