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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    Piton Craft

    Isnt Piton Craft a famous Canadian trad most known for soloing?
  2. Go to User List and click on # Posts twice to get the users ranked in descending order of # of posts Here is the first page showing top 20 posters.... and we all know Timmy cheated by giving "King Of Freshiez" avatar 50 000 bogus posts. king_of_freshies Administrator www.mtbachelor.com 50104 09/20/00 12:00 PM Dru User www.bivvawack.com 8226 02/08/01 12:00 PM Cpt.Caveman User eat-turds.net 6888 04/18/01 12:00 PM trask User 6478 12/31/69 04:00 PM erik Moderator maltliquermakesyouclimbsicker 3060 12/07/00 12:00 PM iain User www.pmru.org 2844 04/18/02 12:00 PM Greg_W User 2706 03/29/02 12:00 PM Lambone Moderator 2505 04/10/01 12:00 PM Dr_Flash_Amazing User nope 2354 07/30/02 12:00 PM sk User 1711 04/12/02 12:00 PM mattp Moderator www.seanet.com/~mattp/Darr 1706 02/26/01 12:00 PM thelawgoddess User thelawgoddess.com 1358 04/06/01 12:00 PM AlpineK User 1301 11/08/00 12:00 PM Bronco User 1248 02/16/01 12:00 PM Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer User craghag.com 1208 10/02/02 12:00 PM jon Administrator 1119 10/04/00 12:00 PM gapertimmy Administrator www.mtbachelor.com 1114 10/28/00 12:00 PM Peter_Puget User 1106 04/17/01 12:00 PM chucK User home.attbi.com/~cspieker 1104 01/12/01 12:00 PM freeclimb9 User www.iceclimb.com 1098 03/16/01 12:00 PM pope User 1056 02/24/01 12:00 PM willstrickland User 1017 06/15/01 12:00 PM sexual_chocolate User 989 09/27/01 12:00 PM allison User 982 01/29/02 12:00 PM mikeadam User alpinelite.com 939 10/02/00 12:00 PM
  3. Dru= 42 rates Fern = 16 rates Capt = 54 rates They should also give a metric of rates per IP address to determine the Avatar quotient.
  4. Why carry ice in when there is snow on top???? What the hell kinda stuff do they teach you at law school there anyways Ally mcBeal?
  5. Three!
  6. 2! 3! 2! 3! Its like watching tennis or playing with a Yoyo.
  7. That smell ain't patchouli, must be some other herbal essence.....
  8. twight wore headphones and walkman soling on himalayas and didnt worry about not hearing rocks coming joe simpson wore headphones while trekking into base camp too i guess they werent worried about missing the natural beauties of nature and hearing the bird calls while hiking. personally fuck the headphones id rather have speakers to blast Ministry at everyone while top roping at Burgers and Fries 'DINGADINGALANGALANGADONGLINGLONG JESUS BUILT MY HOTROD'
  9. Oh cmon DFA I gave YOU 3.
  10. Dru


    There is already a sport of creek bed and liquid waterfall climbing in Japan. They use those felt-soled boots like fishermen do for better grip on wet slimy rocks.
  11. Looks like for a whole hour! Thank you to my fans OOOH down to 2 again thanks to DFA.
  12. Dru


    STRANGE PRODUCTIVITY INCREASE NOTED IN PNW - The Economist headline for tomorrow.
  13. Gimmee caps, jacked up 4x4 truck with pit lamps, chain framed license plate, home tattoo job, acid wash jeans OR nylon tracksuit, dog tied up in yard all day, cut down tree in campsite for firewood then surprised when it wont burn.
  14. 2 stars for how long.
  15. Dru

