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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Stefan


    I was happy. My girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, and so we decided to get married. My parents helped us in every way, my friends encouraged me, and my girlfriend? She was a dream! There was only one thing bothering me, very much indeed, and that one thing was her younger sister. My prospective sister-in-law was twenty years of age, wore tight mini skirts and low cut blouses. She would regularly bend down when quite near me and I got many a pleasant view of her underwear. It had to be deliberate. She never did it when she was near anyone else. One day little sister called and asked me to come over to check the wedding invitations. She was alone when I arrived. She whispered to me that soon I was to be married, and she had feelings and desires for me that she couldn't overcome and didn't really want to overcome. She told me that she wanted to make love to me just once before I got married and committed my life to her sister. I was in total shock and couldn't say a word. She said, "I'm going upstairs to my bedroom, and if you want to go ahead with it just come up and get me." I was stunned. I was frozen in shock as I watched her go up the stairs. When she reached the top she pulled down her panties and threw them down the stairs at me. I stood there for a moment, then turned and went straight to the front door. I opened the door and stepped out of the house. I walked straight towards my car. My future father-in-law was standing outside. With tears in his eyes he hugged me and said, "We are very happy that you have passed our little test. We couldn't ask for a better man for our daughter. Welcome to the family." The moral of this story is: always keep your condoms in your car.
  2. They are selling the Cassin Raid Light here for $54 http://www.overstock.com/cgi-bin/d2.cgi 1) Go to the "Search by Store" 2) Select "Sports, Travel, Toys" 3) Put in the word "Light" 4) Select "Go"
  3. Was it those LifeLink helicopters? Or was it a tourist helicopter? It is the tourist season......and those Japanese sure like taking pictures of climbers. I tried out for RMI one time. We were doing our explanation of techniques and this large group of Japanese comes to watch us. We were about 50 meters away from the parking lot on snow doing our own private thing. Well, they didn't really want to watch us. Some people got within 2 feet of us while we were talking, so their buddy could capture a photograph of them with a mountain climber in polypropelene and goretex with an ice axe.
  4. Liar story. True. I was sent off for a consulting job in Redding, CA that involved a transfer of company to Dallas, TX. The process took 8 months. Policy of the company I was working for said, "Employees are allowed to return home for weekends during work outside of their hometown." I was with 3 other people. We asked the supervisor, about the travel, and he said, "You can come home every weekend--it is in the contract." Well, the supervisor of the job after about 2 months, ordered us to stay in Redding, CA and Dallas, TX on weekends to save money for the business we were consulting becuase all travel, food was paid for by the business we were consulting for. We were all pissed off. After one month of not travelling home, I said fuck this and started coming home on my own without informing the supervisor. The supervisor was a totally hands off kind of person. Guess, what? I found the contract after the job was done. The contract did not have a clause in it saying we could come home. The three other people on the job quit about halfway through due to this episode. The man is a liar. He works at T-Mobile now.
  5. I'm married. I don't have the creative juices to think like that anymore.
  6. ....and lame fucks who never show up for a climb
  7. I have only done Sheep. Sheep can be done in early season becuase it is not that far away from the gate, so bikes are not that necessary. We crossed the bridge over the South Fork of the Sauk, went directly up, and then went into the drainage shown on the map at 3400 feet. You cannot get into the drainage at 3200 feet or 3600 feet due to mossy cliffs. We continued on the north side of the drainage until about 4400 feet where it widened out and up to the col at 5720+ and traversed over to the summit. I have no information on the other peaks.
  8. If Walmart sucks so bad, why does it do so well? Thumbs up to Walmart in my opinion. People decide with their money. The market dictates.
  9. At popular trailheads I now take off the cables connecting to the battery. Not that my car would be anything anybody wanted.....but maybe just a joyride..... Looks like you had fun on the trip! Good to see!
  10. Tell me where you lost it, what type it is, and I will tell you: Thanks!
  11. Does Brent Bishop live/work in the Seattle area or is he still in Montana?
  12. I don't agree cjf001f. Most discussions on this board are in the "SPRAY" area. Posting this informs others, just like a bad movie, or a good movie. We have people posting positive information on this site about good customer service at worthy locations. Recent example: Cascade Crags in the Shops forum. In addition, if a customer service rep catches this thread, maybe they will bend over backwards to correct the issue; and thereby getting back a future customer.
  13. I do think the gym in the Kent to Tacoma area would be a good thing. However, the only problem is of course as someone stated--the age group. Younger people without the responsibilities of a house or children have more time on their hands, and therefore can spend the time and money at an indoor rock climbing wall. If I was to look into it, the key would be the amount of softball, soccer, and other intramural sports in the Kent-Tacoma area compared to Seattle. If there is a huge following of these sports, then the idea might fly because it gives an indication of the potential. The indoor gym would also have to be near a large population center of apartments (after all a lot of single people live in apartments). In addition, you might be able to Backpacker's Supply to move their store next to the gym. If there was a location, best location I can think of is just off of I-5 near the Portland Ave exit with the population center of Tacoma being the strongest pull for location.
  14. Stefan


