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Everything posted by Peter_Puget

  1. Here is a link to the plan: link to plan 3 It appear to be a combo of a defined contribution and a defined benefit plan. From the AFLCIO: link
  2. Now that's a cc.com pub clun worthy of attending1
  3. Hell NO! He can NEVER leave Seattle!
  4. Exactly whyI advocated giving the tax breaks to employers! linky
  5. 4 weeks and it's Arizona time!
  6. http://wardsauto.com/keydata/
  7. I believe that the "right" has been quite clear what they are against. In the words of Sen. Brown:
  8. Jim - Is she on plan 1,2 or 3?
  9. "Falling revenues" alone could account for the difference but in a the context of a recession that is simply restating the problem. I think that NY and Ind have actual average weekly UE benefits that are fairly comparable. Also doesn't the Federal Government fund much of the extended benefits? I wonder how the various states reserved for possible UE claims. I assume that any reserves have been drawn down by this point in any event.
  10. Great post Jon! It is interesting how the NE blue states like NY and NJ with moderate job losses have huge budget gaps..much like WA here in the NW. Red state Indiana also stands out. Servere job losses and yet looking comparatively good in terms of budget gap. Compare to its neighbor to the left.
  11. even more...
  12. item #1 Item #2 Now if Obama is half the pol Clinton is he will use this change to cover a shift to the center and pull his administration out of a freefall. If he does not, he will go down in flames.
  13. Check out the third section.......
  14. What do you mean by this statement?
  15. Living in the past! [video:youtube]
  16. In addition Hyperspace is a less than quality route.
  17. You guys sound just like the cats in the 80s saying Japan was taking over the world. By the way this is an occasionally fun site to read:http://mpettis.com/
  18. http://www.upi.com/Science_News/Resource-Wars/2009/12/23/Iraqs-oil-headed-to-China/UPI-70641261584612/ Ditto in Afghanistan... http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/30/world/asia/30mine.html ...And it's 1 2 3 4 - what were we fighting for... Just to clarify that the "ditto" JH uses is not quite accurate. In Iraq the Chinese are not buying a commodity but in Afganistan they are.
  19. who's been out of the country.....
  20. Peter_Puget

    Uh oh......

    The sky is falling!...wait no it's falling tomorrow....er um......next week.......perhaps next fall....... Linky
  21. Looks like everyone is watching FOX! (at least last Friday)
  22. Thanks Pete!
  23. Per FOX News:
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