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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Hence "Bob-esque" a 15m WI3 somewhere near Weeping Wall I think. Fa recorded as "On sight simul solo" by Josepson, Twight et al
  2. no sasquatch north of treeline.
  3. things happen fast when you only got 4 rates, dancing ass boy now that Im at 2 stars I suddenly understand the desire to bring all the 3 star people down to our level.
  4. I read about minx farming once. It says minx are violent creatures and bite each other up fierce durin sex
  5. The crux of crossing the Atlantic is gonna be fighting of fthe giant squid. I hear they plucked the crew off a sailboat near Indonesia earlier this week and shucked em like ears of corn!!!
  6. Dru

    Mt. Persis

    I wonder if anyone has discovered that pointy mountain in the background yet.
  7. its called double posting
  8. its called getting in shape on the way to the mountain like the brits do. combine your training with your trip!
  9. 2! no speakers, either, trask.
  10. I wanna know what with the horiziontal distortion band, is that some kinda mirage?
  11. The only thing is blow is over 0.8
  12. 2!
  13. is adn.com alaska daily news?
  14. Start a Star Trading Club where people who haven't rated each other can swap stars "I'll rate you 5 if you rate me 5"
  15. Wasn't that author Robert Cordery-Cotter aka "Little Bobby Onsight" recently voted worst writer ever to have an article appear in the Canadian Alpine Journal, and butt of many route names in the Canadian Rockies, and writer of a 15 page chest beating epic in the Canmore Clubhouse climbing logbook in which he bravely proclaimed Sea Of Vapours in WI5+ shape to be "a bold and difficult 7"??????????
  16. John Le Carre, former spy and best selling author, called Bush Jr. a greedy warmonger and his cabinet a junta yesterday. Whos gonna be next. Steven King? Tom clancy? I can just see it " You, sir, are no Jack Ryan."
  17. Dru

    this sucks!

    Anybody track the IP address? I see Tales of Crow is gone for good Luckily it was printed in the 2002 CAJ if anybody misses it.
  18. Is that Durst or Kurt Smith????
  19. You know there are actually a couple of folks I rated i would like to change my rating of....
  20. A Newfie is coming back from a day spent out on the ice floes and is eating a sandwich while driving down the road. Sunndenly his car starts making horrible enfine noises so he quickly pulls in to a nearby auto shop and asks the mechanic to have a look see. Mechanic goes under the hood while guy finishes his sandwich. After a few minutes mechanic comes ut and says "Well, it looks like you blew a seal". Newfie turns red, wipes mouth; relieved "Naw, its just mayonnaise from my sandwich. Now, whats wrong with my car?"
  21. Who's gonna buy the cow when they can get free milk?????
  22. In other news Britney cant make up her mind between Justin Timberlake and Fred Durst. Word has it she's boffing both of them in an attempt at comparison shopping or disease spreading.
  23. If you are "having" supergaiters I would think an immediate Caesarean section would be the approved technique.
  24. Dru

    Piton Craft

    I d ont think you can buy Shallow Angles anymore though...they are angle pitons bent wider than normal angles, almost flat on the tip... Serl told me they were a bit unsafe cause the design put more load on the eye.... of course I have like 30 of the beasts... If Im taking pins I usually take about 6: 1 kb, 2 bugaboo, 2 small/shallow angles and one small-medium angle. If Im planning on using them to leave as rap pins I usually take some soft iron Euro-pin skinny LAs instead of the Bugaboos.
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