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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. Rob, sent you a PM. cheers
  2. It can get complicated quickly. The big parent company has made it clear that they have the resources and motivation to contest any litigation. I might have to pay for a consumer survey and a marketing expert in addition to executing a lawsuit and defending against the probable countersuit. I am investigating acquiring additional legal representation on contingency. Meanwhile, I've been bummed about this since I noticed the problem at the OR Winter Market in January, and brought it to the attention of a salesperson there.
  3. Article in the LA Times about the conversion of Leavenworth.
  4. I could definitely "use an extra 50 or 100 grand". I've has an attorney send a cease&desist letter, and recieved a terse response. It's litigate, not negotiate. But litigation is a complicated decision, and what's right, or wrong, isn't the only contributing factor. The parent corporation of the offending company has annual revenues of $50 billion. Bringing a lawsuit could cost me $200,000, or more. What's the risk/benefit ratio? As my father told me, life is hard.
  5. Consider a Big Agnes.
  6. Cams do have a life-span, but it depends more on wear (use in sandy rock will shorten the life as will use in marine environments) and the force of any sustained falls --not a set number of falls. In the past, I've shifted my older cams to the aid rack and bought the shiny new ones for freeclimbs.
  7. The Scots do work wonders with fermented grain products.
  8. Uh, I have a registered trademark. I first started on this in December of 2000. First sales of my Chile con Lima (very spicy and made from whole grains and pumpkin seeds) bars were in 2001 (manufacture difficulties forced me to halt sales of that line for the time being). Do a search from http://www.uspto.gov/main/trademarks.htm, and "ENERGY BITE" will be there. I'd rather just sell my own Energy BiteĀ® products than fight a giant corporation. The Go Zaps are much like salt water taffy. If they're cold, you can pop the whole thing in your mouth to warm so it can be chewed (I've tested it many times during winter snow-bike rides). And the flavors are crazy; unlike any other energy food. The watermelon is outstanding, IMO.
  9. Find out what car they drove, then halfway flatten all the tires (enough air to slow 'em down, but not enough to strand them), and write witty things in sun-screen on the windows.
  10. Has the 23rd ascent of Mandala via the sit start been reported here yet?
  11. I think you misunderestimate the value of the word "irregardless".
  12. Yea, but without the "texture" issues some people have complained about.
  13. For something free?
  14. So, it appears that the multinational that is about to use my registered trademark without my permission probably knew of the infringement possibility, checked the size of my business, and figured I couldn't fight back. That are suck. Anybody got $100,000 I can borrow to pay attorneys? Irregardless, [spam] one of my Energy BiteĀ® products --Go ZapsTM, functional candy for quick energy-- will be available next month, or in May. Four flavors in every bag! Watermelon, apple, grape, and raspberry. [/spam]
  15. You can do it. In fact, dehydrated mixed drinks were marketed some years back (I had a can of the stuff, but never tried it). As I recall, the alcohol was bound to something to form granules.
  16. Did you learn your engrish from the ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US school?
  17. I climbed for a day with a woman who had a dog-walking business in Seattle. She pulled down $4,000/month.
  18. Rather than the production of lazy climbers, the internet has had a noticeable effect on the quality of the climbing magazines. First ascent and expedition tales now appear online, if at all. Fiction appears online. Video clips of competitions: online.
  19. If you want to get people riled, consider the perspective that the Fee Demo Program has effectively foisted govermental public lands management decision makeing from Congress to Goverment agencies --especially onto the area managers. The public has little recourse for exhibiting displeasure; Ya can't vote to fire the park manager.
  20. freeclimb9

    Bummin' my trip

    So, this harp seal jumps onto a barstool. The bartender asks "what'll you have?" The seal says "Anything except Canadian Club."
  21. Send $30, and I'll send you a BD Wiz Kid used 'bout 4 times (they grow so fast).
  22. It's referred to as the "Mile High Club".
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