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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. quote: Originally posted by JoshK: To second what minx said, the best car you can get for driving snowy roads is an audi w/ quattro, bar-none. What? Audi? "Best"? The consistently high placing of scooby WRXs in international rally car competitions might indicate otherwise.
  2. Some of you guys are like so much rain on thelawgoddess' parade.
  3. go to Vesuvio's for a drink. It's right next to City Lights Books.
  4. The ferrata --iron ladders-- were first implaced in the Dolomites during World War I to facilitate battles between Austria and Italy. They allowed bumbly troops to move quickly over technical ground without huge risk. And, to this day, the ferrata still allow bumblies to access the mountains.
  5. I usually don't go to great lengths to express any Patriotic sentiments for Veteran's Day. But this year, due to events of which I need not mention, I decided to visit the local cemetary to honor those veteran's who served and died doing so. Not surprisingly, the cemetary was fairly bristling with flags and fresh flowers which added color to an otherwise grey, snowy and cold day. As I wandered among the headstones, I was shocked to interrupt an old man urinating on a recently turned grave. Prostates being what they are when you age, the old guy had some difficulty stopping and actually staggered around trying to get his pecker back in his pants. He was wearing a VFW cap, but that didn't stop me from asking him what the hell he thought he was doing (I actually used much fouler language). Well, the old guy started into a long story about his service in World War II. He and his best friend served in the same unit, and had managed to survive the brutal battles in the forests of the Ardenne only by watching each other's back. The guy went on further --getting a little maudlin while doing it, too-- about how they had also supported each other emotionally during the battle, and had remained each other's truest friend all of their lives. He explained that his friend had only died the week before, and he was still devastated by his friend's abrupt departure from this world. I felt very uncomfortable with the level of emotion the guy --a stranger to me-- was freely demonstrating. Clearly he was distraught. But I had to ask him why he was peeing on his buddy's grave. A smile came to the old soldier's face as he recounted how, after the fighting, he and his buddy had leave in France. During their days of post-battle celebration the old man (young then, of course) was given a bottle of brandy by his friend with the request that it be poured over the friend's grave when he died. He had held onto that bottle for all these years. Well, I asked him what that had to do with him peeing. The old man said that he didn't think his friend would mind if he ran the brandy through his kidneys first.
  6. quote: Originally posted by Dru: Restart the chestbeating! Here is a trip report about one climb I nearly talked myself out of but got dragged on by enthusiastic partner then we both got scared and nearly smushed by falling things. "You must be a member and be logged in to view the detailed information in the encyclopedia. If you are already a member Click here to Login. If you are not a member, Click here to mmediately become a Member. Membership is currently free. Membership gives you full access to the encyclopedia. It also allows you to insert articles." That, um, sucks.
  7. Habituate your mutt to other mutts and to people --especially children. Leash train it, and use the leash. Then leave your dog at home when you go climbing. If dogs were meant to go climbing, they'd have opposable thumbs.
  8. Climbing is a pursuit that requires little in the way of sophistication. You want to rock climb? Get a pair of climbing shoes, and start bouldering. You'll meet folks at the rocks to do more with. You want to climb mountains? Go climb the easy walk-ups and scrambles, and you'll meet folks to do more with. Eager and pleasant partners are surprisingling rare. Be those things. Ask people to take your climbing. Spend your money on gas and the minimum equipment. Buy a one-way ticket to J-Tree. Go for it.
  9. freeclimb9

    HC Poster Boy!

    Die Wurst ist schlecht! Essen Sie nicht die Wurst.
  10. freeclimb9

    HC Poster Boy!

    [ 11-11-2002, 02:47 PM: Message edited by: freeclimb9 ]
  11. Too many scars to recount. One of the funnier wounds I've ever gotten was suffered as a carpenter. I landed on my ass during a wall-lift maneuver, and got stuck with a few 16 penny nails. I had to unbuckle my toolbelt and pull to get the back nailbag unfastened from my cheek. Didn't bleed nearly as much as a head wound.
  12. freeclimb9

    You guys suck

    Original thought sucks. Criticism of broad-sweeping conclusions based on narrow subjective experience sucks. Lighthearted humor sucks. Axl Rose sucks. Jenna Jameson sucks --and swallows. Go home. And suck.
  13. quote: Originally posted by Smoker: So what have we learned? Back up our rap anchors and Dont use your climbing rope for a hand line. Except, from the description given by the victim, he might very well have impacted on his back rather than landing on his feet.
  14. freeclimb9

    You guys suck

    Got any "friendly witness allies"? Any at all? Oh, BTW, Axl Rose sucks.
  15. freeclimb9

    You guys suck

    quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: No I'm making fun of someone. God forbid that [/QB] Yea. That would suck, apparently. God might even delete it.
  16. quote: Originally posted by Peter Puget: For better read try this! Better Read! dude, that's so gay.
  17. freeclimb9

    You guys suck

    quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: I climb shishipangma next season. counting chickens?
  18. quote: Originally posted by iceguy: pro is sketchy, ice is sketchy Amend this to read "pro is sketchy [when] ice is sketchy". With good ice (i.e. high density ice anchored well to the underlying matrix), pro is bomber. You'd break carabiners before you'd pull screws from good ice.
  19. freeclimb9

    You guys suck

    You know what sucks? Living in an LDS-freak dominated zone. I heard an ad about this website on the local radio: http://hotsaints.com/ It's a little indication of what I deal with in "The Right Place". But I guess it's the best way to meet chicks while still avoiding Satan's temptation to spank (http://fishproducts.com/powerandrubber/sex.html) It's better to stay away. The skiing and climbing sucks here, too.
  20. useful doppler radar imagemap: http://weather.noaa.gov/radar/national.html
  21. southern and central California are getting pounded. This LA Times article has a photo of a surfer getting rescued: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-storm9nov09.story
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