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Everything posted by Dru

  1. hey wait a sec didn't little bush have like a 2.0 GPA (C average) in Yale? And a nose full of coke? HMMMM where were the Democrats to give him a point of GPA. That liberal girl with the 4.0 GPA sounds like Al Gore. I bet she went on to invent the internet.
  2. infinite pagetops
  3. I think he meant pr0n. Speaking of which I just picked up a copy of Alpinist 6. It's decent. A cascadeclimber is the the cover photo star! Yay forrestm.
  4. 'I wonder if that white stuff on his hands is tape or guano?"
  5. springing at Squamish the place jopa means is Porteau Cove. you can cross the highway and see how successfully rock shoes stick to glacially polished slab (not at all but the slab was nailed in the 70's )
  6. did you look here?
  7. bouldering snuff porn
  8. drive up a gravel road until surrounded by bushes. pitch tent
  9. Dru

    Double Names

    WTF - its you both times but with two different member numbers, avatar pictures and emails. how did you do that??? imorris/iain kinda thing?
  10. Dru

    Double Names

    the other glacier http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showprofile.php?Cat=0&User=1249&page=4&what=showmembers
  11. Dru

    well, well, well ...

    this is why we call it "climate change". Warmer in some places and colder in others, wetter here and drier there. But if you talk Bushspeak, the climate change cannot be caused by humans therefore we don't need to do anything about it.
  12. Dru


    Brittany and Northern France in general. See Martin Crocker article in one o' last years issues of High Mtn Sports.
  13. Dru

    Anyone want to chat?

    "chat is so suck"
  14. cam stops did not fail full strength parts did not fail good rock placement was a little bit off but if the swages had held the cam would have not failed. try it yourself - cut two swages and place your cam then whip on it. actually i fell on an old tcu once and the cam stops bent/deformed and the cam ripped out. metolius gave me a cheap new one.
  15. Dru

    Double Names

    just wait till there is another thelawgoddess out there posting silly stuff
  16. This is the infamous Joe McKay "Ice Porn" route for real
  17. cragging on choss can be educational. it can even make you a better climber.
  18. Dru

    Double Names

    I just noticed there are two different posters both named glacier...one with the ocotpus and one with the green blob avatar image... wazzup are jon and timmy gonna make two of every name, "which Dru do you mean"
  19. Failing It was an old school solid shaft friend belong to an old school climber whose rack we were using. I ran out of gear to fit the crack and was using any old gear that would place, but that wasnt the problem here... problem is a pair of swages on the inner (inside the crack I mean) (I think) cams popped and then the cam rotated around the two outer cams, popped out of the crack and actually snaked down the rope smacked me as was caught by the next cam below.
  20. the cherry stem knot is a much more effective party trick. it tells girlz what you can do with your tongue whereas with a one-arm it just makes them wonder why you have one arm that is so strong
  21. there was an ANAM a few yrs ago with an accident in Arizona where one, maybe two of the cams in a three point anchor had failed - the lobes were mushroomed severely and deformed. i fell on a cam once that failed cause two of the swages popped and then it rotated out around the camming pair of lobes. turned a routine 20 footer into an oh shit 40 footer.
  22. Dru

    rat bastard thieves

    folger's like Folger's Instant Coffee
  23. im noticing none of the ppl (including me) posting to this thread have contributed $$$$ to the site, and remember you get what you pay for!
  24. so after climbing rock seriously for the first time after a few months of steady ice i found that while i had little crimp strength i was feeling very strong on open handed palming, rails and slopers. anyone else notice this effect?
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