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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. Buck up, trask. Have a casual read of Saddam's human rights abuses, and get your mind straight. Mofo needs to out of power and playing hide-the-soap with Milosevic in Brussels.
  2. Speak for yourself. Also, --to quote Ann Landers-- "wake up and smell the coffee": Saddam is going down one way, or another. Get out the lemon juicer, whiner. Say what you want about me dude, I knew I'd get flamed. I'm still a strong conservative, not a whiner, and very patriotic. I just can't support Bush on this Iraq situation any more. How about supporting the Iraqi people? Or would you prefer to let them fester for another decade, or longer (Uday's on deck)? I could give a fuck what Shrub's motivations are as long as the wrong created by his father (i.e. not finishing the job) is righted.
  3. Speak for yourself. Also, --to quote Ann Landers-- "wake up and smell the coffee": Saddam is going down one way, or another. Get out the lemon juicer, whiner.
  4. Sit-ups and crunches will do the same thing. And I have the license to market sit-ups and crunches used for carrying heavy loads with a backpack. No. It's not the same thing (are you gonna walk while simultaneously tightening your gut?). The gut pad is supposed to yield very noticeable results. Here's a quote: "I wouldn't go backpacking without one." --Rick Ridgeway But I haven't tried one.
  5. Cats and dogs are not fond of citrus smells. Try a bowl of orange and lemon peels in the area you want your pet to leave alone.
  6. This has been shown to reduce the strain of carrying loads over 45 lbs: Kelty has the license to market it.
  7. Sheeit, you don't need a beacon to find a sled after spring thaw.
  8. freeclimb9

    A little quiz

    According to ex-Pres. Clinton, Bush did not overrun Bagdad because of a prior agreement with surrounding Arab nations (made before the Storm) to not do so in return for their support (from Atlantic Monthly). Clinton himself was involved with national issues during the first term (it was about the economy then, stupid), then got bogged down in the Balkans (and with the never-ending mid-east conflict. And, BTW, Arafat should have grabbed for nation-hood when is was magnanimously offered) --Totally f'ed up on Rwanda, too. Now Bush --The Sequel-- is pushing to get rid of Saddam. I think Saddam should be exchanging courtroom strategies with Milosevic from their cells. Saddam is a criminal.
  9. A Czech diplomat explained in the Economist why his country takes the American side in NATO debates. "One thing we learned from the 1930s- no more security guarantees from France."
  10. freeclimb9

    A little quiz

    Uh, US Sanctions are totally f'ed up. And they would end if Saddam could release his grasp on power. But he won't. So what options are there? Peace marches?
  11. freeclimb9

    A little quiz

    Uday, uh, I mean "erik"; Do you just not like Iraqi people, and would prefer them to subsist in a dictatorship?
  12. Hey DFA, looks like your Mistress has a wedgie. And needs to shave. Boink!
  13. Naw. You're thinking of Amy "The Long Island Lolita" Fisher. She couldn't leave New Jersey, or something, for the fight with Tanya last March, so Paula Jones went into the ring instead. That fight series also featured Todd "Whatch you talkin' bout Willis" Bridges beating the shit outta Vanilla "fights like a gurl" Ice. That's entertainment.
  14. Ex prison punk Mike Tyson --due to his waffling ("I'll fight. I won't fight. Okay, I'll fight. . . ")-- has denied PDX bruiser Tanya Harding the opportunity for her professional debut Saturday on the Tyson-Etienne undercard. Given her illustrative career contortions, some might find it refreshing that Tanya was denied the chance to fuck-up her image all on her own. Patience, my precious; She'll find a way yet.
  15. Schorr's got the face for radio.
  16. Yos, of course Pika knocks off designs. And they have had production of pins that were closed-out by the original manufacturers. (eg.: Think Leeper Zs when Leeper wasn't in production. The list can go on and on). They're just a small company that makes funky wall gear, and fills voids where they see them.
  17. Synopsis: "I dislike you. I suck at climbing, but you totally suck. I hate spray, but spray nevertheless. Bitch." Here's a visual: If any of y'all give a fuck that Robert the Polisher disses on the PNW climbing scene, you have serious self-loathing issues.
  18. Feeling vulnerable? Perhaps you know a mental health expert with whom you can share your anxieties?
  19. Maybe, just maybe, the sales clerk at REI is uninformed. It happens every now and then.
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