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Everything posted by Peter_Puget

  1. What aren't you telling us?
  2. Perhaps an arrest will be made shortly......
  3. Enjoy the game....here's hoping we crush the Angels!
  4. F$%# the Mariners! Tacoma and Everett are the real baseball towns! Go Rainiers! Go Aquasox!
  5. Yep it looks like Greece is the beginning of the end for the "welfare state." How ironic that the "progressive” Neanderthals have at this time moved the US further along this dead end track than it has in many years.
  6. [quote=Jim Can you provide some specifics? For instance, the Solar Millennium project in the CA mojave (which I'm working on) is going in right now. 200 MW - the only incentive they are getting is some good deal on BLM land leases (as all energy projects get including coal and oil) and the benefit of an accelerated depreciation. There is no money from the state or feds in it. You can point to the renewable energy goals of Or, WA, and CA among other states as altering the market I suppose - but the coal, oil, and gas industries get way more tax incentives and outright handouts than the peanuts provided to renewables. /quote] Gohere: http://www.solarmillennium.de/Investors/Information_for_Shareholders_and_Interested_Parties_,lang2,4.html Download latest Annual Report Go to page 71.
  7. ....always look on the bright side of life.....
  8. Never considered following Tvash's advice. Pig Pen fan myself. He's the King of the West Coast Blues..which by the way is the title of a nice compilation series.
  9. Hmmmm. I actually spent time and read other people's posts and changed my position. I think this might the first time in one of these debates where someone's positon has changed. (please no sex jokes)
  10. Sadly Bill you guys didn't learn much.
  11. In a pile on my back seat. What a bunch of luddites!
  12. I’ve finally gotten around to organizing my music collection on a server. Currently I‘ve about 35k tracks. Mostly the files are FLAC although some are mp3. A few APE files will be converted to FLAC. The CDs were tagged when I converted them to FLAC; however, I have a fairly large number of FLAC files of live shows (mostly Dead) that I would like to tag. I’ve found some programs that tag from txt files but haven’t found a program that can be set to march thru and tag a large collection in one batch. Does any one have any recommendation of a program that can do this? Tagging one show at a time will take forever! Any suggestions for directory structure?
  13. Rudy - Last week I was talking to someone about access issues at another off cc.com (for the most part crag) Crag's on public property but access isn't. Landowner is kind of unhappy withthe large increase in people parking and crossing his land. I can onl yimagine the scene if there were TRs every week on cc.com. Keeping things off cc.com is sometimes not always being an asshole it can often be the polite thing to do.
  14. Dane – I am just ribbing the guys who claim that there was a puritanical tradition in Leavenworth. Certainly adding bolts to an old aid pitch (where there were no cracks) to free it is not being so pure. Top of Iconoclast isn't such a great climb although it could be pretty cool.
  15. I can't resist mentioning how this is another example of Leavenworth "Traditionalism."
  16. Those bolts might not be as new as you think. Over ten years for sure. Is one at the belay a glue in? The Iconoclast bolts are different.
  17. For my money the best pitch on Iconoclast is the pitch up to Library Ledge. Fun climbing up knobs to a short handcrack. I think a couple of the knobs can be tied off, so bring some thin slings. The part above LL is dirty and the bolts were in goofy places. The odd thing is it looks as if some of the bolts were placed at different times. Perhaps the newer ones filled existing holes but I kinda doubt it. I thought the bolts were kinda far apart on the ladder. Haven't been on it in many years so my memory could be off. I think someone should replace the bolts where you'd want them for free climbing and the route would be much improved.
  18. I didn't find the ladder to be much of a ladder. Did you?
  19. If I remember correctly Iconoclast above Library Ledge goes straight up and is significantly harder than .10+. Also, some of the the bolts are in really bad locations. Iconoclast with a 5.10 rating joins Outspace @ Library ledge. Edge of Space move out left from Library Ledge.
  20. I am confused this is the same argument you have use before to stop sport routes spreading to outlying crags. (Cognitive dissonance) I would point out that the area I have suggested would be the perfect place for sport routes is about 100’ from the closest route and has an area in sq ft that must be in the thousands. When I first climbed Clean Love, shortly after the FA, it was very clean. I doubt anyone ever lead the route free in the true “full on” dirt conditions. Over the years that section of rock has become dirtier and dirtier but I doubt it has fully returned to its pre cleaned state. Nut placements that are easily cleaned are one of the last things to go. Even occasional ascents with make placing gear far easier than in the original “full on” state. By the way one thing that might make sport routes a bad idea is that any loose blocks might end up on the highway!(hitting a car?) Those history buffs amongst us will of course note that that is also a tradition in NW rock climbing starting perhaps with Mr Beckey himself!
  21. Great pic Off! here's a picture of Peter as Peter...separated at birth maybe?
  22. I think that the NA had some old bolts replaced. The were a spattering of bolts on the route that aren't used free climbing. I think several of these were removed. Perhaps aiding before you used one of them.
  23. As long as any Leeper hangers are put back on the new bolt I am good with it!
  24. Castle Rock has some really groovy climbing on it. Along with some of the first crag routes it also has some fo the first 5.10s (Jim Madsen FAs?) in the NW. The lower section has some really fun roofs. The most climbed is Brass Balls because of its huge holds and general benign nature but there are several hard routes (some with funky protection) that are rarely climbed. The upper section has highly featured rock which lends itself to funstastic face climbing along with several good crack climbs. (TM Herbert did the FA of Damnation crack) The left side of the upper section has a different feel steep & blocky it only has routes on its far right but there appears to be several quality overhanging routes ready to be done to the left. In short it is a crag with a little bit of everything.
  25. Clean Love is a fun climb...you guys should get on it. I remember having to fiddle around with gear...I bet modern gear will be far easier to place. Doesn't the 10a climb a couple routes to the left have (sssshhhhh) BOLTS?
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