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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. the Sword of Damocles is better than the pillar itself, IMO. It's been awhile since I've been to Squamish, but I can't recall one bad route there.
  2. Always a mistake to use a rope attached to someone who falls.
  3. Ain't no bars in bumfuck Wyoming, or Utah.
  4. BTW, Turkey and Saudi Arabia have jumped on board the kick-saddam's-ass train.
  5. Winter hasn't even begun. There's plenty of time left in the season for ice to form, melt, and reform.
  6. Cpt. Caveman, it's clear that you consider serotonin over-rated. In my own experience, I've found tequila to be a wonderful conduit for channeling anger into climbing. Usually ice, at night, solo.
  7. ChrisT, your teenager is gonna have a lot of games. Between the Gamecube, Playstation and Gameboy, that's some bank. Offwhite, with regards to legos, my sons have some. I'm getting them oliblocks (http://www.oliblock.com) for a change of perspective.
  8. In my experience, and according to my preference, for pure ice the picks can be fucking sharp. At the tip, and along the top. For black ice (dirt embedded in the ice), alpine outings, and thin ice, I de-tune the edge to avoid chipping the pick, or bending it over, when I inevitably hit something that's not ice. I carry a small flat file -a bastard intended for chainsaws. BTW, I sharpen the picks so they're curved rather than the straight bevel they have from the factory. Hope this helps.
  9. I'd say the temps in Ephrata have been promising. The precip from a couple weeks ago seems good.
  10. add "avoid marriage" to my project list. Been there, done that.
  11. Small-footed people got no business . . .
  12. I hope to climb more in 2003, bike more, get at least two of my businesses off the ground (check www.energybite.com in the coming months). One trip in particular is to the magnetic north pole in April. On bikes. One F(_)<|{!|\|9 speed! Time for a run to the liquor monopoly for some Anejo rum. laaate
  13. I knew some punks in Santa Barbara. They were totally soft and fuzzy. Seems like a daily diet of LSD does that to some people.
  14. silly good audio equipment: http://www.ayre.com/ When price is not an object. (an old ex is married to the designer and president. I don't think they'd cut me any deals)
  15. Equinox is pretty challenging and very aesthetic.
  16. Christmas is coming fast. I've gotten ZipZaps and Oliblocks for my two sons, but I'd like to maybe get another killer toy for them. Any ideas? How about great new books for adults? Any title suggestions?
  17. Remember: Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean someone is not following you.
  18. Is "I'd be ready to bash your face in" another "fun comment"?
  19. I once happened upon two people bumping uglies at Cochise Stronghold. That's pretty friendly. Would've been more so if they asked us to join them.
  20. "Freeclimb - Do you believe in the Freedom of Information Act to the extent that publication of certain information would breach national security and potentially get soldiers killed?" In a word, no. The FOIA's usefulness includes keeping the Executive branch honest. Read the article .
  21. It's quite easy to turn the arguement "if you don't do anything wrong / have anything to hide you don't have anything to worry about" back onto the current administration and Ashcroft's declaration of not enforcing the Freedom of Information Act. What would they need to hide if they're weren't doing something wrong, or at least unpopular?
  22. Another reason to be paranoid? Now the Freedom of Information Act can be ignored. Attorney General John D. Ashcroft, who is sworn to enforce all laws, has told federal employees that they can bend -- perhaps even break -- one law, and he will even defend their actions in court. Last October, the Justice Department cited the Sept. 11 attacks in a memo to federal FOIA officers that stated, "When you carefully consider FOIA requests and decide to withhold records, in whole or in part, you can be assured that the Department of Justice will defend your decisions." This is from a Washington Post article.
  23. The comments above that suggest if you're not guilty, you've nothing to fear from aggressive IAO surveillance don't address false accusation, or law enforcement misidentification.
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