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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. Rumor has it that Al Sharpton has agreed to also participate in the debate --for balance.
  2. "Plastics came out" during the Korean Conflict. They're referred to as Mickey Mouse Boots.
  3. But how many orcas would it take to beat the crap out of Godzilla?
  4. Anyone get a chance to witness this?
  5. Leonard vs. Hearns were some epic fights. Hearns was robbed in 89.
  6. It's the tall poppy syndrome in evidence.
  7. Alpinek, granted, snowmobiles are inefficient at burning fuel. But I actually appreciate their noise. Imagine a world in which snowmobiles can silently approach at 60 mph, and you might, too.
  8. a shoulder-length sling clipped at the top and bottom of the picket lets you throw it over your shoulder like a quiver.
  9. . . . when you have Asperger's Syndrome.
  10. "The two women spent four rounds flailing at each other in a comical display before Browning was given a split decision over the banned former Olympic skater." So, a housewife kicks the ass of Tanya. But, of course, hubcaps and night-sticks weren't allowed in the ring, or there would've been some hurt happening.
  11. adventuregal, read the following two articles, then go school your professors. (synopsis: "In fact, total fat degradation was actually as high at 85% V02max as it was at 25% V02max, even though the former intensity is noted for its reliance on carbohydrate and the latter intensity is often referred to as a special 'fat-burning' zone of exercise.") http://www.pponline.co.uk/encyc/0895.htm http://www.pponline.co.uk/encyc/0424.htm
  12. Don't be losing your head over all that moolah.
  13. Keep studying. Although proportionally more fat is utilized as a fuel source during "LOW INTENSITY CARDIO", it still is used during high intensity exercise. The rate of fat-burning does not change much with increase in exercise intensity.
  14. It's a case of "we do". Bush cannot extricate himself from action.
  15. Check http://www.outdoormedicalresearch.com for more info. I guess trying is believing, but I haven't.
  16. Caring and being un-offensive are not one and the same. Or are your statements just your style of humor? Any friends or family pass away recently so I can riff on em? Regular chuckles, you are.
  17. iain, making light of 90 people's deaths last night in Rhode Island is fucked. You are fucked. Fuck you.
  18. Hmmm? Good point. What's the point of imposing our morality on others. Yea. Should've left those folks in Kosovo alone. But we got it right in Rwanda, eh?
  19. Peace is better than war, innit? For your ladies, just give a wide birth to anyone carrying an ID that lists "violation of women's honor" as their job description. There be some freaky shiznit in Iraq, but if we spread enuf luv, the world will be a better place.
  20. Yemeni-style BBQ courtesy of a Predator? Or maybe if someone just asked him real nice like?
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