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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Have fun whatever you do!
  2. I did Hozomeen in under 12 from Hozomeen Lake. You can get to the base of Cathedral in 4 hours on a bike from the US side... I would have to vote for Mt. Crowder as unattainable in 24 hours one way. Another vote for unattainbale in 24 hours one way: Mt. Childs on the Bailey Range at this location. No fair with skis. http://www.topozone.com/map.asp?z=10&n=5295382&e=456225&s=25
  3. Hey Mike, do you know why some NP installations have free entrance fees and others are not? I am not complaining. Just wondering what the policy is. For example, I don't recall paying for the Pearl Harbor thing--which is they way it should be for this facility. I know there are other NP's around the country that you don't have to pay for, I just can't remember their names. Not sure about the Statue of Liberty..... I know the money collected from the entrance(s) of MRNP goes into the general fund of all NP's. What's the policy why some NP's charge and some don't for entrance fees?
  4. Well my wifes are too big and she complains about them being too big. She says they are a pain when she jogs. She wants surgery to reduce them.
  5. 1) cascadeclimbers.com 2) Canada is jealous
  6. Alder Smoke kicks ass. Canjun is addictive but my tongue feels the pain.
  7. There's nothing wrong with trying to fly, unless you happen to be a beagle instead of an eagle. I wish Dr. Phil was one of my climbing buddies.
  8. I have done the traverse. I don't know if we did it right though. We dropped down NE off the South Brother (one or two rappels necessary) into the basin. Traversed north to the North Brother in the basin. Went up a couloir and then went climbers left to the summit of the North Brother. The last section of the North Brother was either class 4 or low class 5 and we did use a rope. This was many years ago so my memory is foggy. We then thought going straight downhill to the East Fork of Lena Creek would go back to camp. Wrong. It did go, but we had something like 3 full length double rappels where there were semi waterfalls occurring on both sides of us. I did NOT like those rappels. We should have headed more north to the headwaters of Lena Creek to head down. Lena Creek was the standard brush bash back to camp.
  9. I thought you meant Backbone Ridge in the North Cascades.....
  10. Whoa. That is definitely over 40 miles round trip. I don't know that kind of pain. Did you beat Dan -'s record?
  11. Here is one Pakistani's thought on why they hate America. This man DOES NOT speak for all Pakistanis--just himself. When I went to Pakistan in 1999 to climb a mountain up the Baltoro I spoke to several of the men. Several of them spoke very broken English. I asked one of them what they think of Americans. He replied (as much as I can remember), "I like money. I need money for family. I work hard. My life not easy. You have easy life. I want to have easy life like you. I have anger for Americans becuase I work hard and make not much money. I like your money."
  12. You cashed in on some good Karma points on that trip. Accumulate more for future trips.....
  13. Just curious. I was on the Backbone ridge last year too. What did you climb? What were your exit and entry points?
  14. "I am sorry I through up in your flowerbeds and peed on your woodpile. I had too much tequila." Stefan apologizing to his future mother-in-law while he was dating her daughter as a teenager in 1986.
  15. We saw absolutely no one except for a weirdo on the way out. We went in on a Friday in July and came out on a Sunday. A bike would be very fast going towards Goode, and probably a good thing. Might be more of a problem coming out towards the Bridge Creek trailhead due to a slight uphill trend in the trail. But then, you could keep riding to Stehekin and take the boat out with your bike. The one good thing about government budget cuts to the NPS and Forest Service is the lack of patrolling in the backcountry!
  16. I have done the hike along Bridge Creek from the NC Highway. I did it in tennis shoes and carried the boots. The only part I did not like was the Bridge Creek stretch--becuase it has direct sun exposure for a good period of time, but done in the morning or evening might be more pleasant. The other thing I liked about the hiking option was not having to slog up a full pack along the route.
  17. Stefan

    Cup o' noodle

    It's kind of like climbing. First you do hiking (lurking). Then you do some backpacking (you respond to a legitimate climbing question). Then you go to your first summit (you post a question in the climbing board). Then your summits get harder and you mix a 5.0 pitch in with a climb (you post a comment in Spray). Then you go to 5.6 climbing multipitch (you start slamming people). Then you get to 5.10 climbing (this is where people start to know your name, but only identify you by your avatar). Then you get to 5.14 and your name is at the "Entrance" with the most posts.
  18. I like the illegals. They allow me to buy food at cheap prices. I have turned a blind eye--but I guess that's the market. What I don't like is having to pay tax dollars to educate the children of illegal aliens. That is not the government's role. I guess this makes it a double standard???? I would like to read the book, but right now I gotta read up on WalMart!
  19. In a passionless life, superficiality (cc.com) becomes the substitute for the things that ought to matter. False goals such as money, approval from others, and the accumulation of "stuff" will come to dominate your life and its energy. Dr. Phil has more women interested in him more than me and Alpine K combined!
  20. I think he wears a white button shirt and red/blue striped tie every day to work. He wears shoes from Florscheim at work. He has a hole in one ear, you guess the ear. He puts the diamond in the earhole when he leaves work. He drives an IROC. The IROC has fuzzy dice. The stick shift has an eight ball on it. His living room has leather furniture and a velvet Elvis. His kids were the first ones to say "Fuck" on the block. He wears a bracelet on his left wrist.
  21. Why do so many fucking people come this damned country? Hell, my sales tax dollars pay for education of the illegal aliens' kids in this state. I guess this country is number one in educating people.
  22. I agree with this statement. If you watch/read European news, you get a better understanding of what's happening in the world.
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