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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Glad to see this close call ended up positive Chuck. Really.
  2. Wow. Great job! I really like the picture with the short sleeves! Short sleeves in the first of February!
  3. Colin and Forrest. You have no concept of what pain is do you? Your efforts make me look a child. Congratulations. Amazing.
  4. I am truly impressed. I don't even have the balls to get to the base of that thing.
  5. I know the roads in there are complicated. Do you have detail on the roads? Like any numbers, distances, take a left at the road that has a snag? Kind of thing to get to the base of South Twin sister. I have been interested too in the South Twin and would appreciate any information.
  6. Congratulations to the both of you. Would love to here how your estrogen weekend works out.
  7. 35 is low. I just took mine. I am at 51 typing this right now. I was at 75 in early December 2002 just when I had my casts taken off my legs. Since I have been doing my therapy I work out 6 times a week with 50 minutes doing aerobic activity. So....it doesn't take long to reduce your hear rate..... I suspect though I need to start working on some aneoribic activity to get "the endurance power" back.
  8. And how do they get up the Baltoro in winter? I bet they go in the fall, set up their camps, do little acclimitization climbs, wait for winter, try climbing the damned thing, then wait till spring and the porters to return.
  9. I see exactly what you are talking about. I will wait for the pictures. Thanks for the beta.
  10. I realize you had cornices on the east side with deteriorating weather, but did you guys ever get a look at the NE ridge?????
  11. The last word in "REI" is Incorporated. Legally, REI is a corporation.
  12. Man was not made to touch every part of this earth. It is okay if we leave some places untouched.
  13. Klenke: Could you take a look at the NE Ridge of Lewis when you are up there? I would like to know what it involves. Send me a trip report when you get back! I would also like to know what the east aspect of the north ridge you are on looks like. Thanks.
  14. See, this is what pisses people off about the news industry -- it's more important to break the story than to get it accurate. You can do a lot more damage by passing along unconfirmed reports than by waiting until you know something or a fact, regardless of the bragging rights of being the first to break a story. Tom, I agree with you. I hope the news hounds follow this thread. Accuracy is more important than speed. The newshounds should say until they have accurate information, "An avalanche has occurred in Revelstoke where people were involved. No deaths or injuries are confirmed." What ever happened to "confirmation" of information?????? Didn't the Washington Post wait on publishing information until it was confirmed by a second source at the beginning of the Watergate incident??? This is why TODAYS news sucks.
  15. I don't have the physical therapist knowledge or what "freeclimb9" says, but like I said in my earlier post.....I have taken out runners on climbs, and I have taken out people who mountain bikers. The runners suck on climbs. For some reason the runners just don't have the power. This is why I do not run and only do a stairstepper or bicycle as training. Just pure observation. By the way, the mountain bikers have kicked my ass on climbs.
  16. Bicycling to Aconcagua and back is going to be easy compared to getting off of this damned continent and going across the seas with only human powered aid.
  17. I went to Home Depot. Nobody knew what Barge cement was. Where in this megastore would I find this? Plumbing? Painting? ????????
  18. Here is what somebody wrote to me about Governor's Ridge (the highest gendarme) "The route is cross country from Owyhigh Lakes to the notch north of Barrier Peak. Lose elevation on the other side of the notch, then traverse a bit rounding around the first few gendarmes to a fun steep section that leads straight up to the summit."
  19. I got this description for Cowlitz Chimneys from somebody. But I can't remember who. "The original Beckey's guide description (which we relied on) was pretty vague; the second edition description (which I just read) I find kind of incomprehensible. My own recollection is that when you get to the base of the chimneys (after heading east 1.5 or so miles from Panhandle Gap), there are two possible gullies. The one on the right seems more obvious but goes nowhere. The one farther left, which at first looks pretty nondescript, is the one you want. You have to climb up around a large chockstone and perhaps a couple trees, and at that point I remember it as a relatively easy scramble to the top. Coming back down over the chockstone is most easily accomplished by a short rappel."
  20. I had no idea you could strech plastics. I will definitely look into this. Keep these ideas coming!
  21. Which manufacturers make WIDE healed boots? Due to my accident and operation, I have an abnormaly large ankle with a knob on the instep. I need wide healed boots to accomodate this. Who makes wide healed boots for plastics? Who makes wide healed boots for leathers?
  22. Mr. Tackle said this: 1. The boots will take Super Gaiters no problem. The rand attachments will be very secure, although I always end up gluing mine on so they don't come off. I also glue my supergaiters to the boots. I use hot glue. Is there a different preference for glue that works better than hot glue for supergaiters?
  23. Impressive. Really. That trip is up there with all the other hardcore stuff that has ever been done in the Cascades. Especially with all the weather conditions we had recently. Just thinking of what you did scares me.
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