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Everything posted by Jens

  1. Carlsberg on the Duffey last week.
  2. Good thread Wayne. We are lucky to live in a place with lots of remote terrain. --------------- for my rant.... Eliminate the winter "F.A." classification in Washington. We've had WAY to many of them poached with some of the pitches with bare hands and rock shoes or uncramponed boots during abnormal years..... claiming "FWA"- and sometimes even chalkbags. We have some really warm pineapple express weeks in winter.
  3. Hey buddies, I'm glad you are OK. -------------------------------------------------------------- I've been across and back three times for ice climbs. One time was epic. I lost cascadeclimber's snowshoe into the drink in the chaos. We were lucky to make it to a rock island. Could we string a fixed cable across, somewhat like the ice climbs for Icicle Canyon's Dog Dome? How would we tension it? If we took it down in March, would anyone notice or care? Drury Falls is as classic as anything in the Western Time Zone. JKlubberud
  4. Mile O was the cheapest last year. (I stayed at Reynolds, Mile 0, and 4 Pines all last year). Reynolds= one can stagger down to the bar and restaurant if they are so inclined, 4 pines= nicest rooms, Mile O= cheapest? SuperDave and I stayed at the Mile O last night. The owner quoted me 79 Canadian but I got him down 10 bucks to 69 as their were a lot of cars in the lot. If the lot was empty, I'd wager he'd go to 59, (I am usually pretty good at wheelin' and dealin').
  5. When I was young, the Nisqually was a short day and blew away Baker. Nowdays with global warming, it isn't as good as it used to be. Anyways, go water ice climbing right now.....Unless you are bad ass enough to find and climb in a radical ice cave.
  6. With this latest episode of warm wet pineapple express weather dumping glop and melting the Washington and Oregon ice we've all been enjoying (39F rain at the Pass today with more of the same in the forecast), I'm looking to climb up at Lillooet B.C. this coming Monday and Tuesday. All of my regular climbing partners including my wife have to work. I plan on leaving Seattle at around 2am on Monday and getting back to Seattle at around 11pm on Tuesday, however I am flexible (this is my standard Lillooet timeline). If anyone is game, give me a shout. I would prefer no ice newbies. I've got room in my car for three other climbers. With my shortcuts, Lillooet is a five hour drive from Seattle if the roads are dry and no one gets a cavity search across the border. If you are out of Vancouver, I could meet you at the other side of the border. Lillooet is a better area than Hyalite in my humble opinion. It is a cheap getaway and you could be at work on Wednesday.
  7. What Sol said. ----------------- and... The pencil has almost no ice so far this year. Not enough water?
  8. No cars parked at the pullouts on my way over to the icicle. I did see one sunk rubber raft at the bottom of the river but it looked like it was from last ice season.
  9. Nice shots and nice climbing!
  10. That is what a good day out is all about! ----------------------- That North Face of Snoqualmie is going to become our Ben Nevis. I'll bet in 15 years we'll have at least 20 winter routes/variations.
  11. That actually looks like a lot of fun right now. Usually all Chair routes suck around Thanksgiving/early December.
  12. Jens

    Was it good?

    Nice! All I got to do was climb on plastic.
  13. I TR'd my own face variation on that side of the tower a long time ago at around (12a). With cleaning it would have been quite nice if my memory serves me.
  14. Good to hear you got your van back Ben.
  15. Great thread. Anybody see any screaming deals on 80meter ropes? 70m ropes? --------- The only time me or any of my buds use 10mm plus ropes is in Yosemite. Why are the skinny ropes often way more expensive when they are made off the same spool of thread at the same factory? I've seen 10.5 fatties for 60 bucks.
  16. Great idea Dane. I'm game to donate stuff but would rather not ship stuff.
  17. $1250 for the spyder jacket I wanted at a shop in Whistler last ski season.
  18. That's the nicest sharpen job I've ever seen.
  19. Many of us have been sponsored at one point or another in our lives. I've heard from an industry insider that Chris Sharma makes about 20K a year max. and everyone else makes less. Many spnsored atheletes get a jacket patch, free shoes or ice tools. If you rep for a company, you work your ass off for even less. Aparently no one has ever made as much as Patrick Edlinger ever did back in the day. Some say no one ever will make as much as him.
  20. Watts is the gold standard for rock guidebook writing.
  21. TJ was a class guy. You will be missed.
  22. Sweet pic!
  23. Awesome! Have fun! Hope you've been practicing your hand stacks and Levitttttation!
  24. Tumwater Canyon is where to go. Icicle Canyon is 2nd rate for sport compared to Tumwater. Nason Ridge is awesome. Drip wall is good. Rattlesnake Rock is good. Chameleon Wall is good.
  25. Monster falls on many cams. No wear and tear.
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