    I hope you heal quickly.
  15. Funny thing. You never hear about the stories about the rope teams on extremely sloped terrain that never make it from a fall. Well, maybe that isn't so funny.
  16. I'm not sure, but wasn't that famous self arrest on K2 where everybody was roped up and one person saved them from a self arrest? I believe no pro was placed then. I guess they were all experienced folk.
  17. Stefan


    Ditto with me too.
  18. Fair enough. I think alot of the men think this way too. Guys want "hot" chicks and not "fat chicks" in the same manner you speak of. Generally, men wouldn't think twice about a fat chick or an unkempt woman unless she was a friend--or he liked big butts. I know you don't speak for all women. I don't speak for all men. I do have a problem with these mediocre women wanting good looking men--and the women say "It's so hard to find a good man." I just want to take them by their throat and say, "Lower your f'in standards of how a person looks!" So what it comes down to is a sexual relationships are easy if you are good looking and very tough if you are ugly. Lawgoddess I have never seen you. Are you good looking?
  19. LAWGODDESS: I am married so I aint hitting on you. I am trying to follow you, but I am confused. If I was ugly, what do I have to do to get into bed with you? If I was gorgeous, what do I have to do to get into bed with you? Now don't give me that crap about it doesn't matter what you look like, because my wife has a lot of single girlfriends. They are all looking for prince charming, but when I show them pictures, they say , "No thanks, I don't think so." In addition, single women did turn me down when I asked them to dance at clubs. Why the fuck would you go to a dance club and NOT dance? So tell me. How can I get you to my home?
  20. Stefan


    Went up Snowking via the West Route. This route is slightly less distance than the Kindy Ridge route and has about 1500 feet less in elevation gain. However, no trails exist. The four of us left from the Slide Lake trailhead at 7:00a.m. and went straight uphill through the brush to the pond at 4800 feet. Some flagging and tree slashes could be found, but they were rare and not much help. We continued on and up following the somewhat bouldery ridgetop to the summit of Ottabot (5897)where the summit of Ottabot had one minor and short class 5 slabby section that could be aided by a tree before a short scramble to the summit. We then dropped to 5200 and continued on the direct ridge to Snowking. The most difficult part of the ridge was between point 6100 and point 6597 where we mostly stayed to the south of the ridge. We continued on staying to the south of point 7015 and traversed to the north of point 7425 before dropping down to the glacier and traversing around point 7400+, and then an easy scramble up to the summit. The snow was in excellent condition the whole day with only about 2 inches of depth with each step I want to point out I was wasted by the time I got to the summit, and yet we were only half way. Views were really nice, but I took a nap. We then reversed the whole scenario but instead of following the ridgeline back we stayed on the snowy north slopes all the way to the 5200+ pass between Snowking and Ottabot--and I recommend the snowy north slopes if you decide to try this route up becuase it is less tedious. We came down the brushy steep slope right back to the cars. I was exhausted by the time the day ended. 12 hours round trip. Stefan 6/8/2003
  21. Stefan's been watching Dr. Phil again. I am SOOOOO into Dr. Phil. He lays down the shit. When I was laid up for 4 weeks with my bad ankles, I saw him every day. He makes Ophrah look like Donahue. Many of you youngsters probably don't even remember Donahue!!! Yes, Dr. Phil talks about relationships alot--but that is IF you want a relationship. Once again, women in general have to have a relationship to have sex.
  22. Ladies- Please send all hate correspondence to: Stefan P.O. Box 69 Imanidiotforsayingthis, WA. 98522 Trask: I am married, and my wife doesn't visit cc.com. So I don't have to worry about potential baggable future women who visit this site--i.e. Lawgoddess,Minx, Icegirl. In addition I don't have to worry about the wrath of my wife! I will say one good general thing about women. They can multitask better then men.
  23. lawgoddess: I am ugly and married. Been married for 11 years now. Sex is satisfying, albeit not as often as I would like.... Satisfying sex would probably be twice a month as a single person. Women just don't put out becuase they do want that "relationship" thing. Women just don't know how to separate sex from relationships. The way I see it three possibilities exist. It's nice to have a relationship with a female and not have sex. Us guys call that friendship, and yes, this is satisfying. Its also also nice to have sex and not have a relationship. Yes, this is satisfying. Its also nice to have sex and have a relationship. Yes, this is satisfying. Men can do all three. Generally, women on the other hand can only do two of the three above. There's something about the female brain being wired wrong.....
  24. I guess it depends on how ugly you are. If you are ugly, you will probably get more sex in a relationship. If you are one hot dude/babe, then you would probably get more satisfying sex in the single life.
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