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Everything posted by To_The_Top

  1. Yes it was a fun time, and as you can see it was nice meeting CPB Glassgow. Thanks Jon and slide show climbers for such a good party! Had only three beers and..........
  2. The snaffles have lobbists for PROTECTION
  3. It was pretty good, and I'm sure that you could get a copy from the National Geographic series, or that it will be on again. Drama on the mountain, and why didnt the Checs go the extra 100' up the Messner coulior instead of getting pulled off the mountain in a dangerous rescue, go back and try the normal route without enough equipment? I'm sure the rangers see all kinds. Pretty good show, except the host was a bit whiney.
  4. I think you are right about that first couple of miles, it seemed longer. Was there during all the fires, and the views were nice, except for the smoke.
  5. Went mountain biking by Leavenworth Saturday and got asked by several people wearing bright red hats if I have seen any Elk . Had that night and forgot the bike rack mounted on trunk (no bikes on it) as I shut it--Owww. Next day hiking out of Snow Creek wall trail and slipped on rock avoiding someones unleashed dog spraining ankle . Nice weather and forget this time change thing. Recovering now wishing I was still there.
  6. I was just thinking the same thing Bronco. I'll make it a temporary sticky. Anyone else know of any closures?
  7. I used to go caving at a place that was on the Index-Galena road, but they closed it. It was pretty cool and I remember one time slithering through bat shit and looking at bats on the roof a foot above me, and thought "time to get out"
  8. Scotts site is good. Time for some feedback.
  9. I know that this has been brought up before, this is what was written in the AAC newsletter. It's not too late to respond if you missed the meetings. AAC: MOUNT RAINIER GUIDING UNDER REVIEW How, when and where guided climbing occurs on Mount Rainier is a prominent subject of the Mount Rainier Commercial Services Plan, which is under review through November 25. Though the AAC generally does not get involved in guiding concession issues, the plan affects all climbers—both guided and non-guided—by the way it intends to allow guided climbing on the mountain. Reports from the four hearings in Washington state indicate that the voice of the guided climber is principally being heard, though guided climbers represent fewer than two in five climbers on the mountain. The preferred alternative calls for making several routes—the Liberty Ridge, Sunset Ridge (including Puyallup Glacier), Sunset Amphitheater, Tahoma Glacier and South Mowich Glacier—“non-commercial†during the summer climbing season. Additionally, only independent climbers will be allowed on the Emmons and Kautz routes on Friday and Saturday nights. Capacities on most routes effectively are limited due to limits on overnight camping/bivying at high camps. Keeping guided parties off of selected routes and on certain days means that independent climbers will be more likely to obtain a climbing permit than if they must compete with guided groups. The plan also would provide greater competition for those seeking to be guided on the mountain by providing three concessioner guide services that are allowed to operate on the mountain, as well as 18 single-trip guiding permits for independent AMGA/UIAGM certified guides. Currently one guide service is the exclusive concessioner on the Muir route (which sees the vast majority of use), while four guide services are allowed four trips each per year on the Emmons route. Independent guides are not allowed to guide on the mountain. The draft Commercial Services Plan can be viewed at http://www.nps.gov/mora/current/CSP.pdf. Comments on the plan need to be received by November 25, and should be sent by email to mailto:mora_commercial_services@nps.gov, by fax to 360.569.2170, or by mail to: CSP Comments Mount Rainier National Park Tahoma Woods Star Route Ashford WA 98304-9751 Note: “ =
  10. Notice the leaves on the sides show the water was deeper before the picture was taken.
  11. Had the same thing with the rivets happen to me. I used zip ties, this got me home. TTT
  12. I think that they are still closed because they have yet to be inspected.
  13. I just posted some photos from the rope up in the gallery. Good times had by all
  14. Their membership is steep. I've seen people climbing there from time to time, and I asked if I could bring in a non member, they said that they may allow it-sounds like it depends who's working there.
  15. One could be MtnGoat, remember him?
  16. Think positive, put them on now.
  17. The same time I heard the story that Rush was fired, i also heard that he is heavily addicted to illegally obtained pain killers. Some say that the McNabb story was a diversionary tactic to get away from this drug issue.
  18. Stuck late at work last night I wanted to go and have been to previous ones, voicing the independent climbers needs up there. Thanks for the link.
  19. Just kidding Scott, the snowfield is more like a moon field, complete with bare rock and ice and glide cracks (crevasses that dont move like on a glacier). No snow up there. TTT
  20. To_The_Top

    Bye bye

    Speaking of Dwayner, at Loufest he would only talk to Lou and wouldn't come over and say Hi He did wave a quick hi back though
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