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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. Seal Skinz Chillblocker gloves for sale. These are made-in-America, woven gloves with a blown urethane barrier that makes them waterproof and a cool-max liner that makes them warm. They've got "grip dots" on the palms and have no seams, so no leakage. I think they're ideal for many mountain and ice climbing situations. I couldn't find a dealer, so I ordered some through a local shop. The minimum order was a dozen pair, so I've got extra size large(9-9.5) and extra-large (10-10.5") in black. $50 a pair, and I'll pay for the shipping.
  2. from "Shoe Bomber" to "Bomb in my shoe"? Chechen Rebel Encore
  3. Yowz! All that 'bout drinking Old E don't mean much to Bacardi and me. Muir on Saturday can inhale the smoke, I'm mixing the Anejo with the Coke. When I get my swerve on that's when I get the nerve on to say the way today, okay? There's some phreaks in the Wet. That's the PNW y'all can bet. Fool's at CC been writing bout the homo rub Glad my online avatar ain't fuckin beefchub Doctor Freak Amazing been talkin shit, and the Caveman officer ain't takin it. Called the sporty to the floor, but the lyra-clad dude headin to the door. What? Who? How it go over there? My glass is near empty and I haven't a care.
  4. I actually would like Washington to win to screw USC out of the Rose Bowl. Either way it goes UCLA wins
  5. Poetry slam session? Rolling down the street in my van MPV, jocking the bitches, slapping the slutty. Went online to get the scoop knuckle heads out there writing poop A fool keys up, what can it be? some jive ass shit 'bout GWB Cuz the boyz in the hood are always hard come talkin some shit Caveman will pull your card Knowin nothing at all bout climbing shit Don't quote me ya'll I ain't said it.
  6. LMAO over some of these. More? praise Allah and pass the ammunition Party like you're Kim Jong Il Nipple clamps under the Burqa Donkey punch bin Laden
  7. freeclimb9


    What fuss? The sabretooth is simply a "Horizontally railed, semi-rigid crampon for both technical and low-angled ice." It's the KISS principle in action.
  8. It seems to me that the political rhetoric of the past months has been a ripe field for the harvest of new route names. A few examples: The --blank-- of Mass Destruction (blank=crack, roof, face, etc.) Islamization Suicide Bomber Got any other ideas for route names? (BTW, I only did one new route this last year, and named it "Neurogenesis". Uh, I take that back. I did another: "Owl Crack".).
  9. First off, "It depends on what the meaning of the word is, is." Secondly, Planck's constant is sufficiently small that Newtonian mechanics suffice in describing the world of the belay slave's existence.
  10. Is it immoral to have a belay slave?
  11. What is 667? The Anti-Christ's neighbor
  12. "The true American patriot is by definition skeptical of the government." --Sarah Vowell
  13. I'm trying to get together a handful of cool new books for my brother for Christmas. I pulled these titles from Salon.com's list of recommends (I'm pretty sure I'll get the last three books. I want to read them. All of them, actually). Anybody read any of these books? Would you add any titles? Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women -- by Geraldine Brooks "The Soldier's Return" by Melvyn Bragg "The Cave" by José Saramago Nowhere Man -- by Aleksandar Hemon The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Apt. 3W -- by Gabriel Brownstein The Girl From the Coast: A Novel -- by Pramoedya Ananta Toer A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius -- by Dave Eggers The Pirate Hunter: The True Story of Captain Kidd -- by Richard Zacks
  14. freeclimb9


    sabertooths weigh 34.8 oz. redo your math
  15. Salt goes well on the rim of a margarita on the rocks.
  16. Arwen looks pretty good. For an elf.
  17. damn, Greg_W, you sound like a cracker. Either that, or you've got some sexual fetishes I don't want to know about. Lick the boot?
  18. Absorption of salts is enhanced when consumed with carbs, or sugars. Emergen-C doesn't have much in the way of carbs, or sugars. That could be part of the problem. Being under attack by a virus would be the rest of the problem. Did you consume any carbohydrates, or sugars, during your run? Depletion of liver glycogen causes onset of feeling exhausted. Your muscle glycogen would be very low then, also. This feeling is the famed "wall". I've hit it, and felt like a spaz.
  19. "three hots and a cot"? No, no. Not modern-day prisoners.
  20. "you can tell me how many were slaves, you can tell me what happened to them and how hard they worked and why they died or lived, but I'm interested in the objective, non societally based "wrong" we'll use for the determination of the physical evidence showing it is." Uh, how's about "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." I'm thinking being a slave would seriously dampen a person's ability to pursue Happiness.
  21. BTW, I think the labeling of criminals as "enemy combatants" is bogus and a cop-out. I'm looking forward to the ruling on Padilla's status.
  22. Got word from the folks at Bison Willy's bunkhouse that conditions are GREAT in the south fork of the Shoshone.
  23. Respecting and enforcing law isn't a faith-based choice, IMO. Ashcroft needs to reconsider his stance on the Freedom of Information Act.
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