a number of them don't give a shit about learning technique as long as they can get down steep terrain somehow. i've had kids congratulate me for NOT taking snowboarding lessons. then i tell them i have and they're not impressed anymore.
i really don't get what the big deal is about that place. i could think of 50 other places i'd rather go spend some time. but if you like to bike around the same terrain for miles on end ... go for it.
would be cool if they made one that measured both ascent AND descent.
just kidding ... but it would definitely be more useful if they had an alarm or two on it. i know i'm being picky now.
pretty much, jayb. when i took my avy class one of our instructors actually told us we weren't telemark skiers; we were "freeheel skiers". he said real telemark skiers ski on straight skis without metal edges where the telemark turn is the only way to really turn them.
rumr, i feel your pain to some extent. of all people, you shouldn't be relegated to climbing on plastic. what a sad use of your heaven-sent talent! hopefully life will calm down and give you a break soon ...