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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Gunsight. I did the easiest route. Went down the glacier to the couloir per Beckey. The toughest part of the climb was the very beginning. I think I was off route. I think you are supposed to go up the couloir and traverse climbers left into the gully. But for some reason I went straight up into the gully thinking that was the easiest. It was NOT and unpleasant. This pitch is about 3/4 in length. Once in the gully it is class 3 up to the high notch on the ridge between the two peaks. From the high notch move to climbers right (class 3-4) and then solid climbing on solid rock (5.3) with lots of places for pro in a chimney system which takes you back up to the ridge proper. Beckey is right in his description where a chimney system leads to a good rappel rock. From the rock to the summit is more climbing along the ridge but probably 5.0 climbing.
  2. You guys have it all wrong in going up Bachelor Creek. Do not cross to the south side of Bachelor Creek where the trail disappears. Instead of going through the brush of Bachelor Creek and then up through the avalanche debris here is what we did: Where the trail disappears and just before you cross the stream we went 150 yards NE to the old growth trees. We stayed in the old growth trees always remaining about 40 yards to the north of Bachelor Creek. Once you reach the bench at 5400 feet (which is now above the avalanche debris) head SE and you will meet up with the trail. Probably BW2. The only bad part was the 150 yards of brush from leaving the trail before the old growth forest. Probably BW8. No devils club or slide alder in the old growth trees.
  3. Wasn't up that way. But if you would like me to stop for you, try looking like a climber. I give lifts to climbers.
  4. Haha! Of course this is stupid! Isn't most spray, drivel and stupid? Note to self: Post this in spray. Not in climbing. What I find more stupid is somebody thinking this was a stupid post and then taking their own time to reply to it.
  5. Slow things down and stop taking "wooden nickels" when it comes to what you have been accepting and settling for about you. Dr. Phil should be a moderator on cc.com
  6. Keep it in perspective. I love playing tennis, but lets face it--I'm not playing at Wimbledon. I'm a bald headed hacker who has a day job. Dr. Phil keeps us real.
  7. Thread drift is good Alpine K. Hey, I AM reading those articles you gave to me. Interesting reads. And by the way, I find economics interesting too!
  8. I am on Michaels side. When you have an injury of that magnitude it consumes your thoughts every day.......days become weeeks.........weeks become months.........
  9. Doesn't it feel great to have clean teeth? Unless you were just kidding???? I do think a ride on a scooter sounds better that an hour in a dentists chair. I did get my teeth cleaned. Really. I don't mind the picking, and the flossing and the prodding to see my gums. But I absolutely hate the polish and that gritty stuff that goes with it!
  10. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. --Eleanor Roosevelt Dr. Phil is my idol!
  11. Marylou, Marylou, Marylou...what am I going to do with you! You can't get that information! Didn't you read the article at the beginning of the post! They won't share that kind of information with the owners!
  12. I know! I know! I know becuase you sent that picture to me Mr. Klenke!
  13. I accept apologies. Hell, I fuck up too. I fucked up big time with the wife one time. I am still paying for it. But come on. Helping someone move was an emergency? I understand death, sickness....but moving?
  14. Hey, you're the guy who never showed up for the climb after I had to organize everything with my family to make sure it was allright I get out. It took a lot of work for me to get that weekend. You fucked up.
  15. I would ban you anytime and everytime and as fast as I could. that's cause you have a number 4 'lot tipped out in your anus Hugh? Educate me.
  16. I would ban you anytime and everytime and as fast as I could.
  17. Damn you Klenke. I almost had it!
  18. I'm sure the "well-paid" REI retail employees who frequent this site would have something to say about this! I kind of laugh at it too. But when you see the data, the retail employees at REI are getting slighter higher bump in pay than your average joe on the retail floor at Walmart!
  19. Ignorant. Ignorant. Ignorant people. Every store position and every position at HQ has a wage or salary range. The HR department does an analysis every year to make sure the wage or salary range is comparable to THE MARKET for the position and the location where the position is in. They bump up the wage range for store retail employees becuase they believe they need to attract the knowledge becuase they are in a specialty retail environment. Your pay within that wage/salary range is determined by your prior year performance. You can only make the maximum in that range or you will not be paid less than the minimum in that range. If you suck, your pay does not increase. If you do well, then you get a raise. Bottom line: Pay for people is determined by the market for the position.
  20. Why don't I hear about more sweatshops in Mexico than in Asia? Is labor more pricey in Mexico? Is it because the humidity is less and people sweat less?
  21. Methinks spraying is stupid. Oh crap! I just sprayed.
  22. . Cultures will change.....give it time.......you can't have "everything" now in the "information" revolution that is just getting started. You couldn't do many things in the former USSR. Things changed.......
  23. I think the vast majority of people are smart enough to decide if wage and benefits are good enough for them. by this reasoning, sweatshops are a practical example of capitolism... is that the euphamistic spin you would use for that? Good point Fence. I have thought about this. My conclusion. I would support sweat shops. Why? Their lives are better than they were before. Seriously. People really had no money in SE Asia until the sweatshops started. More people died of starvation and of course, all the fighting..... Sweatshops are bad, but they are good in the long run. Hell, the US had sweatshops in the 1800's during the beginning of the industrial revolution. Then the people became organized and unions started demanding better working conditions. I expect the same thing will happen to sweatshops in the far east. It just takes time. Sweatshops bad in the short term.....but good in the long term.
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