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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Tod, I haven't heard from you in years. In case you don't know who I am, you showed me Depot Creek and we went up Spickard for my first time. Last time I talked to you was when you lost both sides of splitboard in crevasses on Mt. Rainier.....good to see you are getting out.
  2. Been there. Done that. (breaking feet...helicopter...) Good to see you live through your accident Ralph.
  3. Very nice. Very nice. I like the LeConte Glacier photo....and showing some advancement of a glacier rather than retreating.
  4. John knows I need him for future beta! I am a welcoming the man!
  5. John, what are you doing posting on this website? You finally are sick and tired of being a gaper??????
  6. True. But we still have a higher standard of living. Our complaints about our problems are trivial to third world countries. I would rather be a homeless man in Seattle than a homeless man in Karachi.
  7. Let's not forget that the $87 Billion will probably be on borrowed funds. The borrowed funds require interest payments too. $87 billion is only the initial capital cash outlay over a certain period of time.......$87 will probably come to $150 billion when you include interest in cash outlays.
  8. Terminal: Were you at Tim's wedding in Manson?
  9. Just bringing the post to the top as a reminder.....
  10. I have never read one of Al Franken's books, but I have always thought of him as a comic. Maybe his books are written from a "comic's perspective."
  11. Stefan

    Cold Feet

    Dwayner told me this: If your feet are cold, put on a hat!
  12. I have glissaded the couloir from top to bottom--in a light rain drizzle. Hell, people have skied the couloir from top to bottom......and Colin.....well.....Colin is several notches above my climbing abilities.......
  13. Then maybe I was mistaken about his traverse. Sorry Colin. Or Bill lied to me about his accomplishment!
  14. Timmy and Jon. I haven't ever said it, but you deserve it. Thank you for creating this online community.
  15. Bill Sumner did a solo winter traverse. I don't know when he did it. Quote from Bill on regards to the traverse: "Stupidest thing I have done in my life"
  16. I have heard of people doing that traverse.....I thought it was a myth. I have heard experienced Cascade folk talk about that traverse as a waste of time. Cascade couloir is not that bad in the late spring or early summer.
  17. Mount Rainier may be separating the monopolistic guiding by RMI. I encourage everyone to go to the meetings to understand the history of what has happened, and maybe to voice your opinion if you agree or disagree with what has happened with the guiding company opportunities on Mt. Rainier. Is has been my experience that if you show up at Yakima, Ashford, or Tacoma you may be able to speak becuase less people show up at these locations. Here is the article from the Seattle Times telling the dates: http://archives.seattletimes.nwsource.com/cgi-bin/texis.cgi/web/vortex/display?c=1&slug=rainier29m&date=20030829&query=rainier The commercial guiding services plan for Mt. Rainier: http://www.nps.gov/mora/current/park_mgt.htm#CSP
  18. I have a minivan. Toyota Sienna. It averages around 26mpg. What does your SUV get?
  19. I don't like kissing a person who drinks coffee or just drank coffee. Their breath smells like shit. Literally.
  20. Stefan


    I am married hope to keep it that way. But we will see. We fight. 50% of the fights are brought on by me and caused by my decisions or what I say. Ups and downs in a marriage. Right now going through a down period but not brought on by me. I hope the down period ends……. I don't think of divorce, but during those heated arguments I often think how nice it would be to eliminate the wife!
  21. I know some friends who did Logan on July 26/27 and they looked at the Douglas glacier and said it was in terrible shape at that time. This year with an 80% snowpack and continual good weather has enhanced it's demise. However, they said it probably would have been good during June to be on the Douglas Glacier.
  22. Stefan

    Bad Accident

    MisterE. I know how you feel man. Remember, you never intentionally make a wrong decision. One night in November 1999 a friend and I were camping in my pickup at Bridge Creek trailhead when we heard a terrible crash at 1:00 a.m. We got into the cab of the truck and drove about 1/4 mile away towards Rainy Pass. A truck had flipped on ice and rolled. The father was cut up, the wife was hysterical, and their son was still laying in their truck (which was upside down). The father was really concerned about the dogs who were in the back of the truck not getting their diabetes shots. Somehow the dogs were thrown from the accident and the dogs turned out to be fine. Finally one car came and we told them to go for help in Mazama. About 1 hour later a paramedic car, several fire trucks, and a police car came. We let the pros take over. Went to bed at 3:00 a.m. Were were planning to do Liberty Bell the next day. I slept but I had dreams up the wazzooo about blood, cuts, and all the images I saw. We mentally couldn't do the Beckey route on Liberty Bell becuase of what we saw that night so we did something more moderate. I haven't forgot about that night.
  23. Stefan

    Is This You???

    I thought that was in October of 2001?
  24. Good write up. Those boys will remember those hours for the rest of their lives, and have a good story to tell when they get back to school......"What did you do this summer?" Very happy the story was one where a positive ending happened.
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