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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. There are many great boots being made nowadays. The bottom line remains whether they fit your foot, or not. I'm partial to Tecnica boots because they fit and they're light (I've got a pair of Altitude Plus. The Bio-Flex GTX is well regarded). Also, the company has been very kind to me whereas other companies were rude.
  2. istimata@istimata.com will now start receiving email from the John Birch society.
  3. dude, GA (GearAddicts Anonymous) can help, but you have to make the first step.
  4. BOHICA. From MRNP Climbing Proposal Info , "Cost Recovery does not pay for actual SAR missions." IMHO, $35 is absurd. I'd want a climbing pass and a damn good lap dance for that much money.
  5. Whistler-Blackcomb lift ticket: $43. Do they at least kiss you first?
  6. Well, that "very [un]nice guy" has a new personal under "Men seeking Men" on yahoo!. The group wanted attention, right?
  7. It's a website of "muslimin!!!" who took credit for the bombing in Bali in October.
  8. Well, istimata@istimata.com has a new account under "blowupboy" at bigmuscle.com (thanks for the URL beefchub).
  9. Can you screw up this website: www.istimata.com, or at least overload it with hits and stuff the istimata@istimata.com address with mail? How do you say "gargle butt gravy" in Indonesian?
  10. North America Ski History I don't know the accuracy.
  11. the LEO dude was clueless as to who the climbing rangers were. Not too much fraternizing among the different ranger factions, I guess. Not at all like ranger John Smith hanging with Yogi and BooBoo.
  12. I used that as justification for not paying when confronted by an LEO type ranger near Curtis ridge. I guess I'm responsible for the whole fee increase "issue." Not to mention my personal responsibility for other people's actions, the weather, and Winona Ryder. My bad.
  13. If you want to support your local, buy shoes and clothes there. That's the stuff from which they make most of the dollar to pay their bills.
  14. to the feminists who are concentrating on getting membership rules at Augusta --a private club for men-- to relax its rules. There a bigger and more important battles to wage.
  15. Carson City is something to look at while you're in Nevada. Reno itself ain't bad, but it's not exactly a small town. BTW, Yosemite isn't that close to Lake Tahoe, IMO. Still a few hours away, and you have to drive past many other climbing areas to get there.
  16. I read in Wired about a never-used cooling tower at a once-considered nuclear power plant in Washington (I think it's in Eumclaw) that was posited to REI as an artificial climbing wall. REI balked. The tower is still unused. But $83,000 would buy a lot of plastic holds.
  17. The bigot Trent Lott is going down whether he resigns, or not. Will Dubya tell him to suck "slimy brown mass of glop"? Will he get censured? Will he just STFU about segregation and white supremacy?
  18. More so in the winter after the snowbirds fly.
  19. freeclimb9


    January comes deep powder among aspen Greatest Snow on Earth Pacific train rolls mountain snow falls, falls, and falls skiers smile more
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