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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. Why France Sucks in 1000 words:
  2. Kim Jong Il raising a ruckus in da 'hood, y'all. Gotta get that dolla.
  3. Think about it. I haven't made the order yet, so if someone prefers the "regular" SealSkinz gloves, or socks (Chillblocker, or regular thickness), let me know. Again, no extra shipping cost.
  4. "Soft Shell" is code for mid-layer clothing. Without question, a hard shell will better withstand windy, wet weather.
  5. "My criticisms were groundless and baseless due to poorly chosen words and examples. I sincerely apologize and I am deeply remorseful." -- Former Bush White House official John DiIulio last week after calling Bush political aides "Mayberry Machiavellis." "I offer a complete and utter retraction. The imputation was totally without basis in fact, was in no way fair comment, and was motivated purely by malice, and I deeply regret any distress that my remarks may have caused you, or your family, and I hereby undertake not to repeat such a slander at any time in the future." -- John Cleese, while being dangled from a window by Kevin Kline in the 1988 film "A Fish Called Wanda."
  6. FYI, aircraft contrails form from condensation caused by the sudden change in pressure that the plane causes. Not from introduced exhaust, or water vapor.
  7. Jim, All Tribes are subject to "the rule of the US government (like it or not)". "
  8. The report you linked to mentions a "scarcity of Native American artifacts" being recovered at Cave Rock. Additionally, it's the only Washoe site to have been examined. From what do you base your statement of "well established . . . very special, and well documented"? Also, the report mentions that "The appraisal of Washoe sentiments regarding Cave Rock does not represent a consensus opinion in the Washoe community."
  9. Jim "I just don't know anything about the facts", please enlighten me on what treaty the Washoe have with the United States. And further explain how the religious ideals of a group within the US should impact public policy. If a woman touching a rock on public property is offensive to the Washoe, if a tatooed person walking on Main Street SLC is offensive to the LDS Church, if seeing a woman's legs in public is offensive to a Wahabite, what policy is best? At what point do one's claims to first amendment rights infringe on another's? What is, or is not permissable in public?
  10. This POS deal reminds me of the crap the Papago tried to pull off a few years ago in Arizona. They first got casinos, then got money, then tried to buy favors from representative Al Pastor. Pastor introduced a bill on their behalf that would allow a land swap so the Papago would have the whole of Baboquivari peak on their reservation. The arguement was that they'd have more religious freedom if they owned the rock the I'itoi lived under. Horseshit. The Wilderness designation did nothing to prevent the Papago from practicing their religion. I could also draw comparisons to what the Mormon church is trying to pull in Salt Lake City. Apparently, some people's dress offends the church, so they've asked the city to enforce a dress-code of their making. More horseshit.
  11. You don't know what you're writing about. There's an interstate highway that goes through Cave Rock, and the Washoe don't worship there. Nor do they acknowledge any religious significance to Cave Rock in their tribal publications.
  12. Wrong. The Washoe have some beliefs about the lake itself, but the rock crap is new. Their 1500 member tribe is trying to limit access to public land. That's un-American, in my view. Much like the increase in fees at MORA is un-American. BTW, at Devil's Tower there was no worship there prior to about 15 years ago. And the climbing restriction is voluntary.
  13. The Honda Element seems familiar. Like a child's drawing of a car.
  14. Eating more calories will help you put on weight. Those calories don't have to be from fat. Just eat more and more often. It isn't clear whether a high fat diet (70% calories from fat) affects athletic performance negatively, or not. But I don't think it's a good idea to alter your diet profile significantly unless you've got a crappy diet. I've used Betty Crocker Fudge Brownies to gain weight. I've also eaten a couple with a glass of milk for a late night snack to prevent shivering.
  15. I think they'd work well as a liner, though the Chillblocker is quite warm on its own. The SealSkinz glove on the kartsports page doesn't have the liner that the Chillblocker has. They're totally waterproof. You can dip your gloved hand into water and not get wet.
  16. Sent my comments to jmaher@fs.fed.us in support of Alternative 2. Cave Rock isn't the greatest place to climb with the highway underfoot, but I respect the rights of people to climb there. The "elders" of the Washoe tribe are full of shit with regard to power exchange and the desecration by the presence of women. They're probably just pissed that their tribe (all 1500 members) don't have their own casino yet.
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