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Everything posted by Dru

  1. what the problem catbirdseat. An overhand knot with long tails on the same side. Simplest knot out there.
  2. No, basically Bill opposed the two pieces against each other. Isnt this kind of an American Death Triangle??? I need a picture...
  3. Going to Pagnirtung after work for a few hours cragging or even for a weekend, is not much of an option though. I wonder if you can get direct flights to Reykjavik though? Ice climbing and Brennevin weekend!
  4. maybe we could get 100 lb of dry ice and dump it in the water at the top of the falls. that would help it freeze up!
  5. Yeah they are willing to fly me up there for a visit but I'd rather not waste their money if Im leaning towards not going for it. President's Seat & Knife Edge Mountain rise directly from Frobisher Bay SW of Iqaluit to elevations of ~650m. I assume that means there are some steep faces or walls on the ocean side of things. For all I know it's choss, though.
  6. OW = Off White
  7. Huh, someone is lying to me then!
  8. Ive been eating from my huge honey pot all year long and there's still 3/4 of it left. Anybody know a recipie for Mead homebrew?
  9. Im more curious about, are these "Cdn Rockies" M7 & M9, or "Colorado" M7 & M9 (supposedly at least a grade easier)
  10. That is from this year, I dont know where the 2002 came from. I just cut and pasted it.
  11. Hey OW it is the capital of the Eastern Arctic... a town of 5000 people... there would be 70 people in the regional office Id be working in, mostly imported professionals from the rest of Canada, avarage age of the office is 29.... The ONLY real issue here is whether this job is cool enough that it is worthwhile accepting drastically reduced climbing time for. Sounds like at least 5 months of the year it is too cold to have much fun outside, and the rest of the time i might be hurting for partners, theres only a few people in town who have ever tied in before, according to a local guide outfitter i talked to. BUT on the plus side there are unclimbed 2000 foot walls less than 40 km from town, a quick snowmobile commute in the spring.... and aside from climbing it sounds like a pretty cool and friendly place - albeit with a lot less culture in the form of urban amenities, than Vancouver has. But if i Compare it to volunteering with Drs Without Borders, or similar activities I was contemplating - the pay is better, they speak the language, no tropical diseases, no one will shoot me, and I get to see a rad part of the world it would otherwise be very expensive to visit. So HMMMMMM I still gotta think this one over.
  12. Shaun N finally climbed the SE couloir http://www.bivouac.com/RtePg.asp?RteId=1466
  13. Nelson is nowhere near Revelstoke... OK its "near" but its "near" the way Tacoma is near Portland.
  14. Dru

    Cascade Perks

    If I knew I would tell ya.
  15. I can stir fry with the best of them but the "satay there forever" is classic Muffyism.... One of the things they told me to do before deciding is "talk to your friends" and this is part of the process!
  16. oops - option 1, "start" should be "stop"
  17. Dru has been offered a well paying job based out of Iqaluit on Baffin Island. His current job will end in March 2003, and he has had some interest from more local employers but not offers yet. He is worried about the lack of other local climbers on Baffin Island. Your chance to vote! Vote early, vote often NB: Iqaluit isa "dry town", you can order drinks in the restaurant/bar, but you cant buy beer and take it home with you
  18. Ya, perspective can make you look like a hardman!
  19. Dru

    Cascade Perks

    Cascades are like the little kid brother of the Coast Mts. Like: more simple access than Coast Mountains. More classics easy walking distance from car. Dislike: less wilderness than Coast Mountains. Less opportunity for new routes than Coast Mountains. One thing that the Cascades have aplenty that Coast Mts do not is Mountain beavers. Also Pacific Giant Salamanders are not found N of the Fraser River either.
  20. Dru


    Boring, Oregon?
  21. Nazir Sabir hugged me once!
  22. garlic repels vampires and acts as an anti coagulant keeping you warmer on ice clim,bs, but i dont think it helps brain. on the other hand yogi Bear swears by fish!
  23. Moderators should insert the words "snafflehound" and "horsecock" in all trip or route reports if those words are not already present.
  24. Ginkgo Biloba
  25. Its a 40GHz proceesor and Microsoft did not write the Code so I find performance to be satisfactory.
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