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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Just puke whenever you eat, and brush your teeth afterwards.
  2. Interesting fact about Lake Erie: It is one of the few lakes in the world tht is ON an island and also has an island in it. Island-within-an-island. Man, I just looked at the map of Vancouver Island and Great Central Lake has like 15 islands in it
  3. Dru


    was this the first time ever horsecock was mentioned on the website?
  4. There's always the body wrap! Also good for offwidths.
  5. You can make meth out of it, can't you?
  6. Dru

    Your Favorite Spray?

  7. Dru

    Your Favorite Spray?

    yes There is an auto-snaffle option which you can enable by going to your profile.
  8. Dru

    Your Favorite Spray?

    And oh shit, me too! knotzen beat me to the and didn't even squirrel it.
  9. Dru

    Your Favorite Spray?

    Whatever punk. Your quality has notably declined recently. Johnny-come-latelies like Olysprayer are all over your territory, sucking up the straightlines you are missing. You're a dinosaur waiting for the meteor to hit while all around you your contenders are sprouting feathers. Stuck toting your stick clipper, wondering why all the sportyclimbers of yesterday think bouldering is so cool now.
  10. Did you forget, and log in as olysprayer instead of as Chaps?
  11. Dru

    Your Favorite Spray?

    Old sprays are good sprays. Bring back the quality spray.
  12. 80's music
  13. oly, wherever you go, there is drip.
  14. Marie.... go to the DOS Prompt and type "Delete *.*" That will do it every time.
  15. In word, Insert Symbol and its in there with the umlauts and shit.
  16. are one of those wonderful groups where thinking seems highly discouraged The statement about the vatican indicates that not all religous groups feel this way. Well, according to this "Chick comic" tract I have here, the Pope is the antiChrist and the Catholic church is a Satanist church...no WONDER they are supporting evolution.
  17. This is actually a much more interesting story when you realize that 'science' is the Vatican's code word for a beefy-armed dragon who burninates peasants.
  18. Let tHere Be Horsecock
  19. You mean like massive head trauma?
  20. quarks are good in the alpine, so just buy the quarks.
  21. No one really thinks of the Chilliwack Valley as a destination for alpine snow and ice routes, but the Priest/Coupe on Rexford, and the north couloirs on the Pleiades, seem like good climbs. I haven't climbed them myself though so I can't proclaim them to be sleeper classics or chestbeat about being the only cascadeclimber to have done them. They might suck. Getting to the start of the Pleiades routes would certainly be a major thrash unless Red Mountain Mine Trail has been freshly brushed out (last pruned in 1999 that I know of)
  22. WTF is this, the SuperTaco description? Can you post a photo indicating the exact spots you made the placements, and the length of each quickdraw you used?
  23. Fukuyama is a fool.
  24. Dru


    did they hire sport climbers?
  25. what is this "outside"
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