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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. texplorer

    Mine Sweeper

    I once won over 1200 dollars (on the keep score setting) of solitare.
  2. TG Well I have never had a person I climbed with all time. I have climbed with alot of people actually. The same things you spoke of: ability level, commitment, kind of climbing, or just personality type are all issues that make climbs great adventures or frustrated yelling matches. When I get frustrated I usually just concede to their wishes but just don't go climbing with them again. I do like experiencing climbing with a partner however. That feeling of totally relying on each other and moving like a smooth machine up a climb or sometimes just making it through when shit hits the fan. I have been pretty fanatical about training and trying to push my limits in the last few years. To me this is what makes climbing fun but I have gotten the "I wanna do something easier and just have fun" thing from several people. Climbing is always fun but I love it the most when its balls out. Good luck on finding that partner or becoming the Dean Potter of eastern Oregon.
  3. Good idea about the Mission thing. . . .Maybe we should change the name to something like the Church of the Ascensionists. Then we could park and travel in the backcountry without trail fees.
  4. The last guy to call me buttplugger was kicked off this site. hmmm. . . Anyway, I had a bunch of favorite climbs and stuff and then I went to the valley and discovered a heavan with less than 10mile approaches. I just like to climb though. I guess at heart my favorite routes involve long sections of clean rock and awesome cracks, chimneys, and wild exposure. I really enjoyed the Steck-Salathe route on the Sentinel and half dome. Doing my first climb on El Cap was humbling too. I guess each time I go to climb I take away so much. They are some of the best memories of my life.
  5. texplorer

    Mine Sweeper

    I have spent days of my life on Mind-sweeper
  6. Dude, get with the program. We have discussed it all. I am sure lots of people have done cool stuff but let me tell you -we love to spray people like that. If you really want to chat start this post - Bolts: how to make any route an A1 or maybe discuss the properties of bong smoke at 10,000ft in a hut.
  7. If there are any hottie girls there (single)of course. . . then we might have a nude ascent. We have to take pics though.
  8. hmmmm.. . . . . . . .
  9. . . . and so it began -the first 100 page post on CC.com. Could it be treyx has seen the light. Scott, did you know on the 6th day god created trad, and it was good.
  10. does someone else have your password sk or are you just trying to make us think your not goldy
  11. Up in Darrington area and how do you know I have pants on?
  12. I drive a 93 Cougar. It's got over 200000 miles and is great except that sometimes my champion snafflehounds go to the big backpack full of cheese, gu, and HC in the sky cause of her. Yep its true.
  13. yea Dreamer is a good climb
  14. I was thinkin the other day (which in itself is a rare occurance as you can see by my posts) and thought we need some kind of scholarship program for young people. After all, your early 20's are a terrible thing to waste in school or working or someother lame thing like that. It should be every climber's duty that when they get old to appropriate a certain amount of their wealth to this kind of endeavor. The UYCTF's goal would be to provide up to 3 years of dirtbag assistance for the aspiring young climber. I am curious to what you think the fund should provide. For instance, would a gear stipend be in order or how much money would we alot for reefer or let us not forget HC. All inquiries and suggestions welcome.
  15. That was funny.
  16. Greg you forgot to mention that HC is also useful as pro.
  17. Yea, GregW and I just got hammered again before a big climb this weekend. We smoked out at about 10, 11, and 12 thousand feet both on the way up and down. Good thing were aren't one of those NERDS like this guy and that Scoteryx dude. Oh, can I get a shout out for some HORSECOCK! Love Texy [ 07-01-2002, 06:51 PM: Message edited by: texplorer ]
  18. . . . but SK it's not about how much you spray, but how many sprayers you have (choose your level of perverseness) PG done, R laid, XXX horsecocked. -Texplorer
  19. Shasta is the biggest slog I've ever done! At least Xenolith and I redeemed some fun skiing. Ok, I skied and he was a master of the mountain free-heeling some wicked turns from high up.
  20. Dude, lets go to the Boston Basin. I have some friends going up there for the whole 4th weekend.
  21. Sounds like a good idea Dennis but here's another idea. 1)Build a huge damn at the end of the crag/valley/whatever. 2)Divert a small stream into the area and flood the crag 3)Use scuba gear to "climb" the unprotected route underwater. Caution: beware of Nutria (Snafflehounds of the water)
  22. Tell me when the Lab has the ol Lucky Lab Stout on tap and I'll drive up from Hippy town too.
  23. About this time of year I like to partake of the age old chinese tradition of blowing the hell of out ant beds with firecrackers. Kill em all, let god sort out their little segmented bodies.
  24. this is not tex... dennis, call around to find some stuff called "terro". It is harmless to humans and other animals and the ants will circle around it swilling like caveman on his way to a climb. you put it on a little circle of paper and the ants come, drink and then go back to the nest and feed it to the queen. a while later their corpses are stacked up in your walls and you have no worries.
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