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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. "Alt F4" like a mofo works too.
  2. you didn't actually click on that, did you? Very brave you are.
  3. quote: Originally posted by minx: How did you decide when you were a) ready to lead easy stuff b)when to progress to leading harder routes? I started climbing back when Jimmy was president, and really got into it when Ronald was threatening the evil empire. Boldness was more admired then, IMO. I initally highball bouldered, top roped stuff, and soloed routes. I thought that risk was what climbing was all about. I started leading on a trip to Yosemite. All my decision making hinged on whether I thought I could do it, or not. Not on whether I had climbed enough at any certain grade, or not. But the deal with climbing is there are no rules. Do what feels right for you.
  4. When you're feeling good, there's a palpable urge to go fast, or hard, whether it's a rest day, or not. In my experience, a rest day should be easier than you think. It's a common tendency for me (and I'm not unique in this respect) to go at a moderate, or higher, expercise level for "rest" days, and slowly build into a state of overtraining over a period of weeks. And for my hard days, if I've not recovered, I end up going at an intermediate pace, and not the puking hard one that would push my max VO2 higher. Wearing a heart rate monitor every now and then gives me external evidence of what I should already know (but often ignore) about my pace and exertion level.
  5. Not too late to race cyclocross. Seattle has a great series.
  6. Definitely doing weight work with uninjured parts of your body has benefit. Apparently, atrophy is retarded by weight lifting. Something to do with blood chemistry. So your core muscles and upper body are targets. As far as working your legs, ask your doctor.
  7. Is a "beefchub" a variation on being a porker? http://www.nerve.com/dispatches/caldicott/frymeup/
  8. quote: Originally posted by Dru: Thats why [Canadians] stick to peacekeeping instead of invading helpless 3rd World Countries to depose dictators we installed 15 years previously. As you probably already know, Canadian soldiers have been killed overseas in disporportinate numbers compared to the overall population of Canada. Gotta give props to the Canadian military. Some brave, selfless mofos.
  9. "more of us out there"? What group contitutes "us". The non-factual, cut-and-paste post by Son of Caveman suggests the group clings to past perceived wrongs and perpetuates inflammatory untruths. Where are your anti-abortion and anti-embryonic stem-cell rants? Don't pretend your doing any favors for the conservative movement by being idiots.
  10. Watched the sky come apart for a few hours last night. Several hundred falling stars. Lots of tracers. All natural. BTW, on Friday I went to the top of the center of the universe, and I'itoi was fine.
  11. Speaking of truth, your point 14 doesn't qualify as such. It's a rumor started nearly a year ago, and was disproven (http://www.snopes.com/rumors/atta.htm). As if the other 13 were factual You really got an 8 y/o daughter? You really don't know how George Sr. sabotaged the White House offices upon his departure (way worse than taking the "W" off of keyboards)? It's all so much grousing and last millenium. I'm actually surprised that you're not blaming the current state of the US and World economy on Clinton.
  12. quote: Originally posted by texplorer: what other climbs I have to check off before I can call myself a true NW Hardman. Oh, to be "a true NW Hardman" you'll actually have to blow off the whole NW scene, diss the area and the local climbers, and move to Chamonix. Littering GU packets while climbing is also required.
  13. I've written. Took a couple of minutes. BTW, the 6th Annual Bozeman Ice Festival is next weekend which is just after the closing date for comments.
  14. quote: Originally posted by Bronco: Why is that? Two words: continental drift.
  15. The PBC is held up in Queen creek near the village of Superior. That's not exactly close to Scottsdale. There's stuff a lot closer. Pinnacle Peak, which is on the edge of Scottsdale has some decent granite. There's a funky bar and grill nearby, too (at least there was in 1989). Mank sandstone can also be found in the middle of Phoenix ("Camel Mtn", or something like that).
  16. quote: Originally posted by Dru: just because a climber is a girl does not automatically make them cool. I totally disagree. As I would if you'd written "just because a [hockey player] is a girl does not automatically make them cool." Puts a swerve onto the sausage-fest, and that's good (and always cool).
  17. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: Ra, ra, ree, kick 'em in the knee. Ra, ra, rass, kick 'em in the other knee. Chick climbers rule.
  18. quote: Originally posted by iain: "dirty little dance"?
  19. A top, or bottom? I can't tell.
  20. freeclimb9

    CC wierdness

    This "community" of cascadeclimbers exhibits some interesting psychology. Most of it's healthy. But some interactions between people are so "un" they dropped off the scale of cool to somewhere hovering near creepy. The creepy stuff I'm referring to deals with harshing on female posters (or at least posters posing as females. Can't tell if it's a wolf in ewe's clothing. Just be on your toes in some chat rooms is all I'm saying here). Just pointing out the impression of a casual oberver. What does it all mean?
  21. quote: Originally posted by iain: Ariel was HOT dude! Ariel IS hot. And that coy Betty Rubble. Wowza!
  22. quote: Originally posted by Dru: Erik has some herbal medicine that will calm you down and rein in your racing overmotivation. Apparently, "amotivational syndrome" can NOT be attributed to puffing reefer. I'd try to confirm that, but I can't seem to get out of bed today.
  23. freeclimb9

    You guys suck

    quote: Originally posted by Greg W: I apologize . . . for contributing to the spray. quote: Originally posted by Greg W: Gargle butt gravy, bitch. We live in a world of extremes.
  24. Those things get left behind at gyms surprisingly often. Call a local gym, and see if they'll give you one from the lost&found box.
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