    Bouldering Scale

    As many of you may know, bouldering uses a numerical system to rank the difficulty of each problem. The easiest problem is a V0 and the most difficult problem is a V15. The "V" system was developed by John Sherman and some of his friends. The "V" actually stands for "Verm" (John Sherman's nickname). But what exactly is a V0 and how does it differ from a V1. Well, in Climbing magazine from March 15, 1999, John Sherman explains what each "V" is: V0: A problem you wouldn't admit to doing no matter how cool it was. V1: A problem you would admit to doing, if it had loose holds, a death landing, and your partner backed off it. V2: A problem, if cool enough, that you would recommend to others to prove you're not a ratings snob. V3: A problem you ruthlessly wire and incorporate into your warm-up routine, in the hopes that visiting partners will struggle on it. V4: A problem that might give you trouble, but, "Hey, anything below V5 is so easy I can't tell the difference". V5: A problem, if you were to live in Boulder, Colorado, that you might actually flash. V6: A problem, if you were to live in Boulder, Colorado, that you would expect your girlfriend to flash. V7: A problem you fell on repeatedly, but, really, you could have flashed it. V8: A problem you religiously avoid, because you're "saving it for the flash". V9: A problem you have no chance at flashing. V10: A problem you knew you could have done, even though your spotter took 30 pounds off for you, so you counted it anyway. V11: A problem, if flashed, that you might get free shoes for, but only if you fax the mags this month. V12: A problem you would do if only your fingers were a bit smaller, your reach a bit longer, your spotter more attentive, the weather more amenable, your shoes not blown out, your elbow no so sore from training, the sun not in your eyes, and you didn't eat the funky take-out Chinese the night before. V13: A problem commensurate with your well-published abilities, that you deserve some credit for, even though you didn't do it, because as the mags reported, "It was too humid". V14: A problem only Fred Nicole could do, after you gave him the Beta. Well now you know what the "V" system actually means. So if you want to be able to climb at least V12, forward this e-mail to 0 of your friends. (As if anyone requiring spotters for a problem way out of their ability would have friends anyway). If your goal is to be able to climb between V7-V11, forward this e-mail to 1 friend. (You may know one other person who has as an ego as big as yours. So send him this e-mail and go spend weeks working on a problem you may never send). If your goal is to be able to climb between V4-V6, forward this e-mail to 2-5 friends. (Hey when you are hanging around V4-V6, you are bound to meet people). If your goal is to be able to climb between V1-V3, forward this e-mail to as many people as you want. (Climbing is fun, life is fun, enjoy it. With this attitude, there is no limit on how many people you will be able to send this e-mail to).
  16. Dru

    Bouldering Scale

  17. The rule at Vantage is : if you dont like scary, death choss, dont go to Vantage.
  18. Dru

    Social Security

    jailbird binermaker.
  19. "rap music, not bolts" - John Bachar
  20. Dru

    Bouldering Scale

    This was sent to me as a chain email spam!
  22. When I went climbing in J Tree I was surprised by the relative # of black climbers there were there because you hardly ever see pictures of blacks cranking in the mags aside from Ed February and Mike Freeman. Oh, and Trevor Messiah from Britain. How come white trash are underrepresented in climbing? I would guess the same reasons namely different socioeconomic background and lack of a group of similar ethnic climbers of older age to act as known mentors? Im not talking about top roping with moms laundry line either.
  23. Maybe you cant but it doesnt mean that anyone cant. You can eyeball the terrain above and check amount of bare ground visible from several points along the road. You can drive up the Shalath road to assess similar conditions on a nearby ridge crest. Loren you are digging yourself a hole and I dont mean a Rutschblock.
  24. I went with a guy who is a pro patroller and he looked up the gully at the huge amount of bare rock and tree sticking out above the gully and pronounced the risk low. in fact the whole thing had slid 5-7 days earlier and snow above was minimal new accumulation. other than bringing your own pro i dont know what method to use except hiring a helicopter and making bombing runs first. however my point was just cause you read on www.avalanche.ca that avvy conditions are high (and i bet they are considerable or ower there right now) or some guy in the bar or online says they are high, does not mean they necessarily are on site. or it could say things are low and a freak storm could have dumped 10 inches of killer pow right above the last belay DEATH FROM ABOVE!!!!!
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