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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. Cool man. I'd like a live guanaco.
  2. Why don't women think? They don't have a dick in which to put any brains.
  3. It's virtually impossible to please everybody all the time. This I learned from marriage;-).
  4. My hometown paper published this article on Camp 4 becoming listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
  5. Ah. But who had the Original Spicy Energy Bar ? You best believe the GoZaps coming out in April are GREAT! Watermelon, apple, raspberry, and grape flavors all in one bag.
  6. Guess where their keys are stashed on their vehicle and you get a free ride.
  7. Thanks, sister. You're, like, perceptive 'n shit.
  8. answer: Get a "good anchor" somewhere higher than the base. Or just use a jive-ass anchor at the base, then clove hitch one of the better placements higher up (but be aware of the fall-factor potential on the next placements). Pounding pins is fun, but someone, somewhere, will get pissed about hammering on an Index climb. Besides, leaving the hammer at home lets you chestbeat later. (caveat: pound the pins, then rub dirt and moss on the slight tell-tale marks after you clean the pins. Hehe)
  9. 'bout 10 years. it was a trip to Spain in '89. before then only gear routes, or run-out slabby slabs. when I first started climbing, I'd highball boulder, or top-rope routes before free soloing them. Don't underestimate the value of alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine. Any number of psychological maladies can suffice.
  10. freeclimb9

    TV ads I hate

    you people watch T.V. losers ________
  11. Aren't you two already performing in a show?
  12. I'd call "Clif Bars, chalk, coffee, sporty drinks, and assorted knick-knacks" "schwag". Here's some pirate treasure.
  13. It's a sad day in the neighborhood.
  14. Snow machines are very popular here in Momo land. Seems that the dairy farmers have time on their hands in winter, and like to burn fuel. But, except for a handful of shitheads, most riders just cruise on roads and trails. Two days ago, after riding and pushing my bike over the snow for 8.5 hours, a sledhead came by, asked how I was, and gave me a candy bar. Dude was a saint (probably Latter Day).
  15. Check this link for more gruesome stuff. The leader of Iraq is wack.
  16. No. In fact, it's easier to dry thin socks, so they're preferable, IMO.
  17. Ha! Go for aesthetics, and screw the grade!
  18. By definition, the Valley is the touchstone by which all other YDS rated climbs are compared. In my limited experience with Index, the ratings are pretty similar (but I've assumed that high star ratings infer a sustained quality to the climbs). BTW, IMHO Squamish is a bit soft. But as long as ratings are consistent in a given climbing area, does it matter what the numbers are? Do numbers matter?
  19. So, one time I'm getting geared up at a trailhead to go ice-climbing, and I overhear some slednecks talking about skiers. The one priceless comment was "seems like every time you come up on 'em, they're right in the middle of the road". Evidently, the loathing is mutual.
  20. They've got a return policy. Or call them for local dealers 800 773-9647
  21. They're still available, but now in black. Not quite the same fashion statement as the white bulbous ones. BTW, Onesport used to make some extremely warm boots from leather. I've got a pair of Jannus, and they're HOT. Not the boot of choice for vertical ice, but a great extreme-cold boot.
  22. Ibex is having a winter sale to raise cash (Ibex is a Vermont based company). Their clothing is very nice. And very affordable. If you wanted to get some woolies, now is a great time. http://ibexwear.com/
  23. Cherish your success; They're so few.
  24. freeclimb9

    Here we go!

    It's not a gang, it's a militia. Ever hear of the Second Ammendment? You think those Cadillac Escalades are just for going down to the local Starbucks?
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