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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Anna will know when the time is right to go back to climbing. Hell, I broke both my ankles about 2 weeks after Goran's accident from my own rappeling accident. I still have physical and mental problems. I am not in the right mind yet to do any rappelling--but I have gone out several times and done mountaineering trips which suits me fine right now. Why rant on people? I just don't get it. Aren't these called accidents? Climbing is dangerous--now matter how skilled you are. Alex Lowe died in an avalanche. Should he have known better than being in that area on Shishapangma? He rolled the dice and came up unlucky. Scott Fischer died probably from the onset of some altitude sickness. Should he have turned around at the "turn around time?" He rolled the dice and came up unlucky. We can all make mistakes. Sometimes we roll the dice and we come up lucky, and unfortunately sometimes the dice will show snakeeyes or boxcars. I bet, even Greg W has rolled the dice.
  2. Whiplash, Were all the gates open? (Sometimes they close them) Thanks! How was the climb on Barbara???
  3. I hope Jeremy had a good time. That's what's climbin is all about! After all he was using my down jacket!
  4. The fastest way/most painless way you speak of Bill is the best option if you are doing just South Twin. I agree with that. But I would like to do a traverse of the Twin Peaks range from the South Twin going south--to Barbara Peak, so getting back to my car is a logistical problem...... P.S. Anybody had access problems with Crown Pacific and the gate at Hamilton????
  5. You can kind of see what I am talking about on page 42 of Beckey. The ridge I am talking about is to the right of the basin on page 42. The basin is to the right of the west ridge on page 42. On the USGS maps the ridge I am talking about kind of ends at 6100 feet to a "basin" which leads to the summit. The USGS shows that it may be class 5ish from 5600 to 6000 feet and I didn't know if anyone knew about this section. I asking becuase the road goes to 4100 feet with brush ending around 4800 feet. That would only mean 700 feet of bushwacking for this peak! This is why I am so curious about this "little" west ridge.
  6. I am looking at the photo for the roads, but the USGS map definitely shows another ridge--although not as prominent as the one people climb. Still, has anybody climbed it?
  7. I can't believe no one has mentioned the NE face of Davis. That is one big sucker of a face!!!!
  8. There appears to be two west ridges of the South Twin. The northerly WEST RIDGE, most people climb. However, I am interested in the southerly WEST RIDGE. A road appears to go to 4100 feet on this ridge from satellite pictures. Has anybody been on the southerly of the two WEST RIDGES for South Twin?
  9. The dank mossy factor is PART of the climb and the problem to solve that presents itself to you. I am not a tree hugger. I am also not a bolter...if I can't climb something without my own physical abilities, then I should not climb it. The only reason you probably want to remove the mossy factor is to make the climb easier or more enjoyable. Hell, alot of people climb becuase it is NOT easy and sometimes it is NOT enjoyable.
  10. Sorry, i just reread. I thought you were doing the South "Twin" Sister. Have fun though. Nice skiing...
  11. I am very interested in that peak this year. Can't go this weekend though....maybe next weekend. Please report the conditions when you get back.
  12. I have been up this peak--the tourist route. I took the tram to the top. There is a three story building on top complete with a restaurant, nice viewing deck, and stuffed polar bears. And don't forget the postcards!
  13. I am not a skier. But I am interested in terms you guys used. What is: JIB or jibbing? a Pocket Rocket? Twintips? just curious. thanks.
  14. Sounds good guys. Looks like they let you back in the U.S. -- that surprises me.
  15. I was in Zermatt last year with Vegetablebelay for 10 days climbing peaks around there. PM me if you want detailed information--although over the phone I would be able to provide more detailed information.
  16. Did any of the various landowners give a reason for the closure?
  17. Hands up to Scott on his first post. He posted something about skiing in the "freshiezone" adding to the quality of the website. On the other hand, people spray his report. If you don't like his reports, why do you "sprayers" respond and give his posts attention if you are annoyed by it so much? What makes a quality trip report worthy of this site?
  18. I am a weekend warrior. Damn proud of it. I got a job. I got kids. I got a mortgage. I got a wife who wears the pants in my family. You try asking her for more time in the mountains. Good luck.
  19. I know in previous posts people talked about the Euro Death Knot and the Double Fisherman's Knot and the pros and cons of each knot. But has anyone ever tried this knot to join to ropes, and is it strong??? http://www.scoutingresources.org.uk/knots_az03.html#zepplin
  20. Is there a good website out there for viewing what a knot looks like and how to tie the knots? Looking for a site that has multiple knot options, and not just climbing types of knots. Just curious what's out there.
  21. In front of a thread about Bush and Powell being liars.
  23. as I've said before, PROVE IT As I've said before, they've proven it by not providing the evidence they based their justification for war on. Actually Mr. Eagle, Iraq had claimed the amounts of biological weapons with the UN that (Dubya said) in 1992 when the weapons inspectors were there. The justification for war was based on Iraq not supplying evidence that they destroyed what they claimed they had. It was up to the the Iraqi government to prove the weapons were destroyed. Those weapons in 1992 just didn't disappear. There has to be residual effects, like, "If you destroyed them, where did you bury the residue." Ask MtnGoat. He knows the details.
  24. If these do turn out to be lies, then I live in a very sad world. One man's agenda (Dubya) to rid Saddam (which I think should have been assasinated) lead to a loss of over 130 American lives and possibly several thousand Iraqis.
  25. You did this in one day too! WOW. It took me three days....but then again I was on foot and we climbed several peaks along the way including Perdition.....which I DO NOT RECOMMEND via Roper's route in Beckey.
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