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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Um. I have done this route too. This route was my friend's idea. Many years ago. I have lost touch with that friend. That friend used to live in Shoreline. Your named initials aren't by chance M.L.?
  2. sick climbing route = extremely hazardous sick climbing route = something I gape at sick climbing route = something beyond my capability or confidence level must meet all three criteria above
  3. In my opinion they are hikes too. But the majority of other people would consider them climbs, and usually the majority rules. I know it is semantics but then why is the DC route on Mt. Rainier in "Selected CLIMBS" by Jim Nelson.
  4. Stefan

    sprayin canadian

    Hugh? I guess you have never laughed at a joke about Hitler, Hussein, Idi Amin, Stalin, Ted Bundy.......they are all in a class by themselves.....
  5. Stefan


    Good thoughts. Hope it works out. I know the importance of touch when you are in pain. I strongly believe touch is a very important factor in first aid to someone who has been in an accident. I don't know if they encourage touch to EMTs though as part of their first aid.....
  6. Stefan


    Why massage therapy? Just curious what leads you in that direction......
  7. Stefan

    sprayin canadian

    I have seen a lot of Drus posts. I really don't think Dru is Drew. I think the guy who poses as Dru is pig farmer who likes hookers and is currently in a BC jail. If you look at "Dru's" posts they increased significantly when a pig farmer was jailed for alledgedly killing hookers in BC. The BC government treats jailbirds nicely, so I think they gave the pig farmer a nice PC and walla, there you go. "Dru" in essence does work for the government--the corrections side of the government. I also suspect they are moving "Dru" to a different facility, and that is his explanation of being "laid off".
  8. Go to this link: http://www.nwhikers.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=335&start=30 Talk to Doug Schrenk at the North Bend ranger station. They are supposedly going to gate the Middle Fork Snoqualmie road at Dingford creek which a lot of people oppose. But the real truth isn't supposed to come out until the final document is done.
  9. Under this system, ascending Mt. Rainier, Mt. Baker, Glacier Peak under the traditional routes might be considered a hike. Maybe climbing is different than hiking becuase climbing has grades whereas hiking does not........
  10. What would be the recommended stretching exercise for calf mulscles? I keep my feet flat, bend over, touch my hands to the floor, and try to pull my chest towards my kneecaps. (No, I do not touch my chest to my kneecaps.) I would like to know if this is the proper way to stretch the calfs or if there is a better way.
  11. Now that's a good idea. I never would have thought of that. Thanks!
  12. Necro. You made the best decision you could at that time with the information you had. Why would anyone WANT to make a bad decision? In the opinion of others, hindsight will always be 20/20. I think you made a good decision. Remember, the opinions of others are coming AFTER the incident, not when the decision had to be made.
  13. Getting a key would always be problem for me due to early morning starts and only weekend potentiability.....so.... Do you know how far from the end the road is gated? Is this road too steep to be mountainbikeable with a pack on?
  14. I can see a tiny satellite ridge on the USGS map. And the Beckey book. Wow. To go back UP after all that you went through to get down. UGH! I know that specific area as I have been at that notch--during the spring. The brush is truly classic bushwacking in spring. Truly a Cascade epic you went through.
  15. Holy shit. Are you serious? I thought he was just tired. Fuck. That puts a whole new light on how he was off in time. That is epic.
  16. You are REALLY tired. I can tell from your writing. You kept refering to the "south face" of Big Four. YOU were on the north and east faces on that mountain. I like the hole you dug through. I wouldn't want to be you taking that picture seeing my friend making a cornice weaker AND being underneath it. That takes balls....
  17. I work for Pokemon........and Magic.......and D&D.......
  18. Today I thought was going to be a normal day at work. Instead HR organized an event where we are to "kill" other departments with these nerf guns--throughout the day. I am getting paid for this.
  19. Dwayner. Dwayner. Dwayner. Everybody loves you. Nobody hates you. Found any relics similar to Queen Hatchupson recently?
  20. Okay, so you guys think he's a jerk for killing his son--probably from not able to control his anger. Yeah, I think so too. But I am sure he didn't mean to kill his son--that's why it was manslaughter. He has to live with the fact that he killed his own son with his own hands out of his own anger. That kind of thought would put me in a depression forever.
  21. http://archives.seattletimes.nwsource.com/cgi-bin/texis.cgi/web/vortex/display?slug=wdig12&date=20030212&query=Loretan Check the bottom of the page for the story on Erhard Loretan I felt sorry for Erhard Loretan when I heard about this....
  22. Here is a picture taken from Trapper's Peak on Sunday towards the Pickets from a friend of mine. Inspiration is above and just to the right of the guy in the red jacket. You can see the west ridge. http://www.mtnmike.com/pics/trappers/cookies.jpg
  23. Glad to see this close call ended up positive Chuck. Really.
  24. Wow. Great job! I really like the picture with the short sleeves! Short sleeves in the first of February!
  25. Colin and Forrest. You have no concept of what pain is do you? Your efforts make me look a child. Congratulations. Amazing.
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