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Everything posted by Peter_Puget

  1. Ah Jay I meant to ask you if you think that perhaps Keynes himself had explained it in the portion of the General Theory that precedes the part you cut and paste above. Sorry for being unclear.
  2. Isn't this explained by Keynes himself by Book 4 Chapter 16 of the General Theory?
  3. My new BFF I hope the reps fall short of gainignthe House and Senate so that in 2012 we really can have some change.
  4. Peter_Puget


    http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/09/16/draw-muhammad-cartoonist-goes-hiding/ http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2010/09/15/more-democrats-break-with-obama-on-tax-cuts/ http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0910/42257.html
  5. Hey guys just letting you know that Ron McKernan was born in San Bruno - The KING of the West Coast Blues!
  6. Lately I’ve been in the Market for audio gear and can’t believe all the BS claims made by various manufacturers. Of particular note are the claims made by various cable manufacturers. Audio reviews are total crap! My conclusion is the only component that doesn't soon suffer from negative marginal returns (in relation to cost) are speakers…..
  7. Like I've never heard that before.......
  8. blah blah blah
  9. Come on J_B.... He said this “It’s a free country,” he said, then added almost off-handedly, “I wish it weren’t. but it’s a free country, and you gotta respect that freedom.” NOT “The Mosque is going to be built near ground zero," he said, then added almost off-handedly, “I wish it weren’t. but it’s a free country, and you gotta respect that freedom.” The fantastic lengths you go to to deny the obvious amazes me. Are you so blind that you cannot see?
  10. Jeesh I would have expected such a knee jerk response from J_B but not you Josh
  11. Check out 1' 17" Civil Rights Fighter! Governor! FOB! Liberal Democrat! Wiki Entry
  12. I think most climbers are unfamiliar with the beta a 6' 6" ogre would require.
  13. What nobody will help me out?
  14. linky It's already working. Saving our asses! Hope that paid off. Sure enough go read the report! report By the way can anyone explain the last section of the report entitled:Statement of Actuarial Opinion
  15. Wak and I are heading over to Bavasi's to watch the game - it's alway 4:20 there!
  16. Changing the subject again......
  17. Four out of every five jobs created or saved by the recovery act were in the public sector. link
  18. Kinder, gentler....
  19. Is it open for business?
  20. It's Thursday BTW.
  21. Who else is going?